Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by cguy610

In the case of Wall Street, there was widespread fraud and these people profited from these bad loans.  I believe that bailing out homeowners would have worked better than bailing out the banks.  Homeowners would have kept their homes, stabilized home prices in some areas, and mortgages would have gotten paid.

Cant be serious. 
I'm not even going to go past this post with you because it is obvious that you have not done any research on the topic and have had 3 years to learn.  I refuse to go back and forth with a person who makes a conscious choice to remain ignorant.

Bank of America's acquisition of Merrill Lynch was fraud.  Merrill paid bonuses while they were fiscally bankrupt.  Citigroup spent bailout dollars at resorts.  Banks still are not lending, they are getting money from the Fed interest free, using that cash to buy government bonds, and then earning interest on the government bonds.

The only corporate failures that even come remotely close to the recent financial collapse were the Enron and Tyco failures nearly 11 years ago. 

Additionally, you appear to have no problem with having a system in place that not only socializes corporate losses and privatizes the gains, you also appear to support the preferential tax rates on "carried interest" and "long term capital gains", which allow many of these execs to pay 15% on nearly all of their income


A major problem was the economic crisis was the bad loans given out to home buyers, of course it is defintally a blame to the banks who gave out such low intrest morgages to so many americans.

but why do i not hear anyone talking about the americans that took these ridiculous loans on themselves....who in there right mind would take a loan that on the fifth year you pay a monthly payment that you cant afford. nobody has said anything either on those same americans who lie on income forms to get these loans, and yes it is alos a fault of the banks for not making a good check.

well, kind sir, let me tell you,

these banks gave people loans that were initially low and easy to afford

which would change around year 5.

listen, and read it well

these banks recieved commission 4 and 5 steps of the way

each person was getting paid by signing people up for these loans

the amount of misrepresentation and downright fraud will never be turthfully expressed.

they were telling young families (that heard bush tell the country his goal was to have everyone be a homeowner)

"you pay 900 in rent a month, this loan is 750 a month. you can afford it. do the numbers"

now, you could say its still their fault.....if it was spoken that plainly with no alterior motive...


i can only imagine how thirsty every single person was along the way



nevermind they wont be able to pay it on such a massive scale your bank will completely collapse

actually, im sorry, these banks then packaged this debt and sold it, FOR PROFIT, to someone else, and someone else

until people's 401ks were invested in loans that werent going to get paid from the beginning...every banking professional along the way knew that...



(i could see you making this argument if the banking professionals were ignorant and werent purposely exploiting people for personal profit.....)





what is the fear that keeps these bankers from doing this? what is the downside to gambling the entire worth of the bank that employs you out of pure greed for bonus money?

failing the bank

that fear is gone, because, literally, we gave them our labor, taxed (WE LABORED FOR THEM TO GIVE OUT BONUS CHECKS)

we said "aww, you guys made a mistake and destroyed everything you had? here, take some from us."

but god forbid a $%%@@%# bank give you a school loan at face value....heaven forbid you dont pay 8k in interest on your education....that would be ridiculous and living in a utopia.....

heaven forbid banks actually help and empower the population in which saved it's +#@ from its own horrible decisions

heaven forbid they say "damn, we were really tripping....lets restructure these loans at a more accurate going-rate for housing, not the hyperinflated 'pre-bubble' prices they signed know, since they literally saved us from bankrupcy after we tried to swindle them and economically rape them....."




Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Nobody forced you to go to college, 


is like dude can make a good post and my mind refuses to accept anything he says because of how he expresses it, c'mon man.
its called ignorance.

if the use of an emoticon causes your brain to not process the english which accompanies it, that's on YOU for being IGNORANT

"i refuse to accept anything you say because of how you express it"


good job, pal.

Thanks for the explanation guys, but the more I think about it, the clearer it becomes that the protestors need to take this fight to Washington, thats the source, the execs at wall street can be everything bad under the sun, but dudes are just working the system in their can't expect them to develop a conscience overnight because some thousands of protestors are throwing a tantrum, if the government is allowing them to get away with this, why should they care???...if the government allowed us to break the law, I'm sure a ton of us out there would without even thinking about it, hell dudes break the law now knowing what they can end up in jail
take the fight to the source.
It's called maturity.

Try having a discussion with an individual and have that individual boast out laughing and yelling like a clown everytime he speaks and see how receptive you can be.

Grow the #%#! up.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

It's called maturity.

Try having a discussion with an individual and have that individual boast out laughing and yelling like a clown everytime he speaks and see how receptive you can be.

