Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Diversify yo bonds $#^#$@

No but seriously, best bet is to have a plan for everything. Don't think you're well off, plan like you aren't. Otherwise you're caught with your pants down.
SMH at twitter. Current trending topics.

Bieber is Better
Fred Shuttlesworth
You the Boss
American Horror Story
Super Bass

What are these people trying to say? They want economic and social reform? How about they suggest some ideas... instead of just posting stories of how they are in a bad position in life. Clearly, just off the website alone, you can tell there are many more people in bad positions. Instead of complaining, how about they think about what could possibly be done to change the system.

I honestly can't stand people who complain but don't offer a course of action to take. We all get it, the country's socioeconomic system is flawed and people are suffering. It doesn't take a 160 IQ to figure that out, but if people just stopped complaining about the facts and started thinking and executing solutions, we could actually take a step forward.

Honestly we all play the same game. We're all pawns in this damn game. Some were gifted with more money, some with more intelligence, some with more social leverage... but we all play by the same rules. People make it out like the government put a hit on their success and well-off. Guess what? We all have that same hit. Everyone's got to pay taxes, everyone's got to pay for food and everyone's got to wipe their butt after they take a dump.

Interest rates don't fluctuate cause banks hate certain people. Banks don't foreclose homes cause a dude has a hot wife. Jobs aren't being withheld because employers want to screw you over. We're all on a level playing field, for crying out loud.

In any given crisis like this, everyone has 3 options: 1. Change it. 2. Shut the hell up and deal with it. 3. Kill yourself. Because sitting and whining on an online blogging site is really going to get Obama or the higher up's attention

Originally Posted by sillyputty

at the girl mad with her african american studies major.


I felt bad after reading the first one, then I started to notice a trend and lost all sympathy.
 i Work for an investment Firm.(Doesn't Matter which) last week account for 200,000. Pay Checks  15,000-30,000 every check. 
Firm takes a % and walk with the rest. 

Get your series 7's Stop crying!
Originally Posted by sillyputty

at the girl mad with her african american studies major.

seriously. She will be one of the people to say a college degree is useless 
Originally Posted by crcballer55

I really find it hard to feel sorry for most of them.  Other than the first one, they are all victims of the choices they made.  Nobody forced you to go to college and end up with thousands in debt.  Nobody forced you to give up on the American Dream.  I graduated college right before the recession with several thousand in debt.  Because I worked my butt off, I paid off that debt within 2 years and managed to save up an emergency fund on top of it.  Although I agree that there needs to be major reform enacted, it seems like most of the "99%" are playing the victim card and not taking responsibility for their own actions.
 Yes sir. 
And I am betting all these 'victims' are expecting the Govt to give them a bailout of some kind because of their dumb choices.  If you have a health condition then yeah it's not a choice and I have remorse for them but for the majority of the 99%, I am sure a lot are in the position they are in because of their poor decisions. 

To this day I still don't understand why people bought a house they can't afford? Go to expensive schools when a least expensive school will provide you with the same education?  Go out to eat at lavish restaurants when you're broke?  Be in debt with no way out.  Living paycheck to paycheck. Christ... save your money and learn how to budget/manage your money.  
Originally Posted by scshift

What are these people trying to say? They want economic and social reform? How about they suggest some ideas... instead of just posting stories of how they are in a bad position in life. Clearly, just off the website alone, you can tell there are many more people in bad positions. Instead of complaining, how about they think about what could possibly be done to change the system.

I honestly can't stand people who complain but don't offer a course of action to take. We all get it, the country's socioeconomic system is flawed and people are suffering. It doesn't take a 160 IQ to figure that out, but if people just stopped complaining about the facts and started thinking and executing solutions, we could actually take a step forward.

Honestly we all play the same game. We're all pawns in this damn game. Some were gifted with more money, some with more intelligence, some with more social leverage... but we all play by the same rules. People make it out like the government put a hit on their success and well-off. Guess what? We all have that same hit. Everyone's got to pay taxes, everyone's got to pay for food and everyone's got to wipe their butt after they take a dump.

Interest rates don't fluctuate cause banks hate certain people. Banks don't foreclose homes cause a dude has a hot wife. Jobs aren't being withheld because employers want to screw you over. We're all on a level playing field, for crying out loud.

In any given crisis like this, everyone has 3 options: 1. Change it. 2. Shut the hell up and deal with it. 3. Kill yourself. Because sitting and whining on an online blogging site is really going to get Obama or the higher up's attention

I'm com positing something of that matter. I'll post it when completed.
Originally Posted by MrPolow23

 i Work for an investment Firm.(Doesn't Matter which) last week account for 200,000. Pay Checks  15,000-30,000 every check. 
Firm takes a % and walk with the rest. 

Get your series 7's Stop crying!
Because you probably work for an investment firm that got bailed out with tax/govt dollars while many Americans continued to drown in debt.

You really don't do anything, you trade "assets" and "stocks" things that are not visible, just numbers on the board that constantly get floated around.  Sure some of these people made poor choices, but so did the banks and iBankers, that don't really do much for our society.  Which brings me to this point:

if you can't afford college dont go, many young men/women make that choice every can't expect the govt to bail you out do you know how many people they would have to bail and what about the people who didnt go to school because they couldnt afford it, if you bail out the kids with crazy loans shouldnt you also give money to kids who couldnt afford to go to school
1. People who say they couldn't go to school because they couldn't afford it are full of ***#.  It's a cop out to help them feel better for not having the drive to finish school.

2. People feel like they have to go to college because America doesn't really make ***# anymore.  It's all outsourced.

I know NT's solution is for everyone to be Finance/Econ majors and everyone to work in Wall St.  If that is the case then the system is #%*#$#, 'cause you wont be doing what you want to do in terms of passion your just doing something to fill your bank account.

