Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

But genesis states that god created earth in 7 days.

So did he create the universe? Did he create other life forms?

I understand taking a modified view. Like oh god created the universe. But then you believe in evolution? and the only real belief you have is in God? not a full religion?
Genesis 1:1 "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" I've got no problem with that statement. The heavens being the vastness of space and the universe. So if others are out there in the universe I do believe God created them too. I have no qualms with evolution in terms of natural selection and changing over time time to adapt to your surroundings i think its another thing God set into motion. What do you mean by religion? I go to church and I believe in the God described in the bible.
But genesis states that god created earth in 7 days.

So did he create the universe? Did he create other life forms?

I understand taking a modified view. Like oh god created the universe. But then you believe in evolution? and the only real belief you have is in God? not a full religion?

Genesis 1:1 "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" I've got no problem with that statement. The heavens being the vastness of space and the universe. So if others are out there in the universe I do believe God created them too. I have no qualms with evolution in terms of natural selection and changing over time time to adapt to your surroundings i think its another thing God set into motion. What do you mean by religion? I go to church and I believe in the God described in the bible.

Yeah but picking and choosing bible verses is just strange to me. With fallacies in the book that he created earth in 7 days, it says he created man, talking snakes. So then you don't believe in evolution unless you interpret adam to be a single cell organism and it is all a microscopic view (literally).

God was “forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens.” Genesis 2:19

Or you do believe in evolution and you have your own ideas on almost everything except you believe god exists. I have no problem with any of that because i get it. Faith is just that. You are believing in something, no proof, you are just believing.
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Yeah but picking and choosing bible verses is just strange to me. With fallacies in the book that he created earth in 7 days, it says he created man, talking snakes. So then you don't believe in evolution unless you interpret adam to be a single cell organism and it is all a microscopic view (literally).

Or you do believe in evolution and you have your own ideas on almost everything except you believe god exists. I have no problem with any of that because i get it. Faith is just that. You are believing in something, no proof, you are just believing.
The bible says the God created man and woman in his image, male and female. Thats what i believe. So no I don't think we come from a single celled organism. And that doesnt disrupt my faith in God OR science because belief in the theory of evolution has no bearing on what we can or cant prove as far as science goes.

At the end of the day i think the bible's main purpose is to tell us how to get to heaven. And it does that. And i believe it. And again I still believe what can be proven with science. doesnt take away from my quality of life whatsoever.

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I found this comment online awhile ago and essentially this is what i believe more or less. Call it faith, call it a cop out, but its what i believe. And it doesn't keep me from believing in scientific discovery, heck as an engineer science and math are my life.

"You forget one very important thing. We are talking about God, a supreme being, a deity, all powerful, and creator. All human laws of physics, creation, time, etc of course will be contradicted. He is God. His laws of physics, creation, time, etc are beyond all that we know and could begin to comprehend. He gives us a few tidbits to chew on, but everything else is concocted by man and what man believes is the correct. Man will get things wrong as well as right. God will always get things right. If God cannot defy the human laws that we know then he is not really a god. Stop looking at it from a human perspective. Human ways are not God’s ways. Whether you believe in God or not, I think we all know the definition of a god. So knowing what a makes a god a god, can you not agree that if there is a god that he can create the rules any way he wants."
I found this comment online awhile ago and essentially this is what i believe more or less. Call it faith, call it a cop out, but its what i believe. And it doesn't keep me from believing in scientific discovery, heck as an engineer science and math are my life.

"You forget one very important thing. We are talking about God, a supreme being, a deity, all powerful, and creator. All human laws of physics, creation, time, etc of course will be contradicted. He is God. His laws of physics, creation, time, etc are beyond all that we know and could begin to comprehend. He gives us a few tidbits to chew on, but everything else is concocted by man and what man believes is the correct. Man will get things wrong as well as right. God will always get things right. If God cannot defy the human laws that we know then he is not really a god. Stop looking at it from a human perspective. Human ways are not God’s ways. Whether you believe in God or not, I think we all know the definition of a god. So knowing what a makes a god a god, can you not agree that if there is a god that he can create the rules any way he wants."

omnipotent. omnipresent. omniscient. God b. :smokin
So you're willing to throw out parts of the bible, pick and choose between what's metaphorical and what's literal, and then interject your own interpretation of the meaning based on your ideas? Nothing bad at all but that's not following the bible, that's following yourself
But genesis states that god created earth in 7 days.

So did he create the universe? Did he create other life forms?

I understand taking a modified view. Like oh god created the universe. But then you believe in evolution? and the only real belief you have is in God? not a full religion?

Genesis 1:1 "in the beginning, God..."

