Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

The system needs to be overhauled completely... Us depending on the same cronies to pass proper legislation is *+# backwards... Change occurs from the bottom up.

If we can bank online , we can vote online.... Get 'r done or else
Originally Posted by xilegacy

People blaming wall street. Almost everyone that gets into public office at one point worked in the private sector and that campaign money comes from that top 1% so without them you can't run a campaign to get elected. Who do you think they will listen to once they get elected? People blaming wall street
The system is beyond flawed morons.

Scratches head at this statement. 
All it would mean is the campaign budgets would go down all across the board and they wouldn't have to support ideologies of those that provide money.
I'm shocked at how heartless some of you can be. Everyone isn't born with a silver spoon. Not all of you worked your way to this point in life, some of you were walked to the bank. For most of America, getting a college degree is the best route to financial security via a career.

This +%*% sucks for a lot of people out here. I'm just thankful to have what I have. It all can be taken a way in one count your blessings and help others when possible.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I'm shocked at how heartless some of you can be. Everyone isn't born with a silver spoon. Not all of you worked your way to this point in life, some of you were walked to the bank. For most of America, getting a college degree is the best route to financial security via a career.

This +%*% sucks for a lot of people out here. I'm just thankful to have what I have. It all can be taken a way in one count your blessings and help others when possible.

Once again, it clearly is not. Americans were just led to believe so.
Originally Posted by iM COOL C

To everyone saying "go to a community college & kick its $%!" ... let me just see if I got this

So assuming what you guys are saying is going to community college means going to an "easier" school than a regular 4 year school... meaning its cheaper more affordable to go to, but still your getting a degree after 60 credits... then your supposed to do SOOOOO good that a 4 year college is supposed to impressed by your "$%! kicking" of the community college that they should PAY for your education..

But what if I went to this community college that doesn't dorm, that requires gas/bus/train money, oh and I have to buy books and I have to work full time because you know not everyone has parents, financial aid, blessed with good grades in HS, ideal situations, normal upbringing whatever... And to now have to worry about the corporations taking everyones money for now and later is unacceptable.

I wasn't blessed with good grades in high school, I worked hard after being forced to DROP OUT and ended up at one of the top undergrad physics programs in the country. I get tuition stipends to the point where I'm getting paid to go to school, I travel to conferences for free, and a lot of people that I meet are in the same boat as me at other schools after attending BMCC or BCC or Kingsborough.

If you don't have financial aid, that's your problem, you should've worked harder so that people like me who worked for everything given to us don't have to hear you whine and blame our successes on our "ideal situations and normal upbringings whatever". I was respectfully reading your post until that point which is where you lost me.
All I see is a bunch of irresponsible people who FAIL miserably at being accountable for their actions.

Sure it's a sad situation and stories, but I have a strong dislike for grown people who dont take responsibility and accountability for their actions.

This first post of this thread does nothing but makes people feel like it's ok to blame everyone but themselves for the situation they're in. It's a disgusting enabler.

I am where I am DIRECTLY because of the choices I make to day and have made in my past.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

If you don't have financial aid, that's your problem, you should've worked harder so that people like me who worked for everything given to us don't have to hear you whine and blame our successes on our "ideal situations and normal upbringings whatever". I was respectfully reading your post until that point which is where you lost me.

300m citizens, 100M in/eligible/of age/etc etc for college and you mean to tell me there is enough fin aid for everyone? 

the motivation behind the Wallstreet occupy is kinda faulty , bail me theology,but the logic is clear that Wall Street is flexing it muscle and controlling the country at will. 

but then again if we can bail out wallstreet why not the citizens.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

All I see is a bunch of irresponsible people who FAIL miserably at being accountable for their actions.

Sure it's a sad situation and stories, but I have a strong dislike for grown people who dont take responsibility and accountability for their actions.

This first post of this thread does nothing but makes people feel like it's ok to blame everyone but themselves for the situation they're in. It's a disgusting enabler.

I am where I am DIRECTLY because of the choices I make to day and have made in my past.

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I'm shocked at how heartless some of you can be. Everyone isn't born with a silver spoon. Not all of you worked your way to this point in life, some of you were walked to the bank. For most of America, getting a college degree is the best route to financial security via a career.

This +%*% sucks for a lot of people out here. I'm just thankful to have what I have. It all can be taken a way in one count your blessings and help others when possible.

Once again, it clearly is not. Americans were just led to believe so.
I agree. "School is just the white man's game, and it's ran good" - TI...that one line pack so much truth. It's not for everyone, and it had no guarantee of employment.

I do feel like a lot of these people are losers who aren't serious about changing anything.
I mean its a start but they don't have any real demands or can't just oppose something without proposing and developing a superior alternative and ideology..

people should start looking into reality sometime though.these things do matter..the occupy thing is real...I just dont feel like the people on the streets are bout it bout least..
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

All I see is a bunch of irresponsible people who FAIL miserably at being accountable for their actions.

Sure it's a sad situation and stories, but I have a strong dislike for grown people who dont take responsibility and accountability for their actions.

This first post of this thread does nothing but makes people feel like it's ok to blame everyone but themselves for the situation they're in. It's a disgusting enabler.