What about those that want to be educators?  Most liberal arts majors become teachers, then they get crappy pay to deal with crappy funding.
What about those that want to be Police Officers?
Civil Servants?

Wall Street has America by the balls right now, and they really don't do ***#.  They make money out of imaginary money.  Most iBankers never even see physical dough that they constantly wheel and deal.  Frankly, not everyone is "about that life".  Lie, cheat, steal, deceit...robbing Peter (USA) to pay Paul (Investors, BoD).  I know dudes that are iBankers, it's truly a sad world, unless you are all about the money.

I'm part of the 99%, but I'm not in a hole.  My decisions have all been well thought out and meticulous.

Zero Debt
No School Loans
Working on my MPA for Free
Great Job
Awesome benefits including free tuition.
Top 25 Undergrad institution
Top 10 Grad institution
Forever grateful

I'm not religious, I do believe in some sort of a higher power.  I'm not made for Wall St. life although numbers and math have always come easy to me (baseball stat junkie
).  Unfortunately I have a conscience and from what I heard if you work in banking you shouldn't have a soul or a conscience

I have had life experiences that no amount of money can replace, and yes I had to sacrifice money to experience those things.

I do believe the system is #%*#$# up, the people that do the least get compensated the most.  America is a great country, it is my country, and will always be grateful for what it has provided for me.  However, I'm not dense or naive and I know that America has lost it's way.  It continues to plunder the poor of what little assets they have in order to feed the greed of the 1%.

There will be a day where America will be what it once was, I don't think it will happen in my life time.
^ I think it's wrong to say banking you have "no conscious." A bunch of bankers really believe they are doing the world a service by properly allocating capital.

And it's wrong to blame all bankers, when probably 90-95% of bankers didn't really get us into this mess. Technically your teller at Chase is a banker, same with the small business people, etc.

Even investment bankers, working on M&A, advisory, etc. didn't really have much to do with this crisis. People need to learn that something this big was the result of mass hysteria from everyone from fruit pickers to traders.

Also, the argument about creating value is non-sense. Technically only homebuilders, farmers, and textiles workers "create what we need." No body needs computers, cell phones, TVs, etc. to live. Hell, even boats and cars aren't entirely necessary. So should we all live in teapees and hunt/fish/collect berrries so we are "adding value?"
Originally Posted by secretzofwar

Also, the argument about creating value is non-sense. Technically only homebuilders, farmers, and textiles workers "create what we need." No body needs computers, cell phones, TVs, etc. to live. Hell, even boats and cars aren't entirely necessary. So should we all live in teapees and hunt/fish/collect berrries so we are "adding value?"

 BULLCRAP.  Boats and cars aren't necessary?  So people don't fish?  Transportation isn't necessary?

Just have a seat. 
To everyone saying "go to a community college & kick its $%!" ... let me just see if I got this

So assuming what you guys are saying is going to community college means going to an "easier" school than a regular 4 year school... meaning its cheaper more affordable to go to, but still your getting a degree after 60 credits... then your supposed to do SOOOOO good that a 4 year college is supposed to impressed by your "$%! kicking" of the community college that they should PAY for your education..

But what if I went to this community college that doesn't dorm, that requires gas/bus/train money, oh and I have to buy books and I have to work full time because you know not everyone has parents, financial aid, blessed with good grades in HS, ideal situations, normal upbringing whatever... And to now have to worry about the corporations taking everyones money for now and later is unacceptable.

No loans are out there, no start up money, the odds of the next Steve Jobs / George Lucas whoever to come out in the next 20 years isn't likely. Cost of living is going up, more babies are being born, the "99%" is expanding by the day.

Nothings wrong with living check to check, but to know that a check is coming or available if I look/work hard enough is reassuring as opposed to not even being able to afford to get a !!##$+!+ degree that won't guarantee a damn thing..

My bartending license is worth more than my associates from Kingsborough. The teaching in schools is getting worse & we just lay off teachers especially young ones.. smh where we headed with that thinking
Someone find the art majors of this 99%

I grind till I die..... Theres a reason I work graveyard.... some just need to man up and do the damn thing.

Too bad I dont have parents I can complain to... but Ill be damn if I ever stop just cause *%++ gets tough. All these lames complaining cause they made wrong choices. I understand the older folks getting strokes but those 18-28yr old better adapt or perish.

lets not forget that the strong survive, the smart thrive and if you got both you might be able to kick the worlds $@+. Get that money, get that education. Research every move cause it might be your last or have you end up with 100k in debt.

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

There will be a day where America will be what it once was, I don't think it will happen in my life time.

Originally Posted by MrBrown

Someone find the art majors of this 99%

I grind till I die..... Theres a reason I work graveyard.... some just need to man up and do the damn thing.

Too bad I dont have parents I can complain to... but Ill be damn if I ever stop just cause *%++ gets tough. All these lames complaining cause they made wrong choices. I understand the older folks getting strokes but those 18-28yr old better adapt or perish.

lets not forget that the strong survive, the smart thrive and if you got both you might be able to kick the worlds $@+. Get that money, get that education. Research every move cause it might be your last or have you end up with 100k in debt.

its not about people who made bad decisions homie......... its about a system that doesnt allow you to manuever without alot of options.... i dont want to work in finance so that means i should get minimum wage or just enough pay to pay my bills???

where are the optoms?

where are the manufacturing jobs?

where are the REAL business opportunites?

That's just the way it is....Things'll never be the same.....

Sometimes you can't do what you love and still make a honest living.

Atleast have a Plan B... don't major in some BS degree and then expect a job afterwards.
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