Ask a Guy Who Got Circumsized Today Anything vol. IT'S DONE!!! UPDATEpg16

homie in middleschool got his chopped off in the philippines in i think 8th grade or freshman year 04/05 with a machete, said they forced him to run into the ocean right after. holy **** man
 i would never let a machete get anywhere near my thing. they have doctors in the Philippines, why not use them?
So I went to see a different doctor on Thursday to get a more in depth explanation of my options. A female this time, would hit/10. Basically the cream and elasticity would wear off. The slits are horrendous cosmetically. She refused to do them. But yeah, I'm back on for Monday. Seriously gonna do it this time.

The thread developed nicely tho. I didn't know it would take the turn it did but at the same time I DID know it would take the turn it did. Good job. Still waiting on mod approval to post before/after pics.

So I went to see a different doctor on Thursday to get a more in depth explanation of my options. A female this time, would hit/10. Basically the cream and elasticity would wear off. The slits are horrendous cosmetically. She refused to do them. But yeah, I'm back on for Monday. Seriously gonna do it this time.

The thread developed nicely tho. I didn't know it would take the turn it did but at the same time I DID know it would take the turn it did. Good job. Still waiting on mod approval to post before/after pics.


please take before & after pics even if mods say no :nerd:
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Welcome op. When all the pain is over u won't regret the decision. No more rolling back, rolling up, jus wio n go
So I went to see a different doctor on Thursday to get a more in depth explanation of my options. A female this time, would hit/10. Basically the cream and elasticity would wear off. The slits are horrendous cosmetically. She refused to do them. But yeah, I'm back on for Monday. Seriously gonna do it this time.

The thread developed nicely tho. I didn't know it would take the turn it did but at the same time I DID know it would take the turn it did. Good job. Still waiting on mod approval to post before/after pics.

buggin b....all you gotta do is lotion it up and stretch it out pause and you wouldn't be having these problems..
I'm not sensing any levels of sarcasm in the pic request.
For a forum thats populated by males
man I don't know why dudes do this so late in life. There really is no health benefit to it, if you keep yourself clean.
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