Grow the #%#! up.

you got it guy.

how am i yelling at you when im typing?

how am i "boasting" out laughing at you?

oh, these
 hurt you as if i busted out laughing in your face?

i thought it wasnt that serious, bro?

its so serious you cant even read the english because of the immense pain my cyber "boasts" of laughter cause to your feelings?


by the way, we arent speaking face to face, if we were, this would be much worse. much much much worse.

i dont see how you physically cant read an article i didnt even write because i post this

like i said, its called ignorance.

this isnt the first time you've shown yours to us.

keep responding to me tho.


It doesnt hurt me b, are you $$%%*%* stupid?

Your intent is just that, to try and belittle and discredit ANYONE that has disagreed with you.

And yes this isn't face to face, honestly I don't know who the @#$# you think you are, you must be on some MMA steez to feel so untouchable.

Keep laughing my man, your immaturity and ignorance, YES IGNORANCE!....just oozes through every post.
you got it.

lovely response.

you really made a point.

respond to this post, too.

its so not serious you have to respond to anything i type, regardless of what i type

this is the first post in which ive responded to you without making an actual point.

well, not exactly, because the point i am making is that you're upset.

youve refered to this post in 2 other posts ive been, because your feelings are obviously hurt.

you just admitted that you cant even read what i type to you.

ive BEEN told you it was dead, move on, get a hobby...i even ignored about 5 of your posts in here and only responded to other people...

but everytime you post you give me something new to laugh at.

look at your last post.

i said "go ahead, respond to this, youll respond to anything i type at this point"

and you typed

"Because you are not doing exactly the same....

Oh the Irony. "

you're beyond a joke

you're worse off than i assumed initially.

i thought you were just caught up in the NT way you could REALLY be this ignorant...

i was wrong, finally.

It's clear both of you have egos too great to allow either one of you to back down.Rather, you guys continue to argue without contributing much to the overall discussion at all. And it could get one of these threads locked.

We've already established the root of why steezy feels the way he does; he lacks empathy for others. He maintains that there is better chance for upward mobility here in the US than in other countries. There are plenty of others who feel the same way and maintain this idea of the viable American dream. More discussion will not change that, because the statistics that clearly show the huge problems we face as a nation have been posted multiple times.

If someone chooses to ignore the empirical evidence, then what more can you do? And it doesn't help, Curb, when you approach this as a debate rather than as a discussion. By making such inflammatory posts, you turn off the other to the points you're making. If you really wanted people to listen to what you have to say, you wouldn't insult them while you do it. Trust in your argument and your position is reflected in how you present it.

Anyway, this is a great TED talk and is a must watch for anyone interested in the value of equality.
KSteezy...chill bro...this is about your ideas...NOT the person. If you can't separate the ideas, concepts, or stances from the person saying it, maybe its YOU that needs to fall back.


Honestly, KSteezy represents the average white middle class republican. They vote against their interests...or at least they talk like they do. Basically, people in KSteezy's position would certainly benefit from more liberal laws that would support them. Because i'm sure that his photography on the side provides health insurances... But honestly these people act like they are not middle class...but merely millionaires who are temporarily down on their luck. They vote like the rich because they think one day they will BE rich... Its a mass delusion and they refuse to look at themselves in the mirror because they might be forced to realize how normal thy actually are. 
Mo Matik - although I dont agree that I lack empathy, I can be so much more receptive to a post like this and respect that you are entitled to make a judgement of character based on what Ive posted.

Curb - you haven't ignored +$@#....anything I type to you, YOU WILL respond to....and show me where you said anything remotely similar to "ight man, let's dead this...we can agree to disagree" WITHOUT being a complete %#!##%% in the context of your me, because unlike you I can be a man and say I was wrong in the way I expressed myself to some of you without being derogatory.

Im convinced in real life you are a herb, only dudes who get pushed around like to flex so much e-muscle on a forum.
funny thing is, what you both just typed, i typed on page like 16.

steezy is the only person missing my points due to "inflammatory content"

which steezy brought upon himself around that same 16 page mark....

he's been upset ever since and hawking my posts everytime i post ever since.

told the kid at page 22 it was dead....hes still going.

originally, like always, my aim was to provide this man with perspective.

im typing "these banks stole your labor"

he's typing "i dont read your posts because you use emoticons"

like i just tweeted, i could come in here and type a nonsense word. one word...this kid would respond.

this isnt a debate, this is an embarassment.

i dont really care what steezy thinks, my only issue was him slandering this movement....period.

he can continue to live in la la land where he's not being ripped off because he makes "good choices"

but close your mouth slandering these people.

i mean, his comeback to that is "YOURE NOT DOING ANYTHING BRO"

LMAO, complete joke.

i dont even have to belittle him, anyone reading the post can infer his intellectual shortcomings from the things he types

he went 10 pages deep, every single post a contradiction of a previous post.

again, i said back around page 22 to dead it, its moving the post off topic, lingering in "flame war" territory and he's much too ignorant to ever understand...

in response? he comes into a thread i made entitled
to make a slick comment relating to this thread


dem feelings, boy.

if you think thats me making insults and inflammatory comments, whatever.

bet he still didnt read the article.

