are you a natural good hearted person?

Dec 2, 2009
was having this convo with a co worker who likes to lend out money to people just to have the right to talk bad about them behind their back 
 she feels even tho she talks trash about them that she helps them out so it still makes her a good person. i told her that actually makes her a loser and she stopped talking to me.overall what makes you a good hearted person?
if somebody asks me for a favour, I'll usually do it if it's within my capabilities, there's a certain satisfaction that comes with helping somebody out. Problem is, people are quick to forget what you do for them so if I feel somebody takes my kindness for granted, I'll cut him or her off.

So yeah, I am a naturally good hearted person but don't push me.
Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.
yea im a good hearted person id give my last to some people as long as the favor is returned
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.
It's always been hard for me to answer questions like these because I think I don't know how to answer without over thinking or distorting the real truth by lying and answering with what I want to be true...
But I try to live my life the best I can ie: helping others, acknowledging my own needs and wants, working hard and keeping worries on the minimum...
Yes, and many people ave told me that

just yesterday, i saw a homeless man at a light waving to people, with a big sign that read "Have a great day!" he was so happy, smiling and waving to everyone...when i saw him i went into burger king, got him a meal, and a huge large drink, he was so happy, i hope he knows he made my day, i just love seeing people in a good mood, esp the less fortunate
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.
this is exactly me
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.
*nods head*
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.
Couldn't have said it better.
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.

if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

 I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.

after our talk, i think you're definitely a good hearted person.

and id like to think i am. sometimes to a fault to be honest.
for the most part… but l was though the golden rule from a young age… lts truely been a blessing after seeming somewhat of a curse...
I am, I noticed after the multiple tmes I tried to dog/be a player to chicks, just aint built that way
I think I am. For the most part I think I can be too nice.

Main reason is...I feels great knowing that you've help someone out. It just like I've accomplished something...I know it sounds weird but I don't like disappointing people, because I don't like feeling disappointed myself.

I believe that when ever you treat someone nice, I think it just sends a positive vibe out to other people making other people do the same thing. I don't really expect anything in return but I know that once I'm the one in need of help/favor, someone out there will help me out.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.

after our talk, i think you're definitely a good hearted person.

and id like to think i am. sometimes to a fault to be honest.

Thanks man... I hope you're doing well with that, you're definitely a good person too
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