Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

I think the "Occupy" campaign has a decent idea behind it. There is a ruling elite in America and the majority have been treated as disposable for a while. The degree of greed though, until recently, had been manageable. There was enough going around for everybody to pick a job, work 40 years, live, save a little, retire, and die satisfied. However, with cost-reducing (profit increasing) outsourcing and things of that sort, the American working class has been pushed to the brink of extinction. Not because they're no longer around, but because they can no longer work. Unfortunately, they've been so easily taken advantage of for so long that the ruling elite will surely find some sort of seemingly beneficial move to shut this movement up and allow them to find another comfortable spot in mediocrity, and we'll never hear of it again.
Occupy Chicago is trending on twitter right now. I am going to leave in a bit and check it out (in front of the Fed). I walk by it every morning and evening and the attendance has been steadily growing the past week. There is a big rally going on right now.

I will be back later and post a bunch of articles. I know there are some in here that want to read more on this. Honestly, I have been taken aback by all the criticism in this thread. Hopefully some of the stuff I post later will get people to really think. Many in here seem to not be keeping up with current events.
From what I can tell, Occupy Chicago is a bunch of guys that can't get laid. Honestly, I'm not sure why they aren't watching the Bears/trying to get laid/posting on NT.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

All I see is a bunch of irresponsible people who FAIL miserably at being accountable for their actions.

Sure it's a sad situation and stories, but I have a strong dislike for grown people who dont take responsibility and accountability for their actions.

This first post of this thread does nothing but makes people feel like it's ok to blame everyone but themselves for the situation they're in. It's a disgusting enabler.

I am where I am DIRECTLY because of the choices I make to day and have made in my past.
wall street made these same choices but was bailed out
is that fair???

What blows my mind is how individuals compare themselves to Wall street...which do you think is more important to the United states, "Michael" the indebt art major from Sarah Lawrence University or the damn FinancialDistrict of New York....cmon bros....
ur missing the point
Wall Street created a lot of these problems with their greed

People are not comparing themselves to wallstreet but people want wallstreet to be held accountable 
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ksteezy

What blows my mind is how individuals compare themselves to Wall street...which do you think is more important to the United states, "Michael" the indebt art major from Sarah Lawrence University or the damn FinancialDistrict of New York....cmon bros....
ur missing the point
Wall Street created a lot of these problems with their greed

People are not comparing themselves to wallstreet but people want wallstreet to be held accountable 

Not necessarily true. The root cause of this is the lack of government regulation.

Wall Street might be full of corruption, but if the government cracked down on it, this would never have happened. The people on Wall Street who ripped everyone else off simply acted in their own benefit because they knew they could get away with it. The government never stopped them, instead it bailed the companies out and fed the fire.

You want to go up in arms over this, go to DC.
occupy the fed> occupy wall st. the blame and anger towards the corporations are misplaced. they are just frontmen to the whole scheme of things. its the federal reserve and the gubbermint we gotta worry about.
Originally Posted by roc4life24

Originally Posted by kilojules64

If you don't have financial aid, that's your problem, you should've worked harder so that people like me who worked for everything given to us don't have to hear you whine and blame our successes on our "ideal situations and normal upbringings whatever". I was respectfully reading your post until that point which is where you lost me.
300m citizens, 100M in/eligible/of age/etc etc for college and you mean to tell me there is enough fin aid for everyone? 

When did I say that?
Most people are trying to coast through school, I don't care what anyone says. If you're comfortable with being average, you should be comfortable paying your tuition and getting into debt because of it.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ksteezy

What blows my mind is how individuals compare themselves to Wall street...which do you think is more important to the United states, "Michael" the indebt art major from Sarah Lawrence University or the damn FinancialDistrict of New York....cmon bros....
ur missing the point
Wall Street created a lot of these problems with their greed

People are not comparing themselves to wallstreet but people want wallstreet to be held accountable 

Not necessarily true. The root cause of this is the lack of government regulation.

