Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by crcballer55

I really find it hard to feel sorry for most of them.  Other than the first one, they are all victims of the choices they made.  Nobody forced you to go to college and end up with thousands in debt.  Nobody forced you to give up on the American Dream.  I graduated college right before the recession with several thousand in debt.  Because I worked my butt off, I paid off that debt within 2 years and managed to save up an emergency fund on top of it.  Although I agree that there needs to be major reform enacted, it seems like most of the "99%" are playing the victim card and not taking responsibility for their own actions.
Responsibility, by all means. You worked your butt off when there was a good chance you would get a job. Now its not as easy to do so and hence the reason for this movement now. One has to admit that the current system is pretty much designed to entrap people in odious debt. Whether its car payments, mortgage, college loans or even your cell phone bill. We are tantalized with images of the american dream which is being rationed to the masses at interest. Even if most of these protesters are irresponsible with money,  made unwise decisions, or just plain naive and stupid, I def see where they're coming from - that the govt no longer represents their interests as it should
well said
i also agree with Jking's post above me
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by crcballer55

I really find it hard to feel sorry for most of them.  Other than the first one, they are all victims of the choices they made.  Nobody forced you to go to college and end up with thousands in debt.  Nobody forced you to give up on the American Dream.  I graduated college right before the recession with several thousand in debt.  Because I worked my butt off, I paid off that debt within 2 years and managed to save up an emergency fund on top of it.  Although I agree that there needs to be major reform enacted, it seems like most of the "99%" are playing the victim card and not taking responsibility for their own actions.
Responsibility, by all means. You worked your butt off when there was a good chance you would get a job. Now its not as easy to do so and hence the reason for this movement now. One has to admit that the current system is pretty much designed to entrap people in odious debt. Whether its car payments, mortgage, college loans or even your cell phone bill. We are tantalized with images of the american dream which is being rationed to the masses at interest. Even if most of these protesters are irresponsible with money,  made unwise decisions, or just plain naive and stupid, I def see where they're coming from - that the govt no longer represents their interests as it should.  
Ya, I had a job when I graduated, but have been laid off from two jobs since then.  In both instances, it took me no longer than 2 months to find a new job.  In all of that, I have not had to go into debt because I have tried to be responsible with my resources. 

I will agree, the system is enticing to go into debt to keep up with the Jones'.  But once you realize that the Jones' are just trying to keep up with you, you realize that it's all a facade.  Car payments are a suckers game.  If you want a real college education, work your way through school.  The College of the Ozarks is probably the best example.  The require students to work 14 hours a week on campus to pay for their tuition and 90% of students graduate debt free.  For all the students out there, I encourage you to read "Debt Free U" for ideas on paying for school without debt.
No one feels sympathy anymore...And that sometimes is the problem.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

My personal experience is completely different from others.  But I think too many people judge without being put in some ones shoes.

I personally came from a low income single parent house hold.  I lived with my mom my entire life.  I applied for FAFSA and other scholarships.  But due to the fact that I was claimed legally by my dad in the divorce even though i lived with my mom i got next to nothing in help.  He makes too much money.  My dad refused to help me go to school because "no one helped him".

So I got the loans out myself with no co-signer because it was basically my only option to attend school.  I went to a 4 year private university.  Paid 25k a year.  My interest rate is through the roof on my loans about 9%.  I graduated college in 2009 and have since paid over 28k in college loan debt.  I have a career job that I love.  But due to my high interest rate am getting no where on my loans.  I pay over 1200 a month in an attempt to get them down while still living in a townhouse and paying my day to day bills.

It is my fault for going to an expensive school.  But i talked to financial aid and was denied almost any money.  I talked to sallie mae and they said it would be easy payments of around 600 a month.  By the time i graduated my interest rated had doubled because they were not fixed rate loans.  My loan amount has almost doubled as well from deferment.  I can easily pay back everything i borrowed with some interest but not 9% interest.  It is a daily struggle to save money.

I know people have thier own story and some are "i was lazy" but a lot of them are just hardship stories of bad breaks after bad breaks.  These giant financial institutions give out toxic mortgages and the government bails them out.  Students take out too much money in loans......where is our bail out???? whats the difference???? we aren't too big to fail...i forgot

Our situations are virtually identical; I was raised by a single mother and instead of my father messing up my financial aid qualification I had an older sister who kept finding a way to rob my mother and I blind no matter what we did (because she looks so much like me and had memorized all of my mom's important information). On paper it looked like my mother a) had only two dependents and b) mademore money than she was actually able to keep.

I can completely agree that huge financial institutions, the "current system" that someone mentioned before and the idea of the "American dream" (especially the way high school and college are now depicted in the media) set every single one of us up for failure but you only actually fail when you listen to them and make the bad decisions that they're banking on.
I wouldn't say we're NOT forced to go to college.

