are you a natural good hearted person?

Originally Posted by wanksta23

 i hope he knows he made my day, i just love seeing people in a good mood, esp the less fortunate

Same with me. 
Seeing other people happy and friendly makes me feel good... even if I don't talk to them, if I see them smiling and being nice to others I feel better. Co sign on the less fortunate part, also those who might not have as much money/be in a good situation, when I see people positive and friendly like that it makes me really think that everyone could be happy, and makes me feel good cause they don't have as much as others but are still so content.
I was raised by an incredibly abusive mother who had no natural maternal instincts. All I really remember of my childhood is living in terror for most of it. My father was never really around. A lot of children raised that way tend to repeat the behavior learned in a household like that to some degree or another. I refused to ever be like her. I worked very hard to not to be like her & can say I'm a good hearted person. My wife & I have a 7 year old son whose really inspired me to be the best person I can possibly be. It's funny because I don't have any hate for my mother but after having my son, I really can't understand how she could've been the way she was towards me because I live to see my wife & son happy. I've said this before in other threads but my son has taught me more than I've taught me. That really won't make sense to a lot of people on NT until you have a child.
Plus, I've learned that kharma is a real b@#$%. What comes around always goes around so I always try to put good energy out there around me...
ehh hard to say. my moral code is pretty gray. depends on the day i suppose. some days i'm the saint..others i'm the sinner..
Yes. I honestly know I am. After all that I've experienced and my reactions to things that should have been more severe, I know for a fact I am a great person with a good heart. I let karma take care of people and smile either way.
Originally Posted by dunks87

Yes. I honestly know I am. After all that I've experienced and my reactions to things that should have been more severe, I know for a fact I am a great person with a good heart. I let karma take care of people and smile either way.

This. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so nice.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.

after our talk, i think you're definitely a good hearted person.

and id like to think i am. sometimes to a fault to be honest.

Thanks man... I hope you're doing well with that, you're definitely a good person too

gave up actually.

on to the next one.
I'd say i'm a honest hearted person moreso than good hearted, like i'm honest with myself whether i do or don't want to do something nice for you. So when do it it's because i want to, no strings attached, no pat on the back necessary.
yep, seems like im hardwired to always do the right thing. kinda sucks though my buddies know they can call me anytime to help move, pick up at the airport/bar at 3 AM, etc. no joke im probably guilty of half of those good guy greg memes.
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.
Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.
...i believe hate in this bloodline...can be selfish sometimes...but learned to be selfless as I matured...
not to everyone and i need to start being better about that , trying to change my whole outlook and keep things positive 24/7
I'm a pretty nice person depends on my mood on certain days, some of my thoughts aren't so nice..
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah I can honestly say I am.
I like seeing other people happy and enjoy their lives. It's not to say I'll let you walk over me, but if you're a good person at heart I'll be a good person to you.

Sometimes I get irritated but for the most part I'm never angry at anyone. I don't know, it's just the way I am. I naturally loyal, dependable, trustworthy, I think that makes me a good hearted person.
Couldn't have said it better.
actually now that i think about it I'm pretty neutral.
if you strike me as a good person, I will definitely go out of my way to help you out
but if you're a scumbag in need of help you can !*@% off
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