As of today......Android marketshare >>> Apple Marketshare

We're talking facts not opinion, and the statement about the Motorola droid selling its first million faster is also TRUE.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Whichs leads me to my next point.... adobe is optimizin' flash

For blackberry & android devices..which is da majority of da

Cell phone does apple plan to strong arm da

industry when their already lookin like da clear minority in da

as soon as it comes out all the hypebeasts are gonna be

Originally Posted by AceBoogie

We're talking facts not opinion, and the statement about the Motorola droid selling its first million faster is also TRUE.

the first iphones were also being sold for a ridiculous amount at 500 and 600 i believe

a more accurate comparison would be the droid sold 1 million over 2.5 months i believe, iPhone 3G sold over a million in the opening weekend, and 3Gs as well

but anyways according to apple haters, how many phones sold means nothing
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Its expected for the iPhone to lose marketshare at this time of year, why? the majority of people should know, because every summer a new iphone comes up

on top of that, android has HTC alone producing like 10 android devices for all 4 carriers, and thats just HTC alone

Why are people acting like Androids platform vs Apples 1 phone is an unfair advantage? Every other player in the the market has phones on other carriers.

Apple does this to itself.
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by AceBoogie

We're talking facts not opinion, and the statement about the Motorola droid selling its first million faster is also TRUE.

the first iphones were also being sold for a ridiculous amount at 500 and 600 i believe

a more accurate comparison would be the droid sold 1 million over 2.5 months i believe, iPhone 3G sold over a million in the opening weekend, and 3Gs as well

but anyways according to apple haters, how many phones sold means nothing
just shut up

stop making excuses for apple.
the whole point of the research was to show the accelerating market share takeover by android. this is something apple cannot ignore. why are you bringing up the 3gs when they have already established
a huge market share?

gosh apple fanboys are the most annoying creatures in the entire world. I don't even own an android device but i would take a droid or incredible over an iphone anyday
why do you feel like your favorite company should be the most powerful and always on top.
competition drives innovation, its simple economics. innovation doesnt come from steve jobs mouth bad mouthing other companies and lies.
but why do apple fanboys feel like the need for apple to be the best when they clearly suck balls and they make a ridiculous profit margin
are you a shareholder? an employee? a board of director? you have no financial ties to apple. no family, no friends and no financial ties to apple whatsoever.
they have been abusing their market position for too long and steve jobs over inflated ego isnt helping
its the best thing for everyone if apple loses, so maybe just maybe they can release something good for a change
innovation can only come from competition, something apple fanbos dont realize and probably never will
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

this is like saying windows>apple.

said that before, and that also holds true.
1st of all....Windows is an OS...Apple is a company. Microsoft is the company that makes the Windows OS. Apple is the company that makes the Mac OS. Get it together. 
rashi wrote:
Apple's profits > Android's profits

What a terrible post.
Apple is a company. Android is a smartphone OS made by a company called google. Maybe you've heard of it.

So are you saying that Apple > Google? If so........down the street, not across the road. 
my man...all you doing is complainin about da way i put da terms...lemme put it in simpler terms...

android is to windows as da iPhone is to da Mac.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

my man...all you doing is complainin about da way i put da terms...lemme put it in simpler terms...

android is to windows as da iPhone is to da Mac.
Wrong again.
Please stop.

Windows mobile is to windows as iPhone is to Mac.

Windows Mobile =/= Android 
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by ninjahood

my man...all you doing is complainin about da way i put da terms...lemme put it in simpler terms...

android is to windows as da iPhone is to da Mac.
Wrong again.
Please stop.

Windows mobile is to windows as iPhone is to Mac.

Windows Mobile =/= Android 

wrong duke, windows mobile sucks and is comparing da QUICK ACCLIMATION of da android OS on da mobile market

to da QUICK acclimation and dominance of da windows OS platform to da desktop PC, and how Apple just makes Macs da way they

just make iphones..they bout to get lapped something awful similar to da way windows OS laps da OSX in da desktop marketplace.
Your biased and improper comparison as stated by numerous replies from other members make you irrelevant.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by ninjahood

my man...all you doing is complainin about da way i put da terms...lemme put it in simpler terms...

android is to windows as da iPhone is to da Mac.
Wrong again.
Please stop.

Windows mobile is to windows as iPhone is to Mac.

Windows Mobile =/= Android 

please stop

windows mobile is to windows as iphone os is to os x
Here's a WORLDWIDE chart for you guys to chew on for a bit.

Keep in mind this only accounts for hardware marketshare. If you wanna go the OS route then that would include ipod touches which would put them ahead of RIM effectively (Apple sold 21 million iPods during the quarter with at least 20% being touches.)

Top Five Converged Mobile Device Vendors, Shipments, and Market Share, Q1 2010 (Units in Millions)
[/td] [td]
1Q10 Volumes
[/td] [td]
1Q10 Market Share
[/td] [td]
1Q09 Volumes
[/td] [td]
1Q09 Market Share
[/td] [td]
1Q10/1Q09 Change
1. Nokia
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
2. Research In Motion
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
3. Apple
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
4. HTC
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
5. Motorola
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
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bunch of damn fanboys in here.. apple, windows, android, etc 
 there's like 2 of ya'll that know what youre talking about.. the rest are just salty as hell. 
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by AceBoogie

We're talking facts not opinion, and the statement about the Motorola droid selling its first million faster is also TRUE.

the first iphones were also being sold for a ridiculous amount at 500 and 600 i believe

a more accurate comparison would be the droid sold 1 million over 2.5 months i believe, iPhone 3G sold over a million in the opening weekend, and 3Gs as well

but anyways according to apple haters, how many phones sold means nothing
just shut up

stop making excuses for apple.
the whole point of the research was to show the accelerating market share takeover by android. this is something apple cannot ignore. why are you bringing up the 3gs when they have already established
a huge market share?

gosh apple fanboys are the most annoying creatures in the entire world. I don't even own an android device but i would take a droid or incredible over an iphone anyday
why do you feel like your favorite company should be the most powerful and always on top.
competition drives innovation, its simple economics. innovation doesnt come from steve jobs mouth bad mouthing other companies and lies.
but why do apple fanboys feel like the need for apple to be the best when they clearly suck balls and they make a ridiculous profit margin
are you a shareholder? an employee? a board of director? you have no financial ties to apple. no family, no friends and no financial ties to apple whatsoever.
they have been abusing their market position for too long and steve jobs over inflated ego isnt helping
its the best thing for everyone if apple loses, so maybe just maybe they can release something good for a change
innovation can only come from competition, something apple fanbos dont realize and probably never will

its basically been stated that even if Apple has created a device that can cure cancer, you would STILL hate on Apple with every last fiber of your human body

android one day will overtake the apple iphone, but its not today, i welcome the competition to the iphone, you just assume that i defend apple meaning i hate every other phone and i will never own another phone without the apple logo again

when android will be consensus pick for the top phone, i will make the switch, but clearly, the majority of critics of cell phones use and compare any new device to the iPhone, everywhere on youtube or blog sites like engadget first compare it to the iPhone, and usually they state "i am an iPhone user, so comparing the iPhone to this XXXX device is unfair"

but according to you, everyone of these people are apple fanboys
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