It's shoved down our throats. Graduate HS -> Go to College -> Graduate College -> Get Nice Job. =/= Get A job you don't like just because it's a job(BE MISERABLE FOR 40 YEARS) -> Retire in 40 years. 

Somewhere, that 4th part of the equation fell off.

This is coming from a 1st gen college grad who JUST got a job.

Yes, living outside your means can be attributed to a lot of peoples financial woes. But it's naive to believe that it's not a struggle to even stay above water.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by Jking0821

My personal experience is completely different from others.  But I think too many people judge without being put in some ones shoes.

I personally came from a low income single parent house hold.  I lived with my mom my entire life.  I applied for FAFSA and other scholarships.  But due to the fact that I was claimed legally by my dad in the divorce even though i lived with my mom i got next to nothing in help.  He makes too much money.  My dad refused to help me go to school because "no one helped him".

So I got the loans out myself with no co-signer because it was basically my only option to attend school.  I went to a 4 year private university.  Paid 25k a year.  My interest rate is through the roof on my loans about 9%.  I graduated college in 2009 and have since paid over 28k in college loan debt.  I have a career job that I love.  But due to my high interest rate am getting no where on my loans.  I pay over 1200 a month in an attempt to get them down while still living in a townhouse and paying my day to day bills.

It is my fault for going to an expensive school.  But i talked to financial aid and was denied almost any money.  I talked to sallie mae and they said it would be easy payments of around 600 a month.  By the time i graduated my interest rated had doubled because they were not fixed rate loans.  My loan amount has almost doubled as well from deferment.  I can easily pay back everything i borrowed with some interest but not 9% interest.  It is a daily struggle to save money.

I know people have thier own story and some are "i was lazy" but a lot of them are just hardship stories of bad breaks after bad breaks.  These giant financial institutions give out toxic mortgages and the government bails them out.  Students take out too much money in loans......where is our bail out???? whats the difference???? we aren't too big to fail...i forgot

Our situations are virtually identical; I was raised by a single mother and instead of my father messing up my financial aid qualification I had an older sister who kept finding a way to rob my mother and I blind no matter what we did (because she looks so much like me and had memorized all of my mom's important information). On paper it looked like my mother a) had only two dependents and b) mademore money than she was actually able to keep.

I can completely agree that huge financial institutions, the "current system" that someone mentioned before and the idea of the "American dream" (especially the way high school and college are now depicted in the media) set every single one of us up for failure but you only actually fail when you listen to them and make the bad decisions that they're banking on.
Well said

Agree with this.  It would be nice if the system wasn't geared this way.  So I can see why these people are protesting.  Our best interest are not at the forefront....their pockets are.
These people are barking up the wrong tree, end the federal reserve should be the movement...those are the real monopoly men
Originally Posted by CmoreJs

These people are barking up the wrong tree, end the federal reserve should be the movement...those are the real monopoly men

um check that thread someone just made, dude is protesting the fed reserve.

No pity from me, not in the least
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

I wouldn't say we're NOT forced to go to college.

It's shoved down our throats. Graduate HS -> Go to College -> Graduate College -> Get Nice Job. =/= Get A job you don't like just because it's a job(BE MISERABLE FOR 40 YEARS) -> Retire in 40 years. 

Somewhere, that 4th part of the equation fell off.

This is coming from a 1st gen college grad who JUST got a job.

Yes, living outside your means can be attributed to a lot of peoples financial woes. But it's naive to believe that it's not a struggle to even stay above water.
You are right.  Your equation is supposedly the "AMERICAN DREAM"
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Thanks, and I don't mean to be a hard@$# congrats to you for finishing school and landing a job that you're happy with. I especially understand your situation because at the age of 18-22 Sallie Mae loans seem like they make sense but very few recent HS grads actually understand the commitment they're making (thanks to the system and how good financial institutions have gotten at looking peachy keen at face level)

PS I feel like I remember something about you working at NASA involving computers

I finish undergrad soon and am aiming for the Columbia Uni @ GISS graduate program

Feel like deleting a couple of applications? Like...all of them except for mine?
Originally Posted by marmourjr

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

I wouldn't say we're NOT forced to go to college.

It's shoved down our throats. Graduate HS -> Go to College -> Graduate College -> Get Nice Job. =/= Get A job you don't like just because it's a job(BE MISERABLE FOR 40 YEARS) -> Retire in 40 years. 

Somewhere, that 4th part of the equation fell off.

This is coming from a 1st gen college grad who JUST got a job.

