Are You a Good Tipper? Vol - Gratuity

15 percent base, regardless of how bad the service is (unless the person is legitimately rude for no reason but thats very rare), more if it was great and how much money I have on me.

In general a rule I always keep: If you can afford to be in the restaurant and eat out in the first place, you can afford to tip.
I tip well I'd say most of the time. Even when the service is shotty, I will tip somewhat good.

Example: $4.50 goes to $6.
Example: $7.50 goes to $10.
Example: $16 goes to $20.
I tip well I'd say most of the time. Even when the service is shotty, I will tip somewhat good.

Example: $4.50 goes to $6.
Example: $7.50 goes to $10.
Example: $16 goes to $20.
I still don't understand tipping in the U.S. . You enjoy a good meal, but the server gets the tip. . . The server does three things, brings food refills drink and takes order. . which might I add is their job. . On these duties I suppose everyone should be getting a tipped; bus driver, cashier, etc etc .
I still don't understand tipping in the U.S. . You enjoy a good meal, but the server gets the tip. . . The server does three things, brings food refills drink and takes order. . which might I add is their job. . On these duties I suppose everyone should be getting a tipped; bus driver, cashier, etc etc .
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

15 percent base, regardless of how bad the service is (unless the person is legitimately rude for no reason but thats very rare), more if it was great and how much money I have on me.

In general a rule I always keep: If you can afford to be in the restaurant and eat out in the first place, you can afford to tip.
People who are resistant to the thought process of feeling bullied by society into having to tip huge #s aren't that way because of an inability to afford it though. I just don't think you necessarily deserve or earned 20$+ for bringing me a drink from the fountain twice. And let's not even get started on nice/uppity establishments and how much they want to be tipped relative to how little of anything they ever did. Like the bellhops from the hotels who try to damn near take your luggage from you, or hold the door open for you. "Pre-shate-it" is the most you'll get from me. When I travel, I should just wear a shirt that says, "I am an able bodied 26 yr old male. I got it!" so you can focus on someone else who will maybe give you 10 bucks for pushing the button "2" for 2nd floor on the elevator, because I ain't that dude

 And they didn't voluntarily sign up to accept less than minimum wage either, so kills that pro tip argument too and ditto with cab drivers, pizza drivers, barbers. take your groceries to the car at the market people, shuttle bus drivers especially at the airport, check your bags at the airport person, auto mechanics, valet parkers; there are actually quite a few jobs who make a fair wage and still expect to get tips under the guise of "service industry," which quite frankly applies to most jobs.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

15 percent base, regardless of how bad the service is (unless the person is legitimately rude for no reason but thats very rare), more if it was great and how much money I have on me.

In general a rule I always keep: If you can afford to be in the restaurant and eat out in the first place, you can afford to tip.
People who are resistant to the thought process of feeling bullied by society into having to tip huge #s aren't that way because of an inability to afford it though. I just don't think you necessarily deserve or earned 20$+ for bringing me a drink from the fountain twice. And let's not even get started on nice/uppity establishments and how much they want to be tipped relative to how little of anything they ever did. Like the bellhops from the hotels who try to damn near take your luggage from you, or hold the door open for you. "Pre-shate-it" is the most you'll get from me. When I travel, I should just wear a shirt that says, "I am an able bodied 26 yr old male. I got it!" so you can focus on someone else who will maybe give you 10 bucks for pushing the button "2" for 2nd floor on the elevator, because I ain't that dude

 And they didn't voluntarily sign up to accept less than minimum wage either, so kills that pro tip argument too and ditto with cab drivers, pizza drivers, barbers. take your groceries to the car at the market people, shuttle bus drivers especially at the airport, check your bags at the airport person, auto mechanics, valet parkers; there are actually quite a few jobs who make a fair wage and still expect to get tips under the guise of "service industry," which quite frankly applies to most jobs.
depends on service. don't let my drink go empty, check up on me from time to time, bring the food out in a timely manner and you will be tipped well.
depends on service. don't let my drink go empty, check up on me from time to time, bring the food out in a timely manner and you will be tipped well.
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

15 percent base, regardless of how bad the service is (unless the person is legitimately rude for no reason but thats very rare), more if it was great and how much money I have on me.

