Ask a Jehovah's Witness Vol. Who's that at my door?

Originally Posted by tim teufel

this religion makes no sense to me. so those that dont go to heaven when they die they stay on earth?

u can go to heaven but only 144,000 people can make it to heaven
and they believe most people who will make it to heaven have already lived
the rest will live on a new earth
Originally Posted by tim teufel

this religion makes no sense to me. so those that dont go to heaven when they die they stay on earth?

u can go to heaven but only 144,000 people can make it to heaven
and they believe most people who will make it to heaven have already lived
the rest will live on a new earth
Originally Posted by EvansST

Lol it isn't a secret it's clearly written in the bible.

The issue is Jehovah's sovereignty. Satan, from the very beginning, felt that he would be a better ruler than God and that men only serve him because he blesses them with material things etc.
So instead of doing that why wouldn't Jehovah just let Satan rule the world and then fail since he knows he won't succeed? Just like when GOD made that bet with Satan on Job that he'd still praise him without all of the good %@+@ GOD blessed him with; killed his friends and family, ruined his cash flow(farmland), brought a plague on his town, had it raided by barbarians, etc. and in the Job still praised GOD?
Originally Posted by EvansST

Lol it isn't a secret it's clearly written in the bible.

The issue is Jehovah's sovereignty. Satan, from the very beginning, felt that he would be a better ruler than God and that men only serve him because he blesses them with material things etc.
So instead of doing that why wouldn't Jehovah just let Satan rule the world and then fail since he knows he won't succeed? Just like when GOD made that bet with Satan on Job that he'd still praise him without all of the good %@+@ GOD blessed him with; killed his friends and family, ruined his cash flow(farmland), brought a plague on his town, had it raided by barbarians, etc. and in the Job still praised GOD?
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Anton and Zik you guys should back off... the JWs in here are being really patient with your not-so-subtle attacks on their faith... I hate religion as much as the next skeptic, but there comes a point where it simply comes down to you guys having differences in beliefs.

I used to be really into trying to prove people wrong about God... but that's almost as bad as the evangelists that try to push their views onto others. At the end of the day, humans all believe different things about higher powers and that's part of the beauty in diversity.

I'm surprised lobotomybeats hasn't shown up yet, guns blazing
Oh people again with the "attacks". They gave their opinions, and their own interpretations of the bible. I'm doing the same. 

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Anton and Zik you guys should back off... the JWs in here are being really patient with your not-so-subtle attacks on their faith... I hate religion as much as the next skeptic, but there comes a point where it simply comes down to you guys having differences in beliefs.

I used to be really into trying to prove people wrong about God... but that's almost as bad as the evangelists that try to push their views onto others. At the end of the day, humans all believe different things about higher powers and that's part of the beauty in diversity.

I'm surprised lobotomybeats hasn't shown up yet, guns blazing
Oh people again with the "attacks". They gave their opinions, and their own interpretations of the bible. I'm doing the same. 

heres my question, what if everything youve been brought up to believe in is indeed a trap to keep your mind in a prison?
A clever scheme created by man to keep you from connecting with the creator on a level youre unaware of. WHAT THEN?
heres my question, what if everything youve been brought up to believe in is indeed a trap to keep your mind in a prison?
A clever scheme created by man to keep you from connecting with the creator on a level youre unaware of. WHAT THEN?
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Anton and Zik you guys should back off... the JWs in here are being really patient with your not-so-subtle attacks on their faith... I hate religion as much as the next skeptic, but there comes a point where it simply comes down to you guys having differences in beliefs.

I used to be really into trying to prove people wrong about God... but that's almost as bad as the evangelists that try to push their views onto others. At the end of the day, humans all believe different things about higher powers and that's part of the beauty in diversity.

I'm surprised lobotomybeats hasn't shown up yet, guns blazing
I'm not trying to prove ppl wrong about GOD. The way I see it that's not even my goal or burden. I'm trying to understand this religion and understand all of the irrational beliefs in it. I'm not pushing a view, I'm asking questions and after getting these answers (which I feel are nonsensical) I can say okay they believe in this kind of illogical view of life while I don't and am searching for something that makes sense to me.

It just looks to me these religious ppl should've left room for some logical changes to these rules after separating the mythos from the guideline to life. Cuz so far what I'm learning is they got the premise, conflict and how to reach a solution but they need it to be on some supernatural steez so they can feel they're apart of something bigger than themselves while judging others instead of doing what they feel are right because it's the right thing to do.
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Anton and Zik you guys should back off... the JWs in here are being really patient with your not-so-subtle attacks on their faith... I hate religion as much as the next skeptic, but there comes a point where it simply comes down to you guys having differences in beliefs.

I used to be really into trying to prove people wrong about God... but that's almost as bad as the evangelists that try to push their views onto others. At the end of the day, humans all believe different things about higher powers and that's part of the beauty in diversity.

I'm surprised lobotomybeats hasn't shown up yet, guns blazing
I'm not trying to prove ppl wrong about GOD. The way I see it that's not even my goal or burden. I'm trying to understand this religion and understand all of the irrational beliefs in it. I'm not pushing a view, I'm asking questions and after getting these answers (which I feel are nonsensical) I can say okay they believe in this kind of illogical view of life while I don't and am searching for something that makes sense to me.

