Are You a Good Tipper? Vol - Gratuity

Service workers have ingrained into their minds the idea that they deserve a "good" tip regardless of how good their service is. I tip if the service worker is absolutely stellar. I will not tip if they simply do their job. I shouldn't have to pay you more money so that you do what you are employed to do.
Service workers have ingrained into their minds the idea that they deserve a "good" tip regardless of how good their service is. I tip if the service worker is absolutely stellar. I will not tip if they simply do their job. I shouldn't have to pay you more money so that you do what you are employed to do.
Originally Posted by marion706

never tipped in my life

must be nice to have your parents pay for everything
or your a 19yr old kid who lives with his girl and daughter and never goes out to eat because hes always broke and is unemployed therefor he never has to tip

or your a 19yr old kid who lives with his girl and daughter and never goes out to eat because hes always broke and is unemployed therefor he never has to tip

Niketalk, my boys and I recently ate at Applebees and our waitress was pregnant. Really all she did was bring the drinks and take our orders (male waiters came to serve our food and all that) and afterwards when it was time to pay, one of my boys INSISTED that we tip her more than the 15% because she was pregnant.
Thoughts on this? Would you have put up more of your money to tip her?
Niketalk, my boys and I recently ate at Applebees and our waitress was pregnant. Really all she did was bring the drinks and take our orders (male waiters came to serve our food and all that) and afterwards when it was time to pay, one of my boys INSISTED that we tip her more than the 15% because she was pregnant.
Thoughts on this? Would you have put up more of your money to tip her?
Originally Posted by Wilroc

Niketalk, my boys and I recently ate at Applebees and our waitress was pregnant. Really all she did was bring the drinks and take our orders (male waiters came to serve our food and all that) and afterwards when it was time to pay, one of my boys INSISTED that we tip her more than the 15% because she was pregnant.
Thoughts on this? Would you have put up more of your money to tip her?
Yeah, I'd tip more just because she's pregnant. If she has to work right before she has to give birth, she's obviously set back a bit. I'm old school, and I feel a bit better knowing that I've helped someone before.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

Niketalk, my boys and I recently ate at Applebees and our waitress was pregnant. Really all she did was bring the drinks and take our orders (male waiters came to serve our food and all that) and afterwards when it was time to pay, one of my boys INSISTED that we tip her more than the 15% because she was pregnant.
Thoughts on this? Would you have put up more of your money to tip her?
Yeah, I'd tip more just because she's pregnant. If she has to work right before she has to give birth, she's obviously set back a bit. I'm old school, and I feel a bit better knowing that I've helped someone before.
delivery any tip is a good tip cause there already getting paid. i tgry to look out though and give a decent tip depends on how my pockets are doing though.
delivery any tip is a good tip cause there already getting paid. i tgry to look out though and give a decent tip depends on how my pockets are doing though.
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

No tipping in New Zealand!

must be nice 
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Yall not scurred that yall food may taste a lil' tangy when yall return?
I hate this argument,
even places I love, I might go twice a year MAX(other than fast food)

also funny, everyone on NT posts about being a hero and protecting random battered women on the street

but everyone tips well because they're scared of running into the same waiter 
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

No tipping in New Zealand!

must be nice 
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Yall not scurred that yall food may taste a lil' tangy when yall return?
I hate this argument,
even places I love, I might go twice a year MAX(other than fast food)

also funny, everyone on NT posts about being a hero and protecting random battered women on the street

but everyone tips well because they're scared of running into the same waiter 
Yes. All the time.

If service was a great experience, I tip even more.

But if service sucks, I sometimes still tip what I have to and talk to the manager about it, and if it really sucks, I would say I wouldn't come back there again.

You tipping poor, still reflects on you and can still suggest you're stingy.

I'd rather have them know what they did wrong or unpleasant.

Don't forget the fact that you're a paying customer.

You're a paying customer. And customer is ALWAYS right.
Yes. All the time.

If service was a great experience, I tip even more.

But if service sucks, I sometimes still tip what I have to and talk to the manager about it, and if it really sucks, I would say I wouldn't come back there again.

You tipping poor, still reflects on you and can still suggest you're stingy.