Wall Street might be full of corruption, but if the government cracked down on it, this would never have happened. The people on Wall Street who ripped everyone else off simply acted in their own benefit because they knew they could get away with it. The government never stopped them, instead it bailed the companies out and fed the fire.

You want to go up in arms over this, go to DC.
Point me to sources. 
Also, do companies have no responsibility? Car dealers sell lemons and now it's basically the buyer's fault? What the hell is the point then? 

Originally Posted by secretzofwar

From what I can tell, Occupy Chicago is a bunch of guys that can't get laid. Honestly, I'm not sure why they aren't watching the Bears/trying to get laid/posting on NT.
Rally was at 4 though? You are pathetic. Ad hominem is all you have. 

This is just from the past week... if I went through my archives, I'd find a ton more:

Hell just read nakedcapitalism, zero hedge, anything by William K. Black, thebigpicture...

Do not espouse the financial industry of gross fraud. That's BS.

Point me to sources that the government is all to blame for this. 
there is no lack of govt regulation...its just govt regulation in itself is not an adequate economic solution....the government can sign all the laws they want into legislation...when it comes down to it the reality behind is pretty black and white.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by scshift

Not necessarily true. The root cause of this is the lack of government regulation.

Wall Street might be full of corruption, but if the government cracked down on it, this would never have happened. The people on Wall Street who ripped everyone else off simply acted in their own benefit because they knew they could get away with it. The government never stopped them, instead it bailed the companies out and fed the fire.

You want to go up in arms over this, go to DC.
Point me to sources. 
Also, do companies have no responsibility? Car dealers sell lemons and now it's basically the buyer's fault? What the hell is the point then? 

Normally I would post a source to back my words up but in this particular case I'll admit I don't have one. I don't think I could find one either.

Don't let that discredit my opinion though, I'll try and explain your point in the second line.

The corporations act in their own benefit, they're out there to make as much cash as they can and whoever is at the top of the chain gets the best out of it. The government's responsibility is to limit the fraud/corruption these corporations can do. So yes, I agree with you, part of it is the corporation's fault. But more of the blame goes to the government, as they are supposed to regulate this kind of behavior. Corporations aren't designed to limit their actions, if they can make money, they'll try and make money. The government on the other hand does have a purpose to prevent this from happening.

An appropriate addition to your analogy would be if there was a branch of government which was supposed to prevent the sale of lemons yet did nothing about it. The dealer is wrong, but hey, we all know they'd do it because they can. But the branch of government responsible isn't doing anything, and that is their main purpose.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^^^ bERT, so I'm a loser huh? HAHA!!! I dont think you understand it...there is a system that places ppl in debt in hopes of greater days. They come out and get nothing.

wait a minute....are you not the dude that just bought a Corvette?....
 the hell you complaining about?
Man I'm one person that is doing OKAY, and Im still trying to take it to the next level...look at how many are struggling out here though. I agree that we are all responsible for our own homes, but it is screwed up that taxpayer money is used to support institutions that make bad decisions and then continue after getting help

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by scshift

Not necessarily true. The root cause of this is the lack of government regulation.

Wall Street might be full of corruption, but if the government cracked down on it, this would never have happened. The people on Wall Street who ripped everyone else off simply acted in their own benefit because they knew they could get away with it. The government never stopped them, instead it bailed the companies out and fed the fire.

You want to go up in arms over this, go to DC.
Point me to sources. 
Also, do companies have no responsibility? Car dealers sell lemons and now it's basically the buyer's fault? What the hell is the point then? 

Normally I would post a source to back my words up but in this particular case I'll admit I don't have one. I don't think I could find one either.

Don't let that discredit my opinion though, I'll try and explain your point in the second line.

