Arrow TV

:wow: This show never ceases to top itself. I hope with the success it's having that the show will receive a bigger budget. Only complaint I have with Arrow is that it looks extremely cheap at times.

But what a great midseason finally. Set up so many story lines.

Slade didn't seem too angry with Oliver on the last Island scene, so I'm guessing he'll find out Oliver technically chose Sarah, and Ollie than 'kills' him.

The Flash sequence was perfect. Can't wait for that show.

Was cool to basically get confirmation of Gold as Solomon Grundy too. I'm guessing whatever that stuff that got onto him will play into him being a zombie.

Also cool to see them obviously setting up Roy as Speedy

My favorite show right now, can't wait for the rest of the season to start :smokin
Grundy :pimp: died on a Saturday, buried on Sunday...

Speedy :pimp: :pimp:

Flash :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Deathstroke :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I haven't liked a show like this in a LOOOOOOONG time and it is my favorite show damb January 15 is going to feel like a lifetime waiting for this :smh:
is there any significance to gundy's all black kanye mask?
Nope just the fact the show doesn't have to do full zombie make for each scene. They have changed up costumes because certain things dont work on episodic tv shows.
guessing he will come back with his face burnt and looking extra zombie like

with that along with deathstroke being alive, does that mean that these guys cant die?

screenshot from the first ep


“I would say [he's] very much the drive of the second half of the season,” says Berlanti. “Last year, we had Malcolm as sort of a single bad guy and twisting and turning that. This year, we’ve got a two-pronged approach to the bad guy.” And Oliver’s knowledge about only one of those bad guys, he says, “helps us change the rhythms of the back half of the year from what we would have done last year.”


“One of the things you’ll find as we go along is that it’s a deep-seeded anger inside of you that lets you survive the Mirakuru transformation, which is something Slade had, which is why he lived, and it’s why Roy lived,” teases Kreisberg of Roy’s upcoming troubles. “One of the fun things that will be happening the back half of the year is his relationship with the Arrow and how that changes and how the Arrow basically makes it his mission to not let Roy go down the Slade path and that’s going to take some twists and turns that will hopefully surprise people and they’ll enjoy.”

Haynes adds that Roy’s changing demeanor is also going to have an effect on the “mini-dream team,” comprised of Roy, Thea, and Sin. ”Roy is now going to be so volatile with these new-found abilities, if you will. He’s going to have to be on a very strict watch,” he says. “Roy’s going to have to spend a lot of time with Arrow — even more than he has — to be monitored and to see if he’s going to go down the right path or not.”
i like how they had 4 origin stories in one episode

we have speedy getting his powers

flash getting his powers

deathstroke getting his powers

gundy getting killed

i feel like they could have done more to show that slade was in love with shadow, but to see the girl he loved let oliver smash then get killed before he could get a piece is a reason to go mad 

when the "ghost" of shadow appeared, she addressed oliver as "my lover" in chinese
with that along with deathstroke being alive, does that mean that these guys cant die?

Due to the serum, Slade has an increased healing factor in the comics. It's not as potent as Wolverine's as far as I know so I guess the answer is he is still pretty much prone to dying.

Waiting on Roy to become a Junkie

During the 1st season, I thought Thea/Speedy being addicted to Vertigo was some sort of an homage to this classic storyline. I guess this time, with Roy they're really going for it.

As for the ep, that was one amazing mid-season finale. Really got me pumped up for the rest of the season and for the Flash spin-off. And finally... my dude Slade Wilson has returned. Props to the guys behind the show for keeping the OG look on slade.
but to my understanding speedy doesnt have the super powers in the comics? want to see how they play it out, might be hard for arrow to mentor speedy when he can slap oliver across the room.
but to my understanding speedy doesnt have the super powers in the comics? want to see how they play it out, might be hard for arrow to mentor speedy when he can slap oliver across the room.
While he'll be stronger it's not like Roy has the training of slade. I mean grundy did beat Oliver up a lot Oliver still found a way to beat him. The 3rd fight lol. But even in the comics Roy gets sorta fed up being the sidekick so it'll play out like normal
but to my understanding speedy doesnt have the super powers in the comics? want to see how they play it out, might be hard for arrow to mentor speedy when he can slap oliver across the room.
While he'll be stronger it's not like Roy has the training of slade. I mean grundy did beat Oliver up a lot Oliver still found a way to beat him. The 3rd fight lol. But even in the comics Roy gets sorta fed up being the sidekick so it'll play out like normal

True. And I think Roy getting the serum is just a plot device at this point and really might just lead to the "junkie" storyline. And I guess when the time comes, he won't be Speedy. I'm assuming he'd go by Red Arrow or Arsenal.

What got me curious about this episode though is the pace that the island flashbacks are going. I've read an interview before where the producers said the island flashbacks would stretch for 5 seasons. And now that Slade has been revealed to be alive in the present day, and Shado being dead, I'm wondering what other stuff they would eventually encounter in the island.
but to my understanding speedy doesnt have the super powers in the comics? want to see how they play it out, might be hard for arrow to mentor speedy when he can slap oliver across the room.
I think they're going to use the drug addict storyline to resolve this. I don't think his powers will be permanent because its diluted from Slade's blood. They'll probably go with Roy being addicted to the enhanced power and having to get it from Brother Blood and Slade. Just my guess.

Anyways, I'm loving everything about this show. Really well done in all facets, especially for a CW show.
I don't understand Slade's hatred for Oliver. Granted I haven't watched the last three episodes in full. So what's dudes problem?
Episode ain't as good as the previous ones, but I guess it's some kind of filler for the next arc.
Not a bad episode to come back from the mid-season break to, but some of the stuff is just so forced it's funny, especially when Thea and the mom look directly at the camera as Oliver looks over :lol: It was just so cringe-worthy when I saw it. And Laurel definitely has daddy issues going from one man to another :lol:
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