Are you MOM enough? Vol. I have the weirdest wood right now...

Originally Posted by potus2028

3 years old? Come the %%%! on. If you're old enough to ask for milk, you shouldn't be getting it out your mom's titty.

Seriously, how does he ask for this?
If she's still giving him the tit, she's probably giving him everything else he wants as well.

When she finally does let go, lil man is gonna have a mean oedipus complex and maybe some anti-social disorders as well.

I wonder if her refusal to wean has anything to do with her husband (baby's father) or have other men have treated her in life.
You guys are crazy. I was breastfed until i was 9 and I came out perfectly fine. It's about a mother's bond with her child, not about age.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]lol not SRS[/color]
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

You guys are crazy. I was breastfed until i was 9 and I came out perfectly fine. It's about a mother's bond with her child, not about age.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]lol not SRS[/color]

Gotta be kidding.........right?
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Dropten

Its not "sucking on a boob". Its breast feeding. You just backed up my statement perv.
You missed my point... 

"Sucking on a boob" is EXACTLY what you're doing though... at what age is the child going to realize that there are sexual tensions associated with sucking on a boob, whether you're breastfeeding or not. 

edit: and before you read to far into this thread, I don't think anyone here is outright saying that's disgusting. People are making note that this is NOT the norm for child raising. It doesn't make them pervs one bit. 

If anything, I would question the person that breastfeeds a child well into the 3.5-4 year old range as being "perverted".
According to your logic, If im to have a prostate exam, the doctor would be "fingering my butt"?????
Or am I just getting a prostate exam?

Theres nothing sexual about breastfeeding unless you make it sexual. And if you make it sexual then your a perv.
Saying breastfeeding is getting your boob sucked is the same as saying a prostate exam is getting your butt fingered. 
Grow up son. Get your mind out the gutter.

Agreed to an extent.  Our bodies have nerves and a reaction.  If the mother continues to allow her son/daughter to keep sucking, then does her body continue to produce milk?  I'm not too sure if it does, but nature does and will allow the mother to return to her natural state, and I think this coincides with weening the kid.

But if the mother feels aroused by the act, then it's a sign that sexual tension and sexual innuendo is taking place.  NT is filled w/ guys, maybe some girl can chime in as to weather or not, her flood gates open when her son/daughter is being fed.  Does sexual orientation matter?

TIME IS STUPID.  The shoulda put a GIRL on the MOTHER.  Not a boy!
Then what exactly is the age to stop breastfeeding then since this isn't the "norm" according to you guys.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

You guys are crazy. I was breastfed until i was 9 and I came out perfectly fine. It's about a mother's bond with her child, not about age.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]lol not SRS[/color]

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

You missed my point... 

"Sucking on a boob" is EXACTLY what you're doing though... at what age is the child going to realize that there are sexual tensions associated with sucking on a boob, whether you're breastfeeding or not. 

edit: and before you read to far into this thread, I don't think anyone here is outright saying that's disgusting. People are making note that this is NOT the norm for child raising. It doesn't make them pervs one bit. 

If anything, I would question the person that breastfeeds a child well into the 3.5-4 year old range as being "perverted".
According to your logic, If im to have a prostate exam, the doctor would be "fingering my butt"?????
Or am I just getting a prostate exam?

Theres nothing sexual about breastfeeding unless you make it sexual. And if you make it sexual then your a perv.
Saying breastfeeding is getting your boob sucked is the same as saying a prostate exam is getting your butt fingered. 
Grow up son. Get your mind out the gutter.

Agreed to an extent.  Our bodies have nerves and a reaction.  If the mother continues to allow her son/daughter to keep sucking, then does her body continue to produce milk?  I'm not too sure if it does, but nature does and will allow the mother to return to her natural state, and I think this coincides with weening the kid.

But if the mother feels aroused by the act, then it's a sign that sexual tension and sexual innuendo is taking place.  NT is filled w/ guys, maybe some girl can chime in as to weather or not, her flood gates open when her son/daughter is being fed.  Does sexual orientation matter?

TIME IS STUPID.  The shoulda put a GIRL on the MOTHER.  Not a boy!

so thats how you get your jollys?
that photo...
�disturbing. Completely irresponsible on the mother's's bad enough you're still breast feeding the kid, now you're going to have someone take a picture and throw it on the cover of Time magazine? That kid's Jr. High and HS years are going to be�turbulent.