The corporations act in their own benefit, they're out there to make as much cash as they can and whoever is at the top of the chain gets the best out of it. The government's responsibility is to limit the fraud/corruption these corporations can do. So yes, I agree with you, part of it is the corporation's fault. But more of the blame goes to the government, as they are supposed to regulate this kind of behavior. Corporations aren't designed to limit their actions, if they can make money, they'll try and make money. The government on the other hand does have a purpose to prevent this from happening.

An appropriate addition to your analogy would be if there was a branch of government which was supposed to prevent the sale of lemons yet did nothing about it. The dealer is wrong, but hey, we all know they'd do it because they can. But the branch of government responsible isn't doing anything, and that is their main purpose.

Cmon man....
Anyways, how do you think the government became this way? Who do you think was the biggest funder of Barack Obama? Take a wild guess.
you have to go back to 1977 when president Carter signed the Community Reinvestment Act that made the banks ease their lending practices to low-income families and minorities. the law was well intentioned, but like most government programs has had negative unintended consequences. these protesters are off target by blaming wall street...they should concentrate their hate against big government programs.

both parties will keep on pandering to the people by trying to give them more money, because that's what gets votes and keeps them in power. the more people rely on the government and its programs the more the government will try to give which increases spending. the less self-reliant people we have the smaller the tax pool gets which increases the deficit. those same people protesting Wall St. are the same type of people sucking the life out of America.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

...i feel the USA has sheltered and spoiled its people rotten, do you know people in other countries cant even get passed middle school because they cant afford tuition, did you know that there are doctors back in my homeland who drive cabs as their second job, simply because they don't make enough??....Americans have had it so easy that at the slightest sight of struggle they look to blame everyone but themselves for their decisions....I guess me having been born in a different country where things are not handed to you and being exposed to how much worst life could be, i didn't take of the opportunity i had here for granted.....i look at the majority of these people holding up signs as week individuals, with some exceptions.
Great post. I wasn't born in another country but I agree with your sentiments 100%. I have a cousin in Cuba who is an engineer and gets paid $30/month, doesn't have air conditioning or access to all kinds of food staples we take for granted. A lot of the world doesn't have clean water to drink or a warm bed to sleep in at night. I wonder what they'd say if they saw people tweeting about how much America sucks from their iPhones. 
I can't help but laugh at people throwing a fit over big corporations getting bailouts and then saying "where's my bailout?" As if GM is just some big monolith owned and operated by one rich guy who's also the sole employee. Not like there's hundreds of thousands of middle class employees who would have been  SOL and jobless if not for some of those bailouts. 

That's not to say that the system is perfect or a lot of people don't have legitimate gripes, but the system doesn't owe you anything but an opportunity and freedom to make your own choices. Too many people set themselves up to fail by living beyond their means chasing after some consumerist ideal that offers them no long term fulfillment, or making poor decisions like going to an out of state school with a useless major just assuming that there'd be a job waiting for them afterwards. Instead of blindly throwing mud at a symbol of capitalism, how about educating yourself and protesting the government that passed the regulations and fostered the environment for so many of these problems to occur? How about asking them to change tax laws so that America isn't a place where it's prohibitively expensive to do business? Instead of telling us how bad you've got it and offering zero suggestions on how to fix it, how about being thankful for what you've got compared to most of the world, and going out and looking for a job?  

Americans seem to be expecting their life to be a ride on escalator rather than a climb up the stairs. As Mitch Hedberg said, 

No individuals are asking for bailouts, the country is hurting after bailing banks and companies...

People just want the money distributed back.
5am6oody72 wrote:
ksteezy wrote:

...i feel the USA has sheltered and spoiled its people rotten, do you know people in other countries cant even get passed middle school because they cant afford tuition, did you know that there are doctors back in my homeland who drive cabs as their second job, simply because they don't make enough??....Americans have had it so easy that at the slightest sight of struggle they look to blame everyone but themselves for their decisions....I guess me having been born in a different country where things are not handed to you and being exposed to how much worst life could be, i didn't take of the opportunity i had here for granted.....i look at the majority of these people holding up signs as week individuals, with some exceptions.
Great post. I wasn't born in another country but I agree with your sentiments 100%. I have a cousin in Cuba who is an engineer and gets paid $30/month, doesn't have air conditioning or access to all kinds of food staples we take for granted. A lot of the world doesn't have clean water to drink or a warm bed to sleep in at night. I wonder what they'd say if they saw people tweeting about how much America sucks from their iPhones. 

