Asian Culture Discussion Thread

^I like using Asiana a lot because they usually have long layovers in Seoul. I basically get a "free" one day night trip when I'm on my way to somewhere like Hong Kong or Japan, which allows me to hit up Hongdae, my favorite district in Asia :pimp: Man I always get massive food comas at Kyochon Chicken out there :lol: Best fried chicken in the world IMO

sfsjjang98 sfsjjang98 did you live out in the Midwest by any chance? My Asian coworkers and I get treated like alien species when we go out there for work. I look Mexican at times so I think they dislike me the most out of my group :lol: No one has done anything extreme yet but those looks we get when we walk into somewhere that's 100% white...I'm not the typical looking Asian person and look very different than 99% of the population whenever I'm out in an Asian country due to my mixed heritage, but I've never felt uncomfortable or had people staring at me that way. At worst I've had people in Asia ask why I didn't have blue eyes and blonde hair like other Americans :lol:

My parents are actually pretty concerned whenever I fly out to Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, etc. after hearing about all these hate crimes against minorities after Trump got elected. They tell me to just stay in the hotel and not to go to any public places. It happens in California too (my dad is a very tan Southern European guy and I have his complexion, so of course he and I have gotten anti Mexican comments throughout our lives despite having zero connection to Mexico) but at least those types of people are relatively rare here.
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^I like using Asiana a lot because they usually have long layovers in Seoul. I basically get a "free" one day night trip when I'm on my way to somewhere like Hong Kong or Japan, which allows me to hit up Hongdae, my favorite district in Asia
Man I always get massive food comas at Kyochon Chicken out there
Best fried chicken in the world IMO

@sfsjjang98 did you live out in the Midwest by any chance? My Asian coworkers and I get treated like alien species when we go out there for work. I look Mexican at times so I think they dislike me the most out of my group
No one has done anything extreme yet but those looks we get when we walk into somewhere that's 100% white...I'm not the typical looking Asian person and look very different than 99% of the population whenever I'm out in an Asian country due to my mixed heritage, but I've never felt uncomfortable or had people staring at me that way. At worst I've had people in Asia ask why I didn't have blue eyes and blonde hair like other Americans

My parents are actually pretty concerned whenever I fly out to Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, etc. after hearing about all these hate crimes against minorities after Trump got elected. They tell me to just stay in the hotel and not to go to any public places. It happens in California too (my dad is a very tan Southern European guy and I have his complexion, so of course he and I have gotten anti Mexican comments throughout our lives despite having zero connection to Mexico) but at least those types of people are relatively rare here.
Asiana layovers
That's the way to do it! . Kyochon is classic, I don't know if they still have locations here in the US though. 

Yes that little story was when I was in the Mid West.

@ Alien species. I've also lived in the south and east coast. I feel you on that. It's like, you walk into a store and the music screeches to a stop, babies start crying, and children start hiding. Suddenly everyone is staring straight at you.

Hatred, racism, ignorance does indeed exist everywhere. Its crazy to me that California is the state that has "all the Asians" in very high concentrations, in many cities, yet we still face and hear this kind of stuff. I mean, it's one thing to deal with that in some of those states you mentioned where people may have never seen an actual Asian in real life. I have a friend who is also mixed heritage and grew up in Middleofnowhere town, USA, and said he grew up hearing things like "Wth are you??? What kind of color are you???"

I most definitely look Asian, but perhaps not the way middle America thinks we are supposed to look.  

Its cool that you haven't had anything escalate out there in today's 'murrica. Just be you and be aware of your surroundings is what I tell myself.

I feel like this kind of thing is different in Asian countries. There's an unfamiliarity and uncertainty. Generally speaking I feel like it's not fear or hatred, foreigner influx is just more recent and people are still getting use to it.

For example, now Korea has many tourists, business travelers, students etc, from all over the world, and so it's not quite as "alien". But not too long ago, and i'm sure still in a lot of places around Asia you'd get those looks.
Yea, my friends have taken me to random small towns throughout Asia that don't get tourists. It's definitely more of a curiosity thing out there (like how I mentioned how some lady asked why I wasn't white if I was from the US). I've never been treated badly and was actually treated very well by the locals once they were familiar with me. At no point did I feel like an angry mob would kidnap and kill me in the middle of the night like I did while staying in South Dakota :lol: People are just confused about what I am when they see me, and I don't blame them, because even here in the US no one can ever tell what I really am :lol:
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Do you guys relate to this?

I kind of see it as a societal/personality problem rather than an NBA problem. There are "unintentional" biases that we go through, that I have experienced in the past. I feel it happens in the other cultures in different situations as well, but it sucks as whole anyway.