Yes, living outside your means can be attributed to a lot of peoples financial woes. But it's naive to believe that it's not a struggle to even stay above water.
You are right.  Your equation is supposedly the "AMERICAN DREAM"

the American dream aint for the average American. 
to those people who feel like they are not part of the 99 percent ask yourself these questions

- do you OWN a 80,000 car?
- do you live in a million dollar house?
- do you have 500000 plus in stock options?

if you answer 1 out of the 3 as yes you are not part of the 99 percent...

just because most kids go straight to college after high school is the lack of oversight being set forth by the parents... most of these degrees being offered are a joke in todays time especially when everyone thinks they know everything..

the cccupywallst movement is not only a msg to wall st but also a msg to WASHINGTON.... the time is coming for a drastic change and the government wil have to make a decision or step down ....

the system has failed us...

if most of you lost your jobs tomorrow, you'll be broke in 2 weeks maybe a month....

is that suppose to be life?
it's insane "Occupy Wall Street" is NOT a trending topic on Twitter, but "Super Bass" and "Kate Moss" are. smh
Originally Posted by devildog1776

to those people who feel like they are not part of the 99 percent ask yourself these questions

- do you OWN a 80,000 car?
- do you live in a million dollar house?
- do you have 500000 plus in stock options?

if you answer 1 out of the 3 as yes you are not part of the 99 percent...

just because most kids go straight to college after high school is the lack of oversight being set forth by the parents... most of these degrees being offered are a joke in todays time especially when everyone thinks they know everything..

the cccupywallst movement is not only a msg to wall st but also a msg to WASHINGTON.... the time is coming for a drastic change and the government wil have to make a decision or step down ....

the system has failed us...

if most of you lost your jobs tomorrow, you'll be broke in 2 weeks maybe a month....

is that suppose to be life?
Yo is there a big date coming up or are all of them pretty much the same right now? Been wanting to get down there, just need to convince some friends first.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

well. guess im not in the 99%

im not ballin but im very well off.
especially since i didnt finish school.

one day....maybe.
Keep thinking that Audi.

America has got your mind by the BALLS.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Al Audi

well. guess im not in the 99%

im not ballin but im very well off.
especially since i didnt finish school.

one day....maybe.
Keep thinking that Audi.

America has got your mind by the BALLS.
"well off" is pretty relative. To the 1%, you're still a peon 
Originally Posted by devildog1776

to those people who feel like they are not part of the 99 percent ask yourself these questions

- do you OWN a 80,000 car?
- do you live in a million dollar house?
- do you have 500000 plus in stock options?


the system has failed us...

if most of you lost your jobs tomorrow, you'll be broke in 2 weeks maybe a month....

[color= rgb(255, 204, 255)]is that suppose to be life?[/color]

Your points are valid, we're all part of the 99 percent but I never said I wasn't.
I'm getting paid to study what I love, THAT is what makes me happy. Not being rich, not having the American dream, none of that nonsense. I work hard so that people will recognize me as a scientist one day and I won't have to care about that stuff.
Obviously we have different opinions on what "life" is because this repugnant system has nothing to do with my ideal life. If it did, I'd be at NYU Stern like my dad wanted and I'd take over his business one day.
For me, life is about passion, and my passion is science. If someones passion is money then I don't care what god dambed situation they end up in, I don't care how cynical that is
THOSE people are the ones who "the man" has by the balls, they've been programmed since birth.
if you can't afford college dont go, many young men/women make that choice every can't expect the govt to bail you out do you know how many people they would have to bail and what about the people who didnt go to school because they couldnt afford it, if you bail out the kids with crazy loans shouldnt you also give money to kids who couldnt afford to go to school

student loans should be a govt interest while in school 1% every 2 years cap %5

the govt didnt give this money to banks for free, we the people own interest in these insutions .....the only 2 issues i have with this govt one is the iraq war and the subprime mortgage crisis

Look at citibank 45 billion from the bailout......that wasnt given to them for free the USA govt(we the people) owned 25% of citibank.......citibank paid back 20 billion and the US sold their stock made a profit of 8 i have no clue about the rest of the deals but i rather these companies stay afloat rather then them crash or raided by foreign companies.......if not for the bailout trust me we should be in year 3 of a great depression....
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Al Audi

well. guess im not in the 99%

im not ballin but im very well off.
especially since i didnt finish school.

one day....maybe.
Keep thinking that Audi.

America has got your mind by the BALLS.
"well off" is pretty relative. To the 1%, you're still a peon 
i understand that but i mean i have no job a decent job with health insurance, no debt an side ventures
i dunno man it doesnt even matter internet got me feelin depressed today between the thread i just made, this thread

all i want for xmas is some new pistols cuz i dunno whats gonna happen next year
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Keep thinking that Audi.

America has got your mind by the BALLS.
"well off" is pretty relative. To the 1%, you're still a peon 
i understand that but i mean i have no job a decent job with health insurance, no debt an side ventures
i dunno man it doesnt even matter internet got me feelin depressed today between the thread i just made, this thread

all i want for xmas is some new pistols cuz i dunno whats gonna happen next year
We've all seen that any job is fair game, in the name of budget cuts. It can happen to anyone. Food prices are ridiculous, and being loaded up with so much junk we don't even know what hit us. GMO foods, scarcity, teetering on economic collapse... Unless your last name is Rockefeller, you my friend are in the 99%.
so like i said before

what can i do? cant call out of work to go march on a bridge right?

live life?
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