I am where I am DIRECTLY because of the choices I make to day and have made in my past.

And yes it is possible to work hard, go from the bottom, and make a good living. Not necessarily at the top but successful nonetheless
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

All I see is a bunch of irresponsible people who FAIL miserably at being accountable for their actions.

Sure it's a sad situation and stories, but I have a strong dislike for grown people who dont take responsibility and accountability for their actions.

This first post of this thread does nothing but makes people feel like it's ok to blame everyone but themselves for the situation they're in. It's a disgusting enabler.

I am where I am DIRECTLY because of the choices I make to day and have made in my past.
wall street made these same choices but was bailed out
is that fair???
^dude nailed it.. the whole point is that wall street gets helped when they make bad investments and we don't.. if business was fair and people didn't get special treatment for paying people off then maybe more people would be able to compete for the jobs that are more powerful with a bigger paycheck.. Also if it was true competition and not just following an agenda than maybe our economy would be better or the big picture wouldn't be so shady.  I'm not saying this is all for sure but this is what I think of.
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

All I see is a bunch of irresponsible people who FAIL miserably at being accountable for their actions.

Sure it's a sad situation and stories, but I have a strong dislike for grown people who dont take responsibility and accountability for their actions.

This first post of this thread does nothing but makes people feel like it's ok to blame everyone but themselves for the situation they're in. It's a disgusting enabler.

I am where I am DIRECTLY because of the choices I make to day and have made in my past.
wall street made these same choices but was bailed out
is that fair???

What blows my mind is how individuals compare themselves to Wall street...which do you think is more important to the United states, "Michael" the indebt art major from Sarah Lawrence University or the damn FinancialDistrict of New York....cmon bros....
kc24688 wrote:
^dude nailed it.. the whole point is that wall street gets helped when they make bad investments and we don't.. if business was fair and people didn't get special treatment for paying people off then maybe more people would be able to compete for the jobs that are more powerful with a bigger paycheck.. Also if it was true competition and not just following an agenda than maybe our economy would be better or the big picture wouldn't be so shady.  I'm not saying this is all for sure but this is what I think of.


At what point should you place the blame on them? If they did happen to get some kind of bail out, this type of thinking will just find something else to cry about.

Grab the steering wheel and take control of your own life, or let them keep driving and shut up.
What blows my mind is how individuals compare themselves to Wall street...which do you think is more important to the United states, "Michael" the in debt art major from Sarah Lawrence University or the damn FinancialDistrict of New York....cmon bros....
Peasants gonna peasant though.. always gonna be speaking on situations they don't understand, blaming $+%% on people they don't know... hearing some people talk about college is a white mans game
Ever thought of it as a business? Ran for profit? Because it is... Is that only for white men? In your mind, yeah... it probably is... +$@*+# loser.
^^^ bERT, so I'm a loser huh? HAHA!!! I dont think you understand it...there is a system that places ppl in debt in hopes of greater days. They come out and get nothing.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^^^ bERT, so I'm a loser huh? HAHA!!! I dont think you understand it...there is a system that places ppl in debt in hopes of greater days. They come out and get nothing.

you are not a loser, just made bad choices...i feel the USA has sheltered and spoiled its people rotten, do you know people in other countries cant even get passed middle school because they cant afford tuition, did you know that there are doctors back in my homeland who drive cabs as their second job, simply because they don't make enough??....Americans have had it so easy that at the slightest sight of struggle they look to blame everyone but themselves for their decisions....I guess me having been born in a different country where things are not handed to you and being exposed to how much worst life could be, i didn't take of the opportunity i had here for granted.....i look at the majority of these people holding up signs as week individuals, with some exceptions.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^^^ bERT, so I'm a loser huh? HAHA!!! I dont think you understand it...there is a system that places ppl in debt in hopes of greater days. They come out and get nothing.

wait a minute....are you not the dude that just bought a Corvette?....
 the hell you complaining about?
College (the time, effort, and student loan debt) is an investment in yourself. If you're not satisfied with the ROI, you're your own problem.
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

College (the time, effort, and student loan debt) is an investment in yourself. If you're not satisfied with the ROI, you're your own problem.

well said.
ALL OF THE YOUNGINS WHO HAVE A SOMEWHAT DECENT LIFE GOING ON RIGHT NOW THINK ITS ALL GRAVY... i remember the 80s and 90s..... the standard of living was probably at the pennacle with around functionality of the system and the dollars strength that kept our purchasing power stretch armstrong.. people could easily manuever btwn jobs and professions without worrying too much about not getting something that would keep them from going long into debt and so forth... even the drg dealers had it good

the job market is the critical issue here.... not everyone wants to work in FINANCE like most of the NT hedge fund managers.. few questions

- where are the manufacturing jobs
- where are the IT jobs
- where is the growth of the nation with the largest GDP?

its all outsourced and funneled away via corporate loopholes and passive elected officals who do not believe they should be held accountable to the current situation at hand...

the worlds largest share holders of the FEDERAL RESERVE is JP morgan , goldman sachs , BOA , etc....

they run this town and we are just paying to live in it...
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