Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

[quote name="jdfrenchbread23"]but quiet atheists still dont believe in god right? thats not a choice? lol this is making my head hurt :lol:  but i get what you guys are saying

I guess what comes down to is where you fall. if you believe, to you an atheist is actively choosing not to believe and vice versa.[/quote]First, I definitely appreciate you trying to understand. :smokin

Second, 'actively not believing' is combining 2 things that don't really combine.

Being active is a personality trait.

Not believing has nothing to do with it.

I don't consider sea manup an atheist because he's actively saying so. I consider him an atheist because he doesn't believe in the god concept.

The end.

And separately, I also consider him vocal, about the Lakers, about religion, etc.
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Knowing about the TV and turning it off is different than not knowing about TV

You not watching TV and a person from the 1800s not watching TV are different things
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[quote name="Mister Friendly"]Knowing about the TV and turning it off is different than not knowing about TV

You not watching TV and a person from the 1800s not watching TV are different things[/quote]I have no idea why I'm trying with you, because you're not trying to understand at all. You think you know, even though you've already mentioned that you've never been an atheist. Yet you're going to describe to me how it is, someone who's been on both sides. I know more about your book than you do through years of research, but you know what you know about atheism from what you've been told and what you're telling.


Oh wait, entertainment purposes. That's right. :smile:

For the 1800s... OR EVER... a person is born without.

Without tv.

Without a gun.

Without a flint rock for starting a fire.

Without knowledge of tv, guns, rocks, or the god concept.


And then comes the teachings.

Choosing to go back to being without IS ABSOLUTELY NOT refusing something concrete, BECAUSE THE GOD CONCEPT IS NOT CONCRETE.

Choosing to go back to being without = turning the tv back to off, WHICH IS NOT A CHANNEL; it is simply NOT tuning into ESPN.

Choosing to go back to being without = putting the gun back in the shelf, WHICH IS NOT CALLED 'CHOOSING A WEAPON'; it is simply NOT choosing a gun.

"What channel you watching?"
"Oh, I'm watching not ESPN."


"What channel you watching?"
"Oh, it's off.
you narrow-minded types: "So you're rejecting ESPN. You've been made aware, but you're choosing to reject it. That's your choice, that's your channel."

"What weapon do you have?"
"Oh, I gave it back to Paw. Don't want it."
you narrow-minded types, with an 1800s scenario: "So you're rejecting guns. Got it. You've been made aware, but you're choosing to reject guns. 'Not guns' is your weapon."


Not even trying to get it, man.

'Not being a woman' is not a gender.

You're not even aware of this, but your struggle is in your difficulty to understand that the god concept is not concrete, not definite, not proven. It is BELIEVED.

Rejection is for the concrete. You reject girls and foods and what not. You don't reject dragons.

'Off' is not rejection, and giving your gun back is not a weapon.
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Man I told yall pages ago that Officer Friendly is sitting in his basement, in his drawls, eating ice cream cracking up at how frustrated yall are getting. He isn't in the business of having a real conversation
The concept that God doesn't exist is not concrete either

I totally understand what are trying to say...You are trying occupy a nothing place....things don't work like that... they are or they are not.

If you aren't a are a man or have both sexual organs.....You don't use the gun or don't use a gun...You watch TV or you don't watch TV

If the person has never seen the gun or TV...they aren't rejecting it. They don't know about it...its a totally different concept than knowing about it and not using them

YOU have heard of the concept of God and reject it....and you are ACTIVELY rejecting it...this is a belief

I don't why its so hard to say "I'm a atheist, I reject God, that's my belief and I'll let people know about it, because I don't like religion"

Instead we hide behind not believing something is not a belief....that may be true, if you kept to yourself but you are actively saying God does not exist...You are sharing a belief, just like the Believers shares his belief
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[quote name="Mister Friendly"]The concept that God doesn't exist is not concrete either[/quote] There is as much hard proof of God as there is that I have a flying elephant next to me.

[quote name="Mister Friendly"]I totally understand what are trying to say...You are trying occupy a nothing place[/quote]Nnnnnnnnnope. :smile: 'Occupy' is an action. I'm not doing. 'Trying' is an action, and I'm not trying.

"So what ARE you doing, so I can be accurate?"


