Asics Love?!? Where is it?

Almost went from F5 to F-this, but I did finally make it through. Choosing the shipping option and then getting thrown back to the Whoops Loops is maddening! 
every time i get to the checkout page, it doesnt get past the "ship to this address" when choosing where to ship
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Got a confirmation number via e-mail. Keep trying yall. I finally got through using paypal instead of trying to checkout through their site.
finally got through via paypal. kept getting stuck at the submission page, but refreshed after getting an error when submitting and it went through. 
Ahh, forgot about the UBIQs. Definitely their best piece since Blooms. Congrats to those getting through. Site is busted for me.
I got a PayPal email for invoice but no confirmation email. What should I do? Keep trying?

Edit: Got confirmation from Ubiq 5 minutes later
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every time i get to the checkout page, it doesnt get past the "ship to this address" when choosing where to ship
Go back and forth on the shipping options until it loads on the free shipping. It worked for me by going back n forth with the 7.99 shipping so you don't have to refresh the page
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