I can't help but laugh at people throwing a fit over big corporations getting bailouts and then saying "where's my bailout?" As if GM is just some big monolith owned and operated by one rich guy who's also the sole employee. Not like there's hundreds of thousands of middle class employees who would have been  SOL and jobless if not for some of those bailouts. 

That's not to say that the system is perfect or a lot of people don't have legitimate gripes, but the system doesn't owe you anything but an opportunity and freedom to make your own choices. Too many people set themselves up to fail by living beyond their means chasing after some consumerist ideal that offers them no long term fulfillment, or making poor decisions like going to an out of state school with a useless major just assuming that there'd be a job waiting for them afterwards. Instead of blindly throwing mud at a symbol of capitalism, how about educating yourself and protesting the government that passed the regulations and fostered the environment for so many of these problems to occur? How about asking them to change tax laws so that America isn't a place where it's prohibitively expensive to do business? Instead of telling us how bad you've got it and offering zero suggestions on how to fix it, how about being thankful for what you've got compared to most of the world, and going out and looking for a job?  

Americans seem to be expecting their life to be a ride on escalator rather than a climb up the stairs. As Mitch Hedberg said, 


Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

No individuals are asking for bailouts, the country is hurting after bailing banks and companies...

People just want the money distributed back.

you do know that the banks have already paid back their bailout money, right?  the money was already the unions when U.S. auto makers (except Ford) got their bailout.

that's the problem with people these days is that they think they deserve something from the government just because.  what a sorry attitude to have...the entitlement state just waiting for a handout.  America will continue to descend if that's the prevailing attitude.
Also what's with the a or b scenarios? Could it be the fed reserve bank and wall street are to blame?
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by ksteezy

...i feel the USA has sheltered and spoiled its people rotten, do you know people in other countries cant even get passed middle school because they cant afford tuition, did you know that there are doctors back in my homeland who drive cabs as their second job, simply because they don't make enough??....Americans have had it so easy that at the slightest sight of struggle they look to blame everyone but themselves for their decisions....I guess me having been born in a different country where things are not handed to you and being exposed to how much worst life could be, i didn't take of the opportunity i had here for granted.....i look at the majority of these people holding up signs as week individuals, with some exceptions.
Great post. I wasn't born in another country but I agree with your sentiments 100%. I have a cousin in Cuba who is an engineer and gets paid $30/month, doesn't have air conditioning or access to all kinds of food staples we take for granted. A lot of the world doesn't have clean water to drink or a warm bed to sleep in at night. I wonder what they'd say if they saw people tweeting about how much America sucks from their iPhones. 
I can't help but laugh at people throwing a fit over big corporations getting bailouts and then saying "where's my bailout?" As if GM is just some big monolith owned and operated by one rich guy who's also the sole employee. Not like there's hundreds of thousands of middle class employees who would have been  SOL and jobless if not for some of those bailouts. 

That's not to say that the system is perfect or a lot of people don't have legitimate gripes, but the system doesn't owe you anything but an opportunity and freedom to make your own choices. Too many people set themselves up to fail by living beyond their means chasing after some consumerist ideal that offers them no long term fulfillment, or making poor decisions like going to an out of state school with a useless major just assuming that there'd be a job waiting for them afterwards. Instead of blindly throwing mud at a symbol of capitalism, how about educating yourself and protesting the government that passed the regulations and fostered the environment for so many of these problems to occur? How about asking them to change tax laws so that America isn't a place where it's prohibitively expensive to do business? Instead of telling us how bad you've got it and offering zero suggestions on how to fix it, how about being thankful for what you've got compared to most of the world, and going out and looking for a job?  