Not trying to occupy a space.


[quote name="Mister Friendly"]they are or they are not.[/quote]Absolute thinking. Exactly what I was saying your struggle is earlier; absolute thinking. "You either accept god or reject it. Only 2 options. Either you love basketball or hate it, nothing else. Once I've told you about basketball, you either love it or hate it."

Nnnnnnnnope. :lol:

[quote name="Mister Friendly"]If the person has never seen the gun or TV...they aren't rejecting it.[/quote]If they HAVE seen it, they still aren't rejecting it by not accepting it.

You're stuck, dude, and too prideful to realize it and introduce a different concept.

If you walk into Burger King and see a Whopper and walk out, you haven't rejected the Whopper.

"Well, yeah I did, because.. "

No, man. You didn't. :lol: That's not rejection.

[quote name="Mister Friendly"]I don't why its so hard to say "I'm a atheist, I reject God, that's my belief and I'll let people know about it, because I don't like religion"[/quote]Do you reject my flying elephant? I've introduced the concept, and you either accept that I have one or you reject him. Which?

He really loves you, btw. Do you reject him? :frown:

[quote name="Mister Friendly"]you are actively saying God does not exist...You are sharing a belief, just like the Believers shares his belief[/quote]Nnnnnnnoope, it's going back to realizing it hasn't been proven. :smile: I'm actively saying it hasn't been proven, and I believe in proof; in other words, I don't 'believe' in anything.
Yes you either accept God, reject God......lets make it sound better" not choose to follow" God or don't know about about God

You are talking about a broad action and describe it as a simple action, while ignoring things that must happen to get it to simple action

If you walk into Burger King, see a Whooper and you are OFFERED it and you choose not to accept it, you are rejecting the idea of eating it...Thats a different concept than just walking into Burger King and leaving.

Thats like saying if you're a construction worker and you walk into a church to do repairs, you have been exposed to the concept of God...No thats just silly

If that construction worker went to a church service and listened then later, church members talked to him about how God connects to his life, then he would have been offered the concept of God.

He can choose to accept or not accept God

If you say there's a flying elephant next to you, I can reject to believe its there or I accept that's it there

An atheist you are heard of the concept of God and you are making a conscious choice to not believe in God

And yes you do believe in something....If you say Jesus is not are expressing your belief about Jesus....if you say God doesn't exist, you are expressing your belief.

You believe in something

The closest you can could get to not believing in "anything" is being indifferent

But if you were indifferent, you probably wouldn't be in this thread
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Think about every time you drive to work. There's a bunch of streets you never turn into and you don't even register in your mind that turning into a random street is an option.

You are not choosing not to turn every time you drive by a street
Yes you either accept God, reject God......lets make it sound better" not choose to follow" God or don't know about about God

You are talking about a broad action and describe it as a simple action, while ignoring things that must happen to get it to simple action

If you walk into Burger King, see a Whooper and you are OFFERED it and you choose not to accept it, you are rejecting the idea of eating it...Thats a different concept than just walking into Burger King and leaving.

Thats like saying if you're a construction worker and you walk into a church to do repairs, you have been exposed to the concept of God...No thats just silly

If that construction worker went to a church service and listened then later, church members talked to him about how God connects to his life, then he would have been offered the concept of God.

He can choose to accept or not accept God

If you say there's a flying elephant next to you, I can reject to believe its there or I accept that's it there

An atheist you are heard of the concept of God and you are making a conscious choice to not believe in God

And yes you do believe in something....If you say Jesus is not are expressing your belief about Jesus....if you say God doesn't exist, you are expressing your belief.

You believe in something

The closest you can could get to not believing in "anything" is being indifferent

But if you were indifferent, you probably wouldn't be in this thread

You're not getting the concept of the origin for the idea of religion to begin with. Until you do nothing will make sense
Think about every time you drive to work. There's a bunch of streets you never turn into and you don't even register in your mind that turning into a random street is an option.