^ No retaliation from Lin / his teammates either.

The NBA is a non-prejudiced organization though, right?

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I'm no PC crusader, but I'm the type of guy that loves to talk and educate others about my culture. I once asked someone why racism is always talked about only in black and white terms, why aren't Asian even mentioned. The response was stuck with me, why should I stand up for you when you won't even speak for yourself?

that is an interesting perspective given by that person, one that isn't all that uncommon, but it's kinda nonsense...there are plenty of example of people standing up for others who are silent, if they are so inclined to stand; i think more so the reasons things are so frequently discussed in black & white is because those are the most polarizing given the historical context and the actual demographics of what were the 2 largest 'races.' of course, just about every specific ethnic group has had their own history in this country, but the black & white thing is like the original sin that never has been quite resolved, i also think it is easy to overestimate how diverse the whole of the country is, when you stay in urban areas. combine this with the general feeling that in this country, to the extent people have interaction with and/or the concept of asians generally, asians are mostly benign (though if black or brown & from the inner city/urban area it is likely to more combative because of the dynamic) and/or restricted to some narrow idea of the model minority status of the chinese/taiwanese, japanese, & koreans (perhaps to some extent some south asians/indians, but excluding southeast asians); some of which has been previously brought up in the thread. beyond discrimination, i'd be curious to know what issues 'asians,' if it were possible to be grouped as such, affect them and/or care about as a group?

Do you guys relate to this?

I kind of see it as a societal/personality problem rather than an NBA problem. There are "unintentional" biases that we go through, that I have experienced in the past. I feel it happens in the other cultures in different situations as well, but it sucks as whole anyway.

what societal problem do you see it as? i wonder how many comparable players to j.lin have a similar flagrant foul occurrence but aren't/don't/wouldn't get the same scrutiny...all of the instances were pretty borderline, none of which struck me as being flat out egregious...but maybe i'm biased? not sure how much of an outlier this is out of a bunch of cherry picked-#basketballpuns-examples? people do have unintentional biases, but it is really hard to tell if that is the case here; in some albeit extreme, apples & oranges examples during shaq's playing days at the height of 'hack-a-shaq' with the lakers, when players almost had to flagrantly foul dude just because of his sheer size & strength, the 'jordan rules' of a previous era, or even to use a modern example of d.rose's 1st few seasons where he struggled to get calls...i suspect a reel like this could be made of any player that tries to drive/get into the lane as much as these guys, especially if they aren't legit stars, which is the main bias of the nba and then home court...

^ No retaliation from Lin / his teammates either.

The NBA is a non-prejudiced organization though, right?


do tell? in what ways do you see it as prejudiced?
Of course they would. Whenever a minority is a victim in the US, somehow his or her history from over a decade ago somehow becomes relevant and a justification for mistreatment.

I bet if I ever became a victim of police brutality, the media would find out about my school suspensions/police citations as a teenager and call me an angry thug at age 27 :stoneface:
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It's stupid. Why are you digging dirt on the person who got roughed up anyway?

Too bad for the douchey media if I'm ever in the news, I don't have any dirt if you exclude the raunchy pron I watch.
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The airlines stocks are effed. Loss $700 in total and $255 in a day.

Of course the airport officer is only suspended instead of fired. Even airport cops can do whatever they want without getting fired and charged with crimes.
The airlines stocks are effed. Loss $700 in total and $255 in a day.

Of course the airport officer is only suspended instead of fired. Even airport cops can do whatever they want without getting fired and charged with crimes.
Temporary pain in the stock price, but it'll be alright long-term.
Might be going to Shanghai late May
Anyone want to school me on the city? Also, my mandarin is trash :lol:
The United situation is a great win for Asians. Not only is he going to cash out on a lawsuit, you know he gonna re-invest that cake back into Asian communities/businesses.
Man my grandma used to stay putting Tiger Balm on me for EVERYTHING. Hated that smell so damn much
is that like vick's vaporub?
Tiger balm, it's one of things all Asian grandmothers swore would heal everything. You got a bruise, bring the tiger balm, you have a cut, tiger balm, you have a stomach ache, here eat some of it (jk lol my g ma's weren't that raw).

Kind of like vaporub, but burns stronger, possibly due to more suspicious ingredients
aint nothing a bottle of this cant fix

View media item 2402546

Cuh that thing smell strong af :lol:
Work like magic tho, always used it for the tummy pains as a kid, or when I banged a shin or bone whatever real hard running around.

Used tiger balm for my bad neck for a while but damn that sticky feeling is nasty
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