Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^^^ bERT, so I'm a loser huh? HAHA!!! I dont think you understand it...there is a system that places ppl in debt in hopes of greater days. They come out and get nothing.

you are not a loser, just made bad choices...i feel the USA has sheltered and spoiled its people rotten, do you know people in other countries cant even get passed middle school because they cant afford tuition, did you know that there are doctors back in my homeland who drive cabs as their second job, simply because they don't make enough??....Americans have had it so easy that at the slightest sight of struggle they look to blame everyone but themselves for their decisions....I guess me having been born in a different country where things are not handed to you and being exposed to how much worst life could be, i didn't take of the opportunity i had here for granted.....i look at the majority of these people holding up signs as week individuals, with some exceptions.
LOL...another example of lets compare the U.S. to *insert country here*, to make it look like we're spoiled. Good one. 
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Jut because they are on Wall St doesn't mean they are just targeting Wall St... did anyone read the background I posted a few pages back? Or the Occupied Wall St Journal? Does anybody read?

They don't care for reading.  They will make up a fake point and then argue against it.  Not only that, they are happy with 20% unemployment.  When it gets to 40% unemployment, they will compare the US to some other 3rd world country without clean water and say we should be happy for clean water. 
Originally Posted by peks03

ThunderChunk69 wrote:
that's the problem with people these days is that they think they deserve something from the government just because.  what a sorry attitude to have...the entitlement state just waiting for a handout.  America will continue to descend if that's the prevailing attitude.

King George III said the same thing in 1776.
Originally Posted by peks03

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

No individuals are asking for bailouts, the country is hurting after bailing banks and companies...

People just want the money distributed back.

you do know that the banks have already paid back their bailout money, right?  the money was already the unions when U.S. auto makers (except Ford) got their bailout.

that's the problem with people these days is that they think they deserve something from the government just because.  what a sorry attitude to have...the entitlement state just waiting for a handout.  America will continue to descend if that's the prevailing attitude.
You do realize they did more damage than simply the money they were bailed out with right?

That is the problem with people these days, reading comprehension 


Stop crying. If there's anything I've learned from this country, anything, from FDR to Cheney, to Regan to Rockafeller to Cam'ron to Martin Luther King Jr to Malcolm X to Emerson to Daniel Plainview to John Brown, is that if you want something.... TAKE IT.

And the honest truth is that most people in this country arent built for it. Never will be. They can't give up their apple products, internet, cellphones, blu-ray players, uggs, Air Jordans or Facebook. If you want to change a system you have to be willing to give your life for it and more importantly, have a plan to put in place if you succeed.

You think this country was built on honesty? Love for their fellow man? Fairness?

Them dudes made the rules. Make yours.
Originally Posted by Strawberry Milkshakes

Stop crying. If there's anything I've learned from this country, anything, from FDR to Cheney, to Regan to Rockafeller to Cam'ron to Martin Luther King Jr to Malcolm X to Emerson to Daniel Plainview to John Brown, is that if you want something.... TAKE IT.

And the honest truth is that most people in this country arent built for it. Never will be. They can't give up their apple products, internet, cellphones, blu-ray players, uggs, Air Jordans or Facebook. If you want to change a system you have to be willing to give your life for it and more importantly, have a plan to put in place if you succeed.

You think this country was built on honesty? Love for their fellow man? Fairness?

Them dudes made the rules. Make yours.
Really %@%% I'll ever quote ...

I'll be damned if I'm marching around like a doobus faggin, while the next man is a little less vaginal-like and making moves ... I have to learn Microsoft Access today in order to make myself even more indispensable ... I bought a $37.50 subscription to do so ...

Get off your @$@ and stop *****ing ...
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

i dont think i can support this anymore

look at this

why would u want to mess with peoples personal lives...
I like this idea.  People on this same thread put up the
and said that the top 1% wasn't on Wall Street.  So take it to their homes.  This is the beginning of something much bigger.