Spoiler [+]
About the maturity level I expected.

Just to the stir the pot some more...she has an adopted black son she breastfed as well.

Let her do her. Breastfeeding is natural.

Granted, the kids is a bit older but how do all you "experts" know what is right/wrong?
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

About the maturity level I expected.

Just the stir the pot some more...she has an adopted black son she breastfed as well.

Let her do her. Breastfeeding is natural.

Granted, the kids is a bit older but how do all you "experts" know what is right/wrong?

Breast feeding is for babies who have no means to get the nutrition they need to survive...
Look at you see 1 yr old cheetah cubs sucking on their moms??
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

About the maturity level I expected.

Just the stir the pot some more...she has an adopted black son she breastfed as well.

Let her do her. Breastfeeding is natural.

Granted, the kids is a bit older but how do all you "experts" know what is right/wrong?
Thank you.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

About the maturity level I expected.

Just the stir the pot some more...she has an adopted black son she breastfed as well.

Let her do her. Breastfeeding is natural.

Granted, the kids is a bit older but how do all you "experts" know what is right/wrong?

Breast feeding is for babies who have no means to get the nutrition they need to survive...
Look at you see 1 yr old cheetah cubs sucking on their moms??
Finally an expert on the subject chimes in!
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

You missed my point... 

"Sucking on a boob" is EXACTLY what you're doing though... at what age is the child going to realize that there are sexual tensions associated with sucking on a boob, whether you're breastfeeding or not. 

edit: and before you read to far into this thread, I don't think anyone here is outright saying that's disgusting. People are making note that this is NOT the norm for child raising. It doesn't make them pervs one bit. 

If anything, I would question the person that breastfeeds a child well into the 3.5-4 year old range as being "perverted".
According to your logic, If im to have a prostate exam, the doctor would be "fingering my butt"?????
Or am I just getting a prostate exam?

Theres nothing sexual about breastfeeding unless you make it sexual. And if you make it sexual then your a perv.
Saying breastfeeding is getting your boob sucked is the same as saying a prostate exam is getting your butt fingered. 
Grow up son. Get your mind out the gutter.

Agreed to an extent.  Our bodies have nerves and a reaction.  If the mother continues to allow her son/daughter to keep sucking, then does her body continue to produce milk?  I'm not too sure if it does, but nature does and will allow the mother to return to her natural state, and I think this coincides with weening the kid.

But if the mother feels aroused by the act, then it's a sign that sexual tension and sexual innuendo is taking place.  NT is filled w/ guys, maybe some girl can chime in as to weather or not, her flood gates open when her son/daughter is being fed.  Does sexual orientation matter?
A mother will stop producing milk once its not being used. Some women will continue producing milk regardless, but for the most part milk will produce as long as shes feeding.

And what is this "sexual tension" people are talking about. You guys are straight horn dogs to think mothers get off from breastfeeding their children. Thats like getting off from giving your child a bath.

Like I said. If you have sexual thoughts from breastfeeding. You a straight PERV. To me thats like getting off watching child birth 
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

About the maturity level I expected.

Just to the stir the pot some more...she has an adopted black son she breastfed as well.

Let her do her. Breastfeeding is natural.

Granted, the kids is a bit older but how do all you "experts" know what is right/wrong?
Not an expert by any stretch but none of the pediatricians I worked with wanted mothers breastfeeding anywhere near that age. I can't cite any studies off the top but that was my n=1 experience
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

About the maturity level I expected.

Just the stir the pot some more...she has an adopted black son she breastfed as well.

Let her do her. Breastfeeding is natural.

Granted, the kids is a bit older but how do all you "experts" know what is right/wrong?

Breast feeding is for babies who have no means to get the nutrition they need to survive...
Look at you see 1 yr old cheetah cubs sucking on their moms??
Finally an expert on the subject chimes in!

The same people who think this is okay are probably the same people who would allow their child to suck their thumb until they "stop on their own". You guys don't understand that these type of things cause a type of "oral fixation" that will follow them for most of their lives. These kids will always want to be breast fed, because they are basically addicted to it. It DOES give the children AND mother a type of satisfaction. It might not be "sexual", but its a type of pleasure/relaxation regardless. They aren't doing it for nutrition.
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