Silly - what ideas??? whole thing with this dude has nothing to do with the thread anymore, more so the way he expresses himself, I'm I the ONLY person who really doesn't see how this dude replies initially to ANYONE that has disagreed with him?!!'s only gone this long because very much like him I refuse to back down....but the difference is multiple times I've been receptive and very civil with everyone I've disagreed with, including you.

Please STOP with the assumptions, you really don't know me and I don't mean that in a beefing way, but you really don't, speak to NTers who actually do know me and they would tell you that's not who I am, I don't think I'm a millionaire or that I'll ever be, I've said it before in this thread, i lead a beyond average life and work more than I even sleep...that's nothin to look forward to, but the difference is that I don't look at this as a punishment from the flawed system like the rest of you do, I look at it as a blessing that I actually have the ability to work for my money.
Page 22 days ago you said it was "dead" days after in the other thread and after @$+! HAD in fact seized, I make a post for the purpose of LULZ, something that wasn't even directed at you and NOONE else took offense by it, but YOU had to go and start @$+! up judge my character but you are no different, come to terms with that.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Curb - you haven't ignored +$@#....anything I type to you, YOU WILL respond to....and show me where you said anything remotely similar to "ight man, let's dead this...we can agree to disagree" WITHOUT being a complete %#!##%% in the context of your me, because unlike you I can be a man and say I was wrong in the way I expressed myself to some of you without being derogatory.

Im convinced in real life you are a herb, only dudes who get pushed around like to flex so much e-muscle on a forum.

you cry about the @%*!*%* context of my posts

then call me a herb who gets bullied


since you want a recap of what went down, here

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

another contradiction.

Lolwut? My man wouldn't know sarcasm if it smacked him in the face..

, a nurse attempting  a literary technique....

"another bad decision"

(sure, that was sarcasm, whatever you say)

yo, meth or whatever mod underling is watching this, waiting for me to do something bannable

lock this up.

this guy is neglecting his patients to NT rage on me

anything i type he's going to talk down about

"oh, you're 27? look how old you are dude"


"look how many emoticons you use dude"


look at all the name calling and degrading comments im making

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

You are a middle school teacher bro, you are not doing anything special or life changing for these kids, other than teaching them numbers and letters, who remembers anyof their middle school teachers!? want to impact youth, go work at group home, a place fir troubled youth, dealing with teenagers who will for sure turn to felons if someone doesn't step giving yourself a little too much credit by teaching little kids how to are one of those "I would do" type of dudes and not a "I'm gonna do this"



lack of perspective

son, i dont work at a middle school.

when i said 'changing their lives" those were their words...

ive had kids tell me they wish i was their father.

but you got it pal.

keep showing your sense of humility, and your vast perspective and empathy tho.

 dude is in full NT rage, actually trying to RIFF me for supposedly being a middle school teacher LMAO

that's full on NT rage.

he's mad he opened his present via skype

while his friends "sit on their !**%!"

because HE made the wrong decision


this is so off topic.

peace, dude.



look at me not state that this back and forth is off topic

after this post i tried to not even adress you.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


you're mad.

its okay.

contradict yourself again, tho.

Yes sir I'm raging, tearing my hair out, cornball. I thought you were done like 3 posts ago...seems like you are the one with an e-ego problem, "I gotta have the last say" ::brings in the violins::

this was the first name called between the two of us. cornball. no it didnt hurt my feelings, its like "stupid head" to me.

when i was naming your attributes, your ignorance might have taken that as name calling....if im calling you arrogant and ignorant and saying you lack perspective based upon information YOU am i calling you a name?

son, you just admitted you have no empathy...which basically means you lack right. LMAO im calling you names but you agree the names are right?

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

It's almost like son is trying to convince himself that he's not mad by overusing those smileys, $!$% is hilarious.

So we cool b? hardworking American, you.

misinterpret this response, too.

tell me what im saying(without actually ever saying) when im laughing at how dumb you make yourself look


i guess this is me degrading you....saying your responses make you look dumb....