Rich people keep taking and taking and don't realize that they have to live with the rest of these people.  Have to drive down the street with these same people.  I've said this in other threads, they can keep their tax breaks and their bonuses, but they will end up paying for it when they live in fear and there is unrest.  This is just the beginning.
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^^^ bERT, so I'm a loser huh? HAHA!!! I dont think you understand it...there is a system that places ppl in debt in hopes of greater days. They come out and get nothing.

you are not a loser, just made bad choices...i feel the USA has sheltered and spoiled its people rotten, do you know people in other countries cant even get passed middle school because they cant afford tuition, did you know that there are doctors back in my homeland who drive cabs as their second job, simply because they don't make enough??....Americans have had it so easy that at the slightest sight of struggle they look to blame everyone but themselves for their decisions....I guess me having been born in a different country where things are not handed to you and being exposed to how much worst life could be, i didn't take of the opportunity i had here for granted.....i look at the majority of these people holding up signs as week individuals, with some exceptions.
LOL...another example of lets compare the U.S. to *insert country here*, to make it look like we're spoiled. Good one. 

But Americans are though....if the average American had the work ethic and hustle of the average immigrant, nobody would *@+++, there are people with no kind of legal documents making a living...providing for their families back home and you got a bunch of born and raised Americans with alll the resources and legal documents to work complaining about being unemployed and how much more the next man makes...this ##%! is embarrassing.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by ksteezy

you are not a loser, just made bad choices...i feel the USA has sheltered and spoiled its people rotten, do you know people in other countries cant even get passed middle school because they cant afford tuition, did you know that there are doctors back in my homeland who drive cabs as their second job, simply because they don't make enough??....Americans have had it so easy that at the slightest sight of struggle they look to blame everyone but themselves for their decisions....I guess me having been born in a different country where things are not handed to you and being exposed to how much worst life could be, i didn't take of the opportunity i had here for granted.....i look at the majority of these people holding up signs as week individuals, with some exceptions.
LOL...another example of lets compare the U.S. to *insert country here*, to make it look like we're spoiled. Good one. 

But Americans are though....if the average American had the work ethic and hustle of the average immigrant, nobody would *++%%, there are people with no kind of legal documents making a living...providing for their families back home and you got a bunch of born and raised Americans with alll the resources and legal documents to work *****ing about being unemployed and how much more the next man makes...this @#+% is embarrassing.

It's like taking a foreign species and introducing it into a new environment where it thrives while successfully out-competing and eventually eliminating the native species. Perhaps this occurs so quickly, like a shock, that it is even impossible to adapt to the changing (economic) conditions. I don't see how one can really blame either side. Maybe its a third arbiter thats messing with the natural order of things.
It's pretty simple, America is just getting a glimpse of how the majority of the rest of the world is....

We complaint about gas prices, ya should see how expensive gas is in a country like Dominican Republic

We complaint about the low pay, you guys should see how much people make in countries like Colombia, I honestly think the average laborer doesn't see what I see in 2 weeks in. 6 months.

We complaint about employment and retirement plans, got countries that won't even hire individuals passed the age of 34!!!!!...retirement plans, 401k's??!!!...laughable!!!

My sis in law collected unemployment checks for nearly 2 years, once you lose a job in another country you are on your such thing as "unemployment benefits"

WE HAVE BEEN SHELTERED!...things are just now getting real and people are going ape *%+* over it, America has given my family an opportunity people back home can only dream off, had I been back home I'd probably be living under a bridge.
Hanks input in this thread is highly appreciated.

I'm glad you don't see the point in actually picking out points in some of these arguments other NTers posted. No point in arguing with people who believe they single handedly did everything to get where they are today.