Anyone else feel like these 4 words show God to be limited? To me, this says that "Time contains God."

Time > *

That jungle love! Yeah! O-E-O-E-O!
So you're willing to throw out parts of the bible, pick and choose between what's metaphorical and what's literal, and then interject your own interpretation of the meaning based on your ideas? Nothing bad at all but that's not following the bible, that's following yourself

This is kinda what i am getting at. I am not going to dive into the bible to find verses that are super harsh but the one off the top of my head that i can look up

Deuteronomy 13:6-10

If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

Like if you believe the bible gets you to heaven then you should probably go through this thread and get the goons :lol:

I am playing though i appreciate all view points and i am just interested in how you view your faith and religion frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds

To me you can say i believe god exists. But then have your own interpretation of things which kinda to me goes against organized religion. But all of this is subjective to each persons feelings
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So you're willing to throw out parts of the bible, pick and choose between what's metaphorical and what's literal, and then interject your own interpretation of the meaning based on your ideas? Nothing bad at all but that's not following the bible, that's following yourself

I'm not throwing out anything in the bible. I try to live in regards to both what's biblical and what's scientific and I'm sure tons people do the same.
So you're willing to throw out parts of the bible, pick and choose between what's metaphorical and what's literal, and then interject your own interpretation of the meaning based on your ideas? Nothing bad at all but that's not following the bible, that's following yourself

I'm not throwing out anything in the bible. I try to live in regards to both what's biblical and what's scientific and I'm sure tons people do the same.

appreciate the dialogue

I know these days church is completely different in some places, my girls family goes to church and the church basically uses the bible to teach some life lessons. They don't swear by it verbatim but they still preach the "Jesus is the savior" "God is everywhere and in everything".
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appreciate the dialogue

I know these days church is completely different in some places, my girls family goes to church and the church basically uses the bible to teach some life lessons. They don't swear by it verbatim but they still preach the "Jesus is the savior" "God is everywhere and in everything".
yeah man i never claimed to be an expert at the bible or a biblical historian. and im not going to claim i have all the answers. as a christian im sure i should have read through the bible 80 different times in my life time, and i definitely havent but from my understanding the world was a different place and the laws and pre jesus there were different requirements, but when jesus came we were no longer bound by those laws. im sure there are far more knowledgeable christians on niketalk that can explain it better than i can. but yes sounds like i am inline with your girls family.
Anyone else feel like these 4 words show God to be limited? To me, this says that "Time contains God."

Time > *
That jungle love! Yeah! O-E-O-E-O!
not at all if anything it sounds like the exact opposite. "in the beginning, God created...." which implies before the beginning (time) God was already there.
Anyone else feel like these 4 words show God to be limited? To me, this says that "Time contains God."

Time > *
That jungle love! Yeah! O-E-O-E-O!
not at all if anything it sounds like the exact opposite. "in the beginning, God created...." which implies before the beginning (time) God was already there.

Word to the wise: If you're LITERALLY going to change prepositions at your convenience solely to fit your agenda, you'll NEVER be taken seriously.

"IN" =/= "BEFORE"

I mean... really? *Jaguarfan.gif*
Word to the wise: If you're LITERALLY going to change prepositions at your convenience solely to fit your agenda, you'll NEVER be taken seriously.

"IN" =/= "BEFORE"

I mean... really? *Jaguarfan.gif*
So let me get this straight. I won't be taken seriously because my assumption that God existed before He decided to create everything "in the beginning"? 
He existed in which capacity

So shouldn't it make more sense to assume God has ALWAYS existed?
Thats exactly what I'm assuming. When he said that "in the beginning, God" comment shows God to be limited by time or whatever I'm saying that if "in the beginning" is when God created the heavens and the earth, then God predates "in the beginning". And if thats the case than how is he limited by Time?
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Yea that makes sense. I couldn't magine God being big banged and immediately creating everything right afterwards
Yea that makes sense. I couldn't magine God being big banged and immediately creating everything right afterwards
The fact that God has always existed is the kind of thing you have to take with faith. the fact that God has always existed and wasnt born or created or "big banged" is beyond human comprehension. Its kinda like trying to assign an exact numerical value to infinity. Some things we just won't/don't/can't understand. but attribute  it to what i posted earlier"

""You forget one very important thing. We are talking about God, a supreme being, a deity, all powerful, and creator. All human laws of physics, creation, time, etc of course will be contradicted. He is God. His laws of physics, creation, time, etc are beyond all that we know and could begin to comprehend. He gives us a few tidbits to chew on, but everything else is concocted by man and what man believes is the correct. Man will get things wrong as well as right. God will always get things right. If God cannot defy the human laws that we know then he is not really a god. Stop looking at it from a human perspective. Human ways are not God’s ways. Whether you believe in God or not, I think we all know the definition of a god. So knowing what a makes a god a god, can you not agree that if there is a god that he can create the rules any way he wants."""

you don't have to believe in God to understand the "God concept"
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Yea that makes sense. I couldn't magine God being big banged and immediately creating everything right afterwards
The inability to fully grasp the concept of "origin" is a universal human limitation.
I truly believe that time is not a line as man often attempts to represent it, but a loop that crosses its own path (Infinity). But even as I say it and believe it, I admittedly can't FULLY grasp the concept. But that's why these conversations never end.

