Asian Culture Discussion Thread

You dudes in here talking like when you meet another Filipino in your class Freshman year of High School and he's one of the rare ones that actually speak Tagalog :lol:
aint nothing a bottle of this cant fix
using this right now lol. just applied some to my elbow/forearm 
As we are coming up to the 25th anniversary of the LA Riots, I've been seeing more discussion on how that impacted K town and the Korean American community. It could just be me seeing what I want to see, but I just don't remember any kind of focus on KAs.

It's ridiculous that during this "news report", they are out there talking about how they wonder if the guns were legal registered, intentional language barriers etc. My uncle had a business that was completely destroyed during the riots. I remember he told us the cops had driven up to the swap meet, saw the looting and boned out immediately.

The one thing following the riots I remember is so much talk and openness about racism and police brutality and all that. At the time, even having grown up among both the "passive" or "good intentions" type of racism and the blatant hate filled kind, I was still naïve in many ways, I think the way no one seemed to care about what happened to our community, how none of my teachers thought this was anything but a black vs. white thing, really opened my eyes.
The narrative at that time was black urban poor vs white cops and it was portrayed very well that way.

When the riots began and targeted Korean or Asian owned businesses in the neighborhoods, and then the police response of course it went back to white cop vs black urban poor forgetting the backdrop of koreatown and targets of the rioters.
The narrative at that time was black urban poor vs white cops and it was portrayed very well that way.

When the riots began and targeted Korean or Asian owned businesses in the neighborhoods, and then the police response of course it went back to white cop vs black urban poor forgetting the backdrop of koreatown and targets of the rioters.
This. We felt like the nation forgot that our community was destroyed. To me the riots were really about socio-economics. Koreans were well spread out throughout SoCal and in most major cities even then, but that was the heart of our immigrant community. There was definitely a mix of business owners and professionals in the community, some had already been here since the 70s, many had arrived in the 80s and just getting established. Most Koreans at the time didn't arrive "poor" and many were really prospering.

I remember some people saying that because of the overall poverty in the area compared to the wealth the Korean owners had, the looting and rioting was justified. Nearly 3 decades later, I'm glad to see the overall tone has changed and most would agree that is nonsense.

I'm curious if any other Asian communities faced similar backlash or what the experience was like watching this. I wonder also, how we would have reacted, if this occurred in another community, such as a longer established area like Chinatown or Little Tokyo.

The riots were one of the catalyst that had the next wave of Koreans coming here to focus on education, professional careers and corporate jobs vs. small businesses like liquor stores, beauty supply and dry cleaners.
^its hard to say if the same would happen in other Asian ethnic enclaves due to the circumstances of the riots in k-town. There was already bitterness over Koreans setting up shops in the neighborhood but once that girl was shot by the store owner it was a wrap
It's nowhere near the same level, but I do know there are many Trump supporting Americans that are bitter and hateful towards Asian immigrants, and they're getting much more vocal about it these days. We are lucky to live in the major metro areas of California, but there's still those types of people out here. I've heard of a bunch of incidents against Indian and Chinese immigrants here in the Bay Area, including people I know personally. It's stupid because these two groups basically make up 75% of the entire area's economy, so if they really end up going back to their own countries, it's a wrap for the tech industry and California in general :lol:
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so if they really end up going back to their own countries, it's a wrap for the tech industry and California in general

i think it's quite funny when an asian person is a hardcore trump supporter. i have a cousin who is on my *** because i don't like him -- tellling me to listen to tomi lahren 
  shut yo *** up
I was surprised to hear that most Cubans are republicans. You learn to understand just because you care about an issue doesn't mean others will. The election kinda opened up a lot of eyes.
I was surprised to hear that most Cubans are republicans. You learn to understand just because you care about an issue doesn't mean others will. The election kinda opened up a lot of eyes.

I remember thinking the same thing but someone explained to me it's ideological. They escaped harsh "socialism", so of course they'd gravitate to the other side.
Ive never used pork belly for the gang.

Only lechon

Which cut of the lechon do you use? Kawali?

If so, that's pork belly. I thought it's common to use pork belly or pork butt/shoulder for Sinigang?
Yep kawali

I have never used pork belly in sinegang.....i dunno sounds good.

Ive used...shrimp....beef ribs......many types of fish....pork ribs
I always thought pork belly for sinigang was standard. I don't think I've ever veered off of that.

But after writing that, I feel like having bulaklak tonight now :lol:
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