The self-centered nature of the "me" generation is on full display.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

The self-centered nature of the "me" generation is on full display.

you're right...the demonstrators are all about themselves.  they don't want to put forth an effort, but they still want to live a certain level of lifestyle.  more content to play the victim and wait for uncle Sam to bail them out.
to keep it funky

i find it interesting that americans are taking up massive protests over this #%@# for the first time

like what is regularly done in other countries around the world



thats madd funny to me.

who's side are they on?


everyone is comparing our situations to 3rd world countries?

well, in 3rd world countries when the people feel like theyre being swindled, especially by the rich, they uprise and riot, on a massive scale, and impose the will of the people onto the minority

so the only criticism of american citizens shouldnt be that we're spoiled and soft cause we're upset, INSTEAD it should be we're too spoiled and soft to literally run up in these billionaire banking big dog's houses and ransack them OR impose our will on anything.

This is exactly how TPTB want you to think. Ignorance is bliss and then they execute some of the greatest financial crimes in history right under our nose. And people can't be upset. Shameful.
I think it all boils down to one thing, living beyond your means:

-Hell, my parents make a combined income of 50k a year, $#+# it ima go to a 60k a year private university and study's my calling..

-Hell, I only have a monthly income of 1500$...i don't care though because I'm financing that M3 and 40% of my income will go to those paymets, eventually I'll blame it on the bank, dealership, wall street, the government, when I no longer can keep up.

-A one bedroom apt you say??...nah b, I'm gonna jump into a mortgage for a 750k 2 family home...I'll be making 3000$ a month mortgage payments fr the next 30 years, eventhough me and my wife only make a combined of 3200$ a month...for Shirley I'll find some idiot to rent the basement too...two years later, $#+# you government, Obama, wall street, YOU FORCED ME TO MAKE THIS DECISION!
^Who are you arguing against? What demands are you arguing against? You're just arguing to make yourself feel better. " I'm not in trouble therefore I am better than them" as if everyone supporting the protests are in any trouble.

5 figure Randian

Point to sources. What do you read to form your opinions?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I think it all boils down to one thing, living beyond your means:

-Hell, my parents make a combined income of 50k a year, $#+# it ima go to a 60k a year private university and study's my calling..

-Hell, I only have a monthly income of 1500$...i don't care though because I'm financing that M3 and 40% of my income will go to those paymets, eventually I'll blame it on the bank, dealership, wall street, the government, when I no longer can keep up.

-A one bedroom apt you say??...nah b, I'm gonna jump into a mortgage for a 750k 2 family home...I'll be making 3000$ a month mortgage payments fr the next 30 years, eventhough me and my wife only make a combined of 3200$ a month...for Shirley I'll find some idiot to rent the basement too...two years later, $#+# you government, Obama, wall street, YOU FORCED ME TO MAKE THIS DECISION!
most of the financial crisis can be attributed by legislation passed by bush to "make everyone a home owner"

which he eased alot of lending regulations

and people were taking the quick buck

so, yes, they can be just as much to blame as the people being sold dreamhouses they couldnt afford.

i mean, they recieved cash bonuses at every turn in the process to basically prey on the financially ignorant

while the system turned the other way

THEN, when *!!@ the the fan

everyone scattered like roaches, keeping their plunder in their pockets

but yeah, you right, its the kids going to public schools which cost 60k a year, not the fact that public school costs 60k a year in a country where some imaginary "median income of graduates" is only 40k....

you got it buddy

its not a systematic problem.......its the fault of the people living beyond their means. (not that literal survival is becoming 'out of one's means' nah...nevermind that.)


Originally Posted by peks03

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

The self-centered nature of the "me" generation is on full display.

you're right...the demonstrators are all about themselves.  they don't want to put forth an effort, but they still want to live a certain level of lifestyle.  more content to play the victim and wait for uncle Sam to bail them out.

Uncle Sam = people. They just don't want THEIR money going towards OTHER interests: corporate profits, war, bailouts etc. 
Seattle P.I.

Police experimented with a new tactic Friday night as they responded to a weeklong Occupy Seattle demonstration at Westlake Park -- ticketing drivers who honked in support of protesters.