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Ok you not mad bro, or salty or jelly, or jaded, or underpaid. Your arguments make the most sense out of everything that's going on, the protestors need you on the front line, I have no clue what you are doing here sir, you can change this *!*$*! up country.

another example of you making personal attacks because you cant articulate the low cognative-functioning thoughts you have in your head.

you dont even know the difference between you're and your. this isnt the first time you made the mistake in this post...nor the last time.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Curb you are one tunnel-vision #!+ dude, I bring up Obama and I must he comparing myself to him, son you seriously are mentally ******ed, feel bad for those kids that look up to you, keep supporting the ideal from the sidelines b, that's all you are doing while you live off the system you so much despise.
you brought up oprah, not obama.

me pointing out how stupid that makes you look isnt belittling you nor calling you names....its simply holding a light up to reality.

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Yo Curb, #%+# do you know what my long term plan is??? don't know me passed what I've shared here, yeah I eont get rich off being a therapist at a hospital, do you think that's the only thing I planon doin for the rest of my life???...son go refill your ambition tank....while you sit there and complaint about not being given enough, I'll be trying my best to get ahead, I may fail or succeed but at least I gave it my all without expecting a hand down....I owe too muchto this flawed system to act the way some of you do....bottomline.

i dont care what your plan is.

i dont care about you at all.

i will laugh my heart out at you thinking you have even a remote possibility of even seeing a fraction of oprahs worth, tho

thats the underlying message people identify with billionaires who are literally stealing money taken from your LABOR because you have some american pipe dream that one day, you too will be a billionaire...


and yes, this is "complaining about not being given enough..."

yo, this kid seriously cant be this ******ed yo


i didnt type any of those things


this is the first time i called you a name in this thread....i said "he cant be this ******ed"

guilty on that charge, i guess.

notice how a majority of the quotes have me actually speaking upon the topic of this thread...

most of yours are either about YOURSELF or ME....

notice that?

also, if you go back and read from 16 to now, you will see two distinct moments where i dont even refer directly to you for a couple pages....

i began to respond back to specific instances of you quoting me while im having a discussion with someone else....purposely not refering to were quoting me fishing for attention, which you got, then cried that im being mean to you....lmao

the whole "you mad" was AFTER i realized you're much too ignorant to provide perspective to...

i realized i was typing to a brick wall, intellectually....

you make it entirely too easy to laugh at you.
i dont need to PM anybody.

like i said, the posts speak for themselves.

anyone with half a brain will see a stark contrast between steezy's posts and my own.

read the article i posted from the other thread, tho.
Yes go back 20 pages, but ignore the fact that after all that had stopped you had to adress me on the other thread, I would quite but way too much work to do from an iPhone....from the looks of it you missed the buffoonery and wanted to start *%*$ up with me again, you had chosen to ignore me and I had done the same up until that point....should I go find that post?...
man, do whatever you want.

just stop quoting and addressing me.

all it does is make you look dumber and dumber.

i dont care what your response to this will be.

i just went through and proved to you with quotes that you intially started the "name calling" youre crying about (where i didnt actually call you any names that you didnt exhibit through your own posts)

i also showed how off the topic and on my meat you've been in this post....

you're responding cause you think you're saving face, and you arent.

just stop dude.

you came in here an embarassed yourself.

you're much too ignorant and arrogant to admit it, but you did.

you played yourself.

your boy AI AUDI was shocked

diego came in to say "hes an alright guy, even though it doesnt look it"

to which you respond "i dont care, nt isnt that serious"

but its serious enough for you to cry that im using emoticons and talking down to you.

serious enough for you to constantly talk about "in person" and "how tough i act" insuating some sort of violence should and would be applied to me if we were somehow face to face....


since you dont remember me saying it before

lemme say it again

"Its over, its dead. let it go. points have been proven. statements have been made and recorded. peace, bro"

is that good for you?

you got it this time?


last edit:

i dont care that you disagree dude.

you apology was a joke. it was half a sentence in a paragraph where you continued AFTER apologizing....and you apologized like "i guess im sorry but"

of course youre open to care.

i dont.

disagree, its fine.

slandering the protests was my only issue with were slandering them, but showing just how ignorant you are to the entire point of the movement.

it changed from me basically running off a list of information/examples/etc about what this movement is actually about to us going back and forth because YOU started attacking me personally.

and even then, when you were calling me a fake malcom x middle school teacher who's failed in life...

i was just highlighting your contradictions and naming the attributes that they reflect (arrogance, lack of perspective, ignorance, etc.)

all while still remaining on topic.

no use for PMs cause its over.

im not confused on your stance.

you're confused on mine.

20 pages back and forth havent cleared it up for you

PMs wont either.

have a nice day.

beautiful edit, btw, you coulda just edited that poor post with "okay its over clown" instead of triple posting, but the thirst was too high.

Ok its over clown.

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio



::raises white flag::I hate ban camp bro...That letter up there
we are destroying ourselves man...he's right about teachers though....the pay may not be top notch but GOD DAMN!...those perks...
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