In general a rule I always keep: If you can afford to be in the restaurant and eat out in the first place, you can afford to tip.
People who are resistant to the thought process of feeling bullied by society into having to tip huge #s aren't that way because of an inability to afford it though. I just don't think you necessarily deserve or earned 20$+ for bringing me a drink from the fountain twice. And let's not even get started on nice/uppity establishments and how much they want to be tipped relative to how little of anything they ever did. Like the bellhops from the hotels who try to damn near take your luggage from you, or hold the door open for you. "Pre-shate-it" is the most you'll get from me. When I travel, I should just wear a shirt that says, "I am an able bodied 26 yr old male. I got it!" so you can focus on someone else who will maybe give you 10 bucks for pushing the button "2" for 2nd floor on the elevator, because I ain't that dude

 And they didn't voluntarily sign up to accept less than minimum wage either, so kills that pro tip argument too and ditto with cab drivers, pizza drivers, barbers. take your groceries to the car at the market people, shuttle bus drivers especially at the airport, check your bags at the airport person, auto mechanics, valet parkers; there are actually quite a few jobs who make a fair wage and still expect to get tips under the guise of "service industry," which quite frankly applies to most jobs.
What I posted is something I meant in relation to myself - I wasnt imposing my view onto anyone else. I wasnt implying that people couldnt "afford" to tip either. Everyone seems to have their own philosophy as to tipping and service and all that- and in the end everyone should go with what they feel is necessary or deserved. Again, me personally, if Im going out to eat somewhere to begin with, mentally im going to account for the tip as well. Im a broke college student so the occasions on which i do go out are rare anyways.
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

15 percent base, regardless of how bad the service is (unless the person is legitimately rude for no reason but thats very rare), more if it was great and how much money I have on me.

In general a rule I always keep: If you can afford to be in the restaurant and eat out in the first place, you can afford to tip.
People who are resistant to the thought process of feeling bullied by society into having to tip huge #s aren't that way because of an inability to afford it though. I just don't think you necessarily deserve or earned 20$+ for bringing me a drink from the fountain twice. And let's not even get started on nice/uppity establishments and how much they want to be tipped relative to how little of anything they ever did. Like the bellhops from the hotels who try to damn near take your luggage from you, or hold the door open for you. "Pre-shate-it" is the most you'll get from me. When I travel, I should just wear a shirt that says, "I am an able bodied 26 yr old male. I got it!" so you can focus on someone else who will maybe give you 10 bucks for pushing the button "2" for 2nd floor on the elevator, because I ain't that dude

 And they didn't voluntarily sign up to accept less than minimum wage either, so kills that pro tip argument too and ditto with cab drivers, pizza drivers, barbers. take your groceries to the car at the market people, shuttle bus drivers especially at the airport, check your bags at the airport person, auto mechanics, valet parkers; there are actually quite a few jobs who make a fair wage and still expect to get tips under the guise of "service industry," which quite frankly applies to most jobs.
What I posted is something I meant in relation to myself - I wasnt imposing my view onto anyone else. I wasnt implying that people couldnt "afford" to tip either. Everyone seems to have their own philosophy as to tipping and service and all that- and in the end everyone should go with what they feel is necessary or deserved. Again, me personally, if Im going out to eat somewhere to begin with, mentally im going to account for the tip as well. Im a broke college student so the occasions on which i do go out are rare anyways.
Dudes tip even if the service is bad?
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Dudes tip even if the service is bad?

Even when the service is bad, I'll leave like 10%.....
my gf on the other hand, will not leave anything except a note on the back of the receipt telling the server how bad he/she was 
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Dudes tip even if the service is bad?

Even when the service is bad, I'll leave like 10%.....
my gf on the other hand, will not leave anything except a note on the back of the receipt telling the server how bad he/she was 
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