Starting at 11 p.m. Friday, police started pulling over and ticketing drivers who honked as they drove past protesters.

When the first car -- a taxi -- was pulled over, the protesters followed and shouted at police who then formed a blockade around the driver's cab.

The cab driver was then given a $144 ticket -- and protesters ended up handing him money afterwards to help pay for his fine.  
see what i mean?

its getting broken up by the government and nobody is even making a big deal about it....


theyre ticketing people who honk in support?

Originally Posted by HankMoody

^Who are you arguing against? What demands are you arguing against? You're just arguing to make yourself feel better. " I'm not in trouble therefore I am better than them" as if everyone supporting the protests are in any trouble.

5 figure Randian

Point to sources. What do you read to form your opinions?

Make myself feel better???...Cmon man..This is how I formed my opinion bro...just seems like a cry for pity....Lives in his car so that he can do what he "loves"...wut?
As I stated earlier.

This will end in in 1 of 2 ways:

1. People get bored because this is an excersise in futility
2. Winter
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I think it all boils down to one thing, living beyond your means:

-Hell, my parents make a combined income of 50k a year, $#+# it ima go to a 60k a year private university and study's my calling..

-Hell, I only have a monthly income of 1500$...i don't care though because I'm financing that M3 and 40% of my income will go to those paymets, eventually I'll blame it on the bank, dealership, wall street, the government, when I no longer can keep up.

-A one bedroom apt you say??...nah b, I'm gonna jump into a mortgage for a 750k 2 family home...I'll be making 3000$ a month mortgage payments fr the next 30 years, eventhough me and my wife only make a combined of 3200$ a month...for Shirley I'll find some idiot to rent the basement too...two years later, $#+# you government, Obama, wall street, YOU FORCED ME TO MAKE THIS DECISION!
most of the financial crisis can be attributed by legislation passed by bush to "make everyone a home owner"

which he eased alot of lending regulations

and people were taking the quick buck

so, yes, they can be just as much to blame as the people being sold dreamhouses they couldnt afford.

i mean, they recieved cash bonuses at every turn in the process to basically prey on the financially ignorant

while the system turned the other way

THEN, when *!!@ the the fan

everyone scattered like roaches, keeping their plunder in their pockets

but yeah, you right, its the kids going to public schools which cost 60k a year, not the fact that public school costs 60k a year in a country where some imaginary "median income of graduates" is only 40k....

you got it buddy

its not a systematic problem.......its the fault of the people living beyond their means. (not that literal survival is becoming 'out of one's means' nah...nevermind that.)



Do I live in a different country or something...why is it that my co-workers work 2-3 jobs if they want the best college education for their kids without going into coworker works 4 jobs!!!...not once have I heard her complaint about it, she gladly pays out of pocket 40k a year for her daughter's education and this way no money will be owed at the end.....if given the opportunity to work day and night to these people who are affected, would they do it???...if the only way to get ahead was by scrubbing floors and wanshing dishes would they do it????...why are some of you so stubborn and close minded as to see that no matter how hard things seem in America, the doors of opportunity are still there, doors that have never been open to people in other just have to be wise about the decisions you make, money is there to be made bros.
Maybe I need to actually go down there and take a look at whats going on... but from what I've gathered it just seems like a bunch of young adults who went to expensive private/art schools, either took out loans or parents paid, don't know what to do with their lives now, and finding a high step on the latter to blame. Is there corruption going on? Of course. However, I don't think all of it even relates to these people getting jobs. It's funny how this is being documented as well--- all using products from large companies... anywho
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I think it all boils down to one thing, living beyond your means:

-Hell, my parents make a combined income of 50k a year, $#+# it ima go to a 60k a year private university and study's my calling..

-Hell, I only have a monthly income of 1500$...i don't care though because I'm financing that M3 and 40% of my income will go to those paymets, eventually I'll blame it on the bank, dealership, wall street, the government, when I no longer can keep up.