Americans seem to be expecting their life to be a ride on escalator rather than a climb up the stairs. As Mitch Hedberg said, 


You can't say that though! 
America has higher standards because our wealth, and the wealth of the American mother countries is DIRECTLY connected to the condition of the global economy! 

Thats why if you were born in another country your point of view is skewed compared to people who have truly experienced the monster that America is from day 1. Being over here will get you caught in material illusions. America really is as bad as it sounds....

its a shame history is a dying department at most universities..
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Also what's with the a or b scenarios? Could it be the fed reserve bank and wall street are to blame?

 People are picking out something in these protests, calling it the overall theme, and criticizing, all because of their own insecurities. THERE ARE NO DEMANDS. This country isn't headed up, look the %#%% around... that's the ethos.  

Smh at these people blindly commentating from what they saw on TV or what they think it is. It's crazy how much these protests are scrutinized when corporations are barely questioned. Look at how closely this stuff is dissected but some other NTer posts a thread on someone commenting on free trade and nothing! Why? Thought required. MSM playing people like a fiddle I suppose.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

5am6oody72 wrote:
ksteezy wrote:
...i feel the USA has sheltered and spoiled its people rotten, do you know people in other countries cant even get passed middle school because they cant afford tuition, did you know that there are doctors back in my homeland who drive cabs as their second job, simply because they don't make enough??....Americans have had it so easy that at the slightest sight of struggle they look to blame everyone but themselves for their decisions....I guess me having been born in a different country where things are not handed to you and being exposed to how much worst life could be, i didn't take of the opportunity i had here for granted.....i look at the majority of these people holding up signs as week individuals, with some exceptions.
Great post. I wasn't born in another country but I agree with your sentiments 100%. I have a cousin in Cuba who is an engineer and gets paid $30/month, doesn't have air conditioning or access to all kinds of food staples we take for granted. A lot of the world doesn't have clean water to drink or a warm bed to sleep in at night. I wonder what they'd say if they saw people tweeting about how much America sucks from their iPhones. 

I can't help but laugh at people throwing a fit over big corporations getting bailouts and then saying "where's my bailout?" As if GM is just some big monolith owned and operated by one rich guy who's also the sole employee. Not like there's hundreds of thousands of middle class employees who would have been  SOL and jobless if not for some of those bailouts. 

That's not to say that the system is perfect or a lot of people don't have legitimate gripes, but the system doesn't owe you anything but an opportunity and freedom to make your own choices. Too many people set themselves up to fail by living beyond their means chasing after some consumerist ideal that offers them no long term fulfillment, or making poor decisions like going to an out of state school with a useless major just assuming that there'd be a job waiting for them afterwards. Instead of blindly throwing mud at a symbol of capitalism, how about educating yourself and protesting the government that passed the regulations and fostered the environment for so many of these problems to occur? How about asking them to change tax laws so that America isn't a place where it's prohibitively expensive to do business? Instead of telling us how bad you've got it and offering zero suggestions on how to fix it, how about being thankful for what you've got compared to most of the world, and going out and looking for a job?  

Americans seem to be expecting their life to be a ride on escalator rather than a climb up the stairs. As Mitch Hedberg said, 


I'm curious as to why you thought my post was so idiotic that you didn't even bother refuting it with words
School me. 
That's how bad it was. Nothing to discuss. This is exactly how TPTB want you to think. Ignorance is bliss and then they execute some of the greatest financial crimes in history right under our nose. And people can't be upset. Shameful. Next thing you know, reported black unemployment is like 27%. Class of 2011 unemployment close to that. So many people exhausting unemployment benefits. S

Read the links I've posted to start. Read the blogs I've mentioned. Check the threads I have created.

I'm wondering what you have read to come to your conclusions (that there is nothing to complain about)
Aside from Atlas Shrugged, that is.
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