I'd rather have them know what they did wrong or unpleasant.

Don't forget the fact that you're a paying customer.

You're a paying customer. And customer is ALWAYS right.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by CampbellSoup

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae



Can I ask, are you Asian? Cause in my line of work and from what I have heard from my buddy who is married to a Korean woman, he says they only tip well within their race.
Asians rarely use my valet service, and when they do they don't tip for #+%#. Ive literally seen an Asian lady pull out a $5,000 Gucci bag, and have a wad full of $100 bills, and proceed to tip me $2. 
Im not asian. I am an immigrant though, and will say many asian, african, latino immigrants don't spend the same way Americans do. I can't really comment on Asians only tipping other Asians, but I will say that maybe the have a soft spot for their own people. Don't really know what else to say about that.

I will say I'm cheap, I don't use valet at all because I have no problem or time constraint in parking my own car, nor do I enjoy paying for parking at shopping centers that have restaurants or bars at night, but that's me. I think some Americans are more used to spending on certain things. I've lived here for a good portion of my life and still don't participate in some trends that my friends are into.

I'm laughing at that dude for acting like it was his restaurant when he's just a waiter and can't demand a tip like he's doing.

"I wish"


What are you trying to crack at? Do you have a masters degree in psychology?

How did you get that notion from the word "my"?

Do you not like my choice of vocabulary?

Would you like me to rephrase that sentence? "the restaurant I worked at"?
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by CampbellSoup

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae



Can I ask, are you Asian? Cause in my line of work and from what I have heard from my buddy who is married to a Korean woman, he says they only tip well within their race.
Asians rarely use my valet service, and when they do they don't tip for #+%#. Ive literally seen an Asian lady pull out a $5,000 Gucci bag, and have a wad full of $100 bills, and proceed to tip me $2. 
Im not asian. I am an immigrant though, and will say many asian, african, latino immigrants don't spend the same way Americans do. I can't really comment on Asians only tipping other Asians, but I will say that maybe the have a soft spot for their own people. Don't really know what else to say about that.

I will say I'm cheap, I don't use valet at all because I have no problem or time constraint in parking my own car, nor do I enjoy paying for parking at shopping centers that have restaurants or bars at night, but that's me. I think some Americans are more used to spending on certain things. I've lived here for a good portion of my life and still don't participate in some trends that my friends are into.

I'm laughing at that dude for acting like it was his restaurant when he's just a waiter and can't demand a tip like he's doing.

"I wish"


What are you trying to crack at? Do you have a masters degree in psychology?

How did you get that notion from the word "my"?

Do you not like my choice of vocabulary?

Would you like me to rephrase that sentence? "the restaurant I worked at"?
Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

I still don't understand tipping in the U.S. . You enjoy a good meal, but the server gets the tip. . . The server does three things, brings food refills drink and takes order. . which might I add is their job. . On these duties I suppose everyone should be getting a tipped; bus driver, cashier, etc etc .

3 things i dont have to do..

i tip eally good when the service is really good

i tip even better when the waitress is bad

if you give me any kind of attitude tho, imma piss u off the whole time im there n mess with u but ima still tip u good cus u took it with out blowin ur top
Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

I still don't understand tipping in the U.S. . You enjoy a good meal, but the server gets the tip. . . The server does three things, brings food refills drink and takes order. . which might I add is their job. . On these duties I suppose everyone should be getting a tipped; bus driver, cashier, etc etc .

3 things i dont have to do..

i tip eally good when the service is really good

i tip even better when the waitress is bad

if you give me any kind of attitude tho, imma piss u off the whole time im there n mess with u but ima still tip u good cus u took it with out blowin ur top
Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

I still don't understand tipping in the U.S. . You enjoy a good meal, but the server gets the tip. . . The server does three things, brings food refills drink and takes order. . which might I add is their job. . On these duties I suppose everyone should be getting a tipped; bus driver, cashier, etc etc .

hmm, great point there mate.
I'll make sure to tip the bus driver from now on

THOSE. SLOW. RIDES. owwwwwwwwwwww!

Got me peeking out my window, feenin for a faster vehicle. 

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