-A one bedroom apt you say??...nah b, I'm gonna jump into a mortgage for a 750k 2 family home...I'll be making 3000$ a month mortgage payments fr the next 30 years, eventhough me and my wife only make a combined of 3200$ a month...for Shirley I'll find some idiot to rent the basement too...two years later, $#+# you government, Obama, wall street, YOU FORCED ME TO MAKE THIS DECISION!
most of the financial crisis can be attributed by legislation passed by bush to "make everyone a home owner"

which he eased alot of lending regulations

and people were taking the quick buck

so, yes, they can be just as much to blame as the people being sold dreamhouses they couldnt afford.

i mean, they recieved cash bonuses at every turn in the process to basically prey on the financially ignorant

while the system turned the other way

THEN, when *!!@ the the fan

everyone scattered like roaches, keeping their plunder in their pockets

but yeah, you right, its the kids going to public schools which cost 60k a year, not the fact that public school costs 60k a year in a country where some imaginary "median income of graduates" is only 40k....

you got it buddy

its not a systematic problem.......its the fault of the people living beyond their means. (not that literal survival is becoming 'out of one's means' nah...nevermind that.)



Do I live in a different country or something...why is it that my co-workers work 2-3 jobs if they want the best college education for their kids without going into coworker works 4 jobs!!!...not once have I heard her complaint about it, she gladly pays out of pocket 40k a year for her daughter's education and this way no money will be owed at the end.....if given the opportunity to work day and night to these people who are affected, would they do it???...if the only way to get ahead was by scrubbing floors and wanshing dishes would they do it????...why are some of you so stubborn and close minded as to see that no matter how hard things seem in America, the doors of opportunity are still there, doors that have never been open to people in other just have to be wise about the decisions you make, money is there to be made bros.
K steez I feel like we'd be friends in real life.  My mom was a single mom with 4 kids and went back to school in her early-mid 30s.  She worked full time as a bartender and went to nursing school full time.  We had NOTHING.  And she turned it into something.  I will always remember to work my hardest and make the best decisions for myself without compromising my happiness.  I think a lot of people are missing whats actually going on.  So many of the people supporting this don't even know what their fighting for... Spoiled kids turned to bitter adults sitting at home posting on tumblr and making vegan treats complaining how they can't afford Whole Foods.
spoiled kids?


yall sound like the spoiled kids tho

talmbout the struggles your parents made (which dont even sound like real struggle. your mom worked and went to school and still supported 4 kids on her own? no. im 100 percent sure you recieved government know, the dreaded horrible entitlements?)

never really mentioning any struggle YOU personally overcame

sounds like the entitled spoiled rich kids are you guys, to me, anyway

what this is about is dudes who get paid literally 100 million dollars to trade things....

while teachers make 32k while required to have a masters degree in education....


this isnt about so and so not working as hard as your mommy did in a different decade...

this isnt about 3rd world countries which are obviously @@#@$! places being worse off than america

this is about people pocketing literally 100 million dollars in cash while people are SUFFERING.

maybe not the white kid who majored in poetry playing his guitar on wall street today, but people are definitely STARVING in the USA, while others are POCKETING 100 MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH IN A SINGLE YEAR.

but i mean, its the fault of the 25 year old whos worked at wal mart since 18 cause he couldnt afford college (and made the decision to not live outside his means)

not the ridiculous gluttony going on in the financial sector right now...

for example

why do any of these peices of !$$* make over 300k a year?

you cant live off 300k?


youre a +#@+%@$ banker

you're not a +#@+%@$ rocket scientist, you're not a +#@+%@$ idol, you're not even nice to be around




why do you think this system is okay?

maybe you were born into it higher than i was because of the struggles your mom made that mine was too lazy or not a good enough person to make...

at least, im sure that's what you've assumed in your head already, right?

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