Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

yea thats scary.

if you look at human beings there are some that are really pure evil.

so if you have other beings in the universe, there are some that are really good, and some that are really evil.

if you have beings much higher than us....there are some evil ones.
its weird that in scifi whenever an alien race invades earth they always have a hive mind rather than each having an individual personality 
Interesting discussion. It's also always interesting that I've run into many former pastors who are now atheists. Now there's one on here.

I wonder how do believers respond to the fact that across the board atheists have shown to have higher IQs and superior intelligence altogether

Also I remember seeing a study that showed that atheists commit less crimes

Why are believers dumber & less moral?

I work at NASA. We have the highest contingency of scientist in one area in the entire united states. +95% are atheist. You never and i mean NEVER hear religion brought up. Its funny because the people that are catholic do talk about church just in passing. "Oh went to church sunday, then grocery store". "Yeah we go to the same church". But of everyone else here that is a non-believer no one ever talks about it or has an atheist pow-wow.

I do really appreciate the back and forth in here though that has remained civil. Great points being made all around. Glad everything has been kept above the belt too and no shots to ruin what has been a great convo.
That's exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned God's shrinking realm of power.

Everything that we presently understand thanks to the scientific method was once attributed to God or some otherworldly power.
Christianity is a sinking ship in the States...

Thank God.
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Can you be spiritual but not religious?

Yes you can

The concept of organized religion is basically the strength in numbers concept, but as with anything with people it can be "corrupted".

Look at any type of human system and it can be, law enforcement, politics, entertainment, media etc.

To avoid this, some people prefer to embark on their spiritual journey mostly by themselves .
yea thats scary.

if you look at human beings there are some that are really pure evil.

so if you have other beings in the universe, there are some that are really good, and some that are really evil.

if you have beings much higher than us....there are some evil ones.

This is why I disagree with the concept that atheists would be "more" humane in power.

Good and bad actions aren't limited to one type of group whether it be by religion, nationality, race, gender etc

The reign of an atheists could be fine until one came to power that didn't have humane interests and only had his own personal interests at heart . Those interests may not be in line with will of certain groups of people.You'd end up with the same problems, different groups being "persecuted, outcasted, hurt, killed etc.

Man is flawed and will continue to be the way for the foreseeable future.
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This is a question from the atheists, when you came to your conclusion that God didn't exist where you happy, sad or angry?
It was a gradual process so I was pretty much indifferent when I started considering myself atheist.

Religion never really had a strong presence in my life so it wasn't an abrupt change like it may have been for some people.
This is a question from the atheists, when you came to your conclusion that God didn't exist where you happy, sad or angry?
It was whatever. It was a gradual process. 

But you are still on this, "Atheist Mindset" of doing things a certain way. I thought we established Atheists and "Religious" people are all human and therefore no group (as a whole) is more or less moral than the other
I didn't say anything in the post about morals of either group.

I just asked how did it feel? The same as asking a believer, how it felt.
This is why I disagree with the concept that atheists would be "more" humane in power.

Good and bad actions aren't limited to one type of group whether it be by religion, nationality, race, gender etc

The reign of an atheists could be fine until one came to power that didn't have humane interests and only had his own personal interests at heart . Those interests may not be in line with will of certain groups of people.You'd end up with the same problems, different groups being "persecuted, outcasted, hurt, killed etc.

Man is flawed and will continue to be the way for the foreseeable future.
I am responding to THIS

You can exchange the word atheist with christian and the statement is still true.

You KEEP saying Atheists are NOT more humane but when someone says, "So you are saying that Christians are more humane" you duck and dodge.

So again, do you feel Christians are MORE humane than Atheists?
I said ALL men are flawed, I've repeatedly said that.

I'm not the person who brought the point of which group is "more" humane to the conversation.

Where's your demand for the people who said atheists are more humane to now say Christians and atheists are equally humane?
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So to be clear you think naturally, atheist and Christians are equally as humane as each other?