As for the first 4 words of the traditional American Bible are concerned, I think it clearly states that God exists within the confines of time. He was never credited with creating time. It just says that 'within an aspect of time, God did stuff.'

But the bible has always been open to interpretations, so.... there's mine.

And remember: God can do ALL things*

*Except speak for himself and defeat Satan, apparently
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The inability to fully grasp the concept of "origin" is a universal human limitation.
I truly believe that time is not a line as man often attempts to represent it, but a loop that crosses its own path (Infinity). But even as I say it and believe it, I admittedly can't FULLY grasp the concept. But that's why these conversations never end.

As for the first 4 words of the traditional American Bible are concerned, I think it clearly states that God exists within the confines of time. He was never credited with creating time. It just says that 'within an aspect of time, God did stuff.'

But the bible has always been open to interpretations, so.... there's mine.

And remember: God can do ALL things*

*Except speak for himself and defeat Satan, apparently
and i respect that that is how you feel.
The inability to fully grasp the concept of "origin" is a universal human limitation.

I truly believe that time is not a line as man often attempts to represent it, but a loop that crosses its own path (Infinity). But even as I say it and believe it, I admittedly can't FULLY grasp the concept. But that's why these conversations never end.

As for the first 4 words of the traditional American Bible are concerned, I think it clearly states that God exists within the confines of time. He was never credited with creating time. It just says that 'within an aspect of time, God did stuff.'

But the bible has always been open to interpretations, so.... there's mine.

And remember: God can do ALL things*

*Except speak for himself and defeat Satan, apparently
and i respect that that is how you feel.

I think you have very similar ideas to what I have, particularly on the topic of origin/infinity. I just don't put a "face" on existence simply coming to be.

Have you ever heard of the term "Ain Soph"? (There are a few spellings: Ein sof,...) I'm interested to hear a quick thought from you on the topic. I once dove headfirst into studying Qabalah. Just asking, no agenda.
No matter a persons' qualifications, if they say they believe in god, I think they are an idiot. I try not to, but I just can't understand why anyone would believe in something based on faith, despite the evidence that points directly against the existence of god.
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The fact that God has always existed is the kind of thing you have to take with faith. the fact that God has always existed and wasnt born or created or "big banged" is beyond human comprehension. Its kinda like trying to assign an exact numerical value to infinity. Some things we just won't/don't/can't understand. but attribute  it to what i posted earlier"

""You forget one very important thing. We are talking about God, a supreme being, a deity, all powerful, and creator. All human laws of physics, creation, time, etc of course will be contradicted. He is God. His laws of physics, creation, time, etc are beyond all that we know and could begin to comprehend. He gives us a few tidbits to chew on, but everything else is concocted by man and what man believes is the correct. Man will get things wrong as well as right. God will always get things right. If God cannot defy the human laws that we know then he is not really a god. Stop looking at it from a human perspective. Human ways are not God’s ways. Whether you believe in God or not, I think we all know the definition of a god. So knowing what a makes a god a god, can you not agree that if there is a god that he can create the rules any way he wants."""

you don't have to believe in God to understand the "God concept"

Going back, you said you're a christian, in what way? Nothing you just said coincides with the bible. You took what you want and crafted the rest to suit your logical beliefs. You also said "because of God" isn't really the case but then you also say everything comes from God. That's a contradictory statment.

You also say man gets things wrong and God does not. You do realize your idea of God comes from man made assumptions correct?

The Big Bang is also NOT above the comprehension of man. It actually can be easily explained.

Infinity isn't a number, it's the absences of the ability to assign a numerical value. That wasn't a good comparison
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No matter a persons' qualifications, if they say they believe in god, I think they are an idiot. I try not to, but I just can't understand why anyone would believe in something based on faith, despite the evidence that points directly against the existence of god.

I think the pain in life makes it difficult for some to recognize the beauty of it. Feeling life isn't enough, they then hope for an after-life. It's a coping mechanism in my eyes. Unfortunate, yet understandable. I swear I would start a church to take advantage, but I don't have that type of ruthlessness in my heart... yet.
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