You are not choosing not to turn every time you drive by a street

Yes still have a choice. You are choosing not to turn down that street.... you are choosing what path to go on
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sitting on a couch = choosing to not turn down Grand Ave. :lol:

*sits down at Applebees with friends*

"Can I bring you a free appetizer?
"For them. I'm not eating."
"So you're rejecting our appetizers?
"No. I'm not eating."
"What's so difficult about saying you're rejecting what we're offering? It's no big deal, but you are rejecting it."
"I'm... not eating. Anything. Just hanging out with my friends, who are eating.
*minutes later*
"So here's your chicken strips, and here's your nachos, and you... here's your 'No appetizer' plate*. I understand not partaking completely."


*What would that even look like?

Here's how it would actually go:

*sits down at Applebees with friends*

"Can I bring you a free appetizer?
"For them. I'm not eating."
"Okie doke. And you guys?"
*minutes later*
"So here's your chicken strips, and here's your nachos."

The end.

But with religion, according to you:

*sits down with friends, stranger approaches*

"What are your thoughts on god?
"That's them. I don't have a belief."
"So you're rejecting their beliefs?
"No. I'm not a believer in anything."
"What's so difficult about saying you're rejecting what they're offering? It's no big deal, but you are rejecting it."
"I'm... simply not believing. Anything. Just hanging out with my friends, who believe."
"No, you believe. You believe in not believing. Your belief system is that you don't believe."

That sounds ridiculous to even type. :lol:

How it should be:

*stranger approaches*
"What are your thoughts on god?
"That's them. I don't have a belief."

The end.
Atheism is a lack of belief...not a rejection.

Rejection is something that you do actively. To lack is action needed.

I've seen this line of thinking a hundred times and it always leads up to "How can you reject something that doesn't exist? Therefore God must exist 8)"
As silly as it sounds. Yes, You sitting on the couch = you not turning the down Grand Ave. That sounds ridiculous because it is...Because it ignores the steps to make a broad action, a small action.

Yes at Applebees you are rejecting the food or lets use a soft wording....."Not choosing" to eat. You made a choice. You decided. The waiter could say heres your no appetizer plate but it would just be using an improper term.

What you described in your religion story is being indifferent by saying you have no belief, which is different is than saying you don't believe in God.

Person A, who has no belief/ indifferent /agnostic would have conversations like this

Person "Hey, do you believe Jesus Christ, is your Lord and Savior?"
Person B " I don't believe you can prove Jesus existed or didn't exist"

Person B, who is atheist would have conversations like this

Person "Hey do you believe Jesus Christ, is your Lord and Savior?"
Person B " I don't believe Jesus Christ existed because you cant prove he existed."

The atheist denies/ disbelieves /rejects the existence of God
Interesting discussion. It's also always interesting that I've run into many former pastors who are now atheists. Now there's one on here.

I wonder how do believers respond to the fact that across the board atheists have shown to have higher IQs and superior intelligence altogether

Also I remember seeing a study that showed that atheists commit less crimes

Why are believers dumber & less moral?
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I watched more than half of that video and there were just too many inconsistencies for me.

My main problem is the constant pointing towards intelligent design and the meaning behind the phrase. You can have intelligent design without being designed by anyone intelligent for starters. The words intelligent and sophisticated are also relative terms. When the color TV released the future was here, but before radio was the future! Before than the discovery of electricity was it! You see where I'm getting at. We have intelligent design only compaired to the past. In the future things could change and our design could be rendered remedial

That video was basically the other side of the ancient aliens show. "______ is ________ so........ Aliens! " except sub out aliens for intelligent design.

Overall, it's classic usage of solid data, really no refuting time, interpreted in a bias manner. With all this did he not just debunk the story of creationism altogether? He accepted at least some form of evolution or long term adaptation, the age of the earth, and formation of intelligence
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That's exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned God's shrinking realm of power.

Everything that we presently understand thanks to the scientific method was once attributed to God or some otherworldly power.
When I was a kid I somehow learned about Satan worshippers and was absolutely terrified of them

I thought they lived underground with Satan and used drill machines to come to the surface and drag people back down to hell a la the shadow people from Ghost
yea thats scary.

if you look at human beings there are some that are really pure evil.

so if you have other beings in the universe, there are some that are really good, and some that are really evil.

if you have beings much higher than us....there are some evil ones.
When I was a kid I somehow learned about Satan worshippers and was absolutely terrified of them

I thought they lived underground with Satan and used drill machines to come to the surface and drag people back down to hell a la the shadow people from Ghost
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