Yes or no and I will drop it
It's easy to figure out where he stands on that issue even though he won't come out and say to just move on.
I didn't say anything in the post about morals of either group.

I just asked how did it feel? The same as asking a believer, how it felt.
i never expected god to exist

i never wanted god to exist

there was no moment when i realised god didnt exist

when i first studied/researched christianity i thought "this is what people believe in? well this is dumb"

i literally cant think of an emotion for how it felt
Islam is growing fast in the US too.

I would imagine that this probably bothers a lot of Christian people :lol:
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Christianity and all other religion will never leave. God can no longer be disproven but there's nothing previously attributed to God left to disprove. The heavens were in the sky? Well, we flew to space, and no heavens. Weather comes from God? Well, we discovered the real cause, no God there. Sickness was gods wrath? Wrong again, we discovered cells, germs, virus, ect. So on and so forth. The only thing left of God is the idea of God. At this point there's nothing left.

It's like catching a child in a lie, proof in hand, yet they continue with the "na'ah" gestures. You can't stop that
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Christianity and all other religion will never leave. God can no longer be disproven but there's nothing previously attributed to God left to disprove. The heavens were in the sky? Well, we flew to space, and no heavens. Weather comes from God? Well, we discovered the real cause, no God there. Sickness was gods wrath? Wrong again, we discovered cells, germs, virus, ect. So on and so forth. The only thing left of God is the idea of God. At this point there's nothing left.

It's like catching a child in a lie, proof in hand, yet they continue with the "na'ah" gestures. You can't stop that

This was the conclusion i came to a long time ago. When i was younger i would say wait until we find life on other planets. Then people have to say "oh i guess god isn't real and he didn't create earth and put humans there because in the endless universe we are just a pebble in the sand of blind coincidence" but nope it just turns to "god created aliens too and everything else" to which you just have to shrug and move on.
But why doesn't he mention aliens in "his" book? Or does he when he speaks of the giants
youre not going to get that answer lol

on another note if you guys couldnt tell I'm a christian, but I'm also an engineer so i believe in science the search for more answers and all of that. i think its a misconception that all christians use "God did it" as the answer for everything that science hasnt answered yet. Well I don't, and i'm more than content with saying "i dont know" when the bible isn't clear or doesn't address something and I don't default to God snapped his fingers and it happened. I don't believe that God has to have a personal touch in everything because people need that to validate His existence. And just because one person believes that that rain is happening because "God is crying" doesnt mean I, or all christians believe that. Do i believe aliens exist? its definitely a possibility. Do i believe heaven is in the sky somehwere? obviously not. Do i think goliath was a giant like we see in fairytales? no, i think he was a large unusually tall guy. Do i still believe in God? absolutely. And i still believe in science, i still believe there are things that we will discover and we will get smarter and smarter. And even then no one will be able to prove or disprove God. 
But why doesn't he mention aliens in "his" book? Or does he when he speaks of the giants
youre not going to get that answer lol

on another note if you guys couldnt tell I'm a christian, but I'm also an engineer so i believe in science the search for more answers and all of that. i think its a misconception that all christians use "God did it" as the answer for everything that science hasnt answered yet. Well I don't, and i'm more than content with saying "i dont know" when the bible isn't clear or doesn't address something and I don't default to God snapped his fingers and it happened. I don't believe that God has to have a personal touch in everything because people need that to validate His existence. And just because one person believes that that rain is happening because "God is crying" doesnt mean I, or all christians believe that. Do i believe aliens exist? its definitely a possibility. Do i believe heaven is in the sky somehwere? obviously not. Do i think goliath was a giant like we see in fairytales? no, i think he was a large unusually tall guy. Do i still believe in God? absolutely. And i still believe in science, i still believe there are things that we will discover and we will get smarter and smarter. And even then no one will be able to prove or disprove God. 


But genesis states that god created earth in 7 days.

So did he create the universe? Did he create other life forms?

I understand taking a modified view. Like oh god created the universe. But then you believe in evolution? and the only real belief you have is in God? not a full religion?
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