It just looks to me these religious ppl should've left room for some logical changes to these rules after separating the mythos from the guideline to life. Cuz so far what I'm learning is they got the premise, conflict and how to reach a solution but they need it to be on some supernatural steez so they can feel they're apart of something bigger than themselves while judging others instead of doing what they feel are right because it's the right thing to do.
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Is doggy cool with JW chicks or is it strictly missionary? And does the repression make them as freaky as Catholics?
They love doggy. The white ones do at least
a lot of the younger people there were just there because their families made them be. N's were as reckless as I am now.

I used to be a witness, I kinda had no choice when I was little and living with my grandma. It really is like a big family, everyone loves each other and it's a great way to meet new people and open up opportunities for yourself. But like with all organized religion, it has it's downsides and is tainted by people just being people.

I don't get all of the issues people have with JW though. Like these people take time out of their life to try to "save" you, but they're looked down on for it? Don't wanna hear it, tell them to leave through the door. Don't even open it. It's not that serious.

I basically denounced all organized religion, but I respect those who follow their faith. I learned a lot just reading EvansST's replies. Thank you.

Internet atheists annoy me though.
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Is doggy cool with JW chicks or is it strictly missionary? And does the repression make them as freaky as Catholics?
They love doggy. The white ones do at least
a lot of the younger people there were just there because their families made them be. N's were as reckless as I am now.

I used to be a witness, I kinda had no choice when I was little and living with my grandma. It really is like a big family, everyone loves each other and it's a great way to meet new people and open up opportunities for yourself. But like with all organized religion, it has it's downsides and is tainted by people just being people.

I don't get all of the issues people have with JW though. Like these people take time out of their life to try to "save" you, but they're looked down on for it? Don't wanna hear it, tell them to leave through the door. Don't even open it. It's not that serious.

I basically denounced all organized religion, but I respect those who follow their faith. I learned a lot just reading EvansST's replies. Thank you.

Internet atheists annoy me though.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by EvansST

Lol it isn't a secret it's clearly written in the bible.

The issue is Jehovah's sovereignty. Satan, from the very beginning, felt that he would be a better ruler than God and that men only serve him because he blesses them with material things etc.
So instead of doing that why wouldn't Jehovah just let Satan rule the world and then fail since he knows he won't succeed? Just like when GOD made that bet with Satan on Job that he'd still praise him without all of the good %@+@ GOD blessed him with; killed his friends and family, ruined his cash flow(farmland), brought a plague on his town, had it raided by barbarians, etc. and in the Job still praised GOD?

Exactly. Also if you read the end of the Job account Job was blessed with even more than he had before.

Another reason why He's letting Satan rule this world is because the angels and mankind are watching. All outlets of human government will be exhausted and there wont be any question that God's way is the best.

When the world gets rid of wickedness and people are living peacefully there wont be anybody wondering "hmmm, would things been different or better if we decided to govern ourselves?"
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by EvansST

Lol it isn't a secret it's clearly written in the bible.

The issue is Jehovah's sovereignty. Satan, from the very beginning, felt that he would be a better ruler than God and that men only serve him because he blesses them with material things etc.
So instead of doing that why wouldn't Jehovah just let Satan rule the world and then fail since he knows he won't succeed? Just like when GOD made that bet with Satan on Job that he'd still praise him without all of the good %@+@ GOD blessed him with; killed his friends and family, ruined his cash flow(farmland), brought a plague on his town, had it raided by barbarians, etc. and in the Job still praised GOD?

Exactly. Also if you read the end of the Job account Job was blessed with even more than he had before.

Another reason why He's letting Satan rule this world is because the angels and mankind are watching. All outlets of human government will be exhausted and there wont be any question that God's way is the best.

When the world gets rid of wickedness and people are living peacefully there wont be anybody wondering "hmmm, would things been different or better if we decided to govern ourselves?"
Originally Posted by enyceking

heres my question, what if everything youve been brought up to believe in is indeed a trap to keep your mind in a prison?
A clever scheme created by man to keep you from connecting with the creator on a level youre unaware of. WHAT THEN?

In my mind that wont ever happen so I don't even entertain the question.
Originally Posted by enyceking

heres my question, what if everything youve been brought up to believe in is indeed a trap to keep your mind in a prison?
A clever scheme created by man to keep you from connecting with the creator on a level youre unaware of. WHAT THEN?

In my mind that wont ever happen so I don't even entertain the question.
Originally Posted by mke49er

Originally Posted by mke49er

1. give a thorough explantation (bible based) as to why beards are looked down upon/not allowed.
2. your whole religion is based on people interpreting the bible for you, who are they? (i know charles russell and rutherford you should know their significance to your organization) but what are their bible interpreting credentials? why don't you just read the bible and interpret it yourself?
3. whats up with disfellowshipping? it seems to create perfunctory actions throughout your organization...
4. do you guys do engagements? where in the bible does it say to do this? i am sure pope innocent the III (catholic) made it up.
5. JW's are only suppose to kick it with JW so they aren't influenced to do bad, if their beliefs are the "truth" why are they so scared their followers will be turned out by experiencing non-JW life?and that's like judging all non-believers as bad people/influences?

i know a JW and researched it slightly, before dismissing it... it seems they like other religions use the bible to justify whatever they want.

can I get some answers JWs. You don't have to respond to the last statement if you don't want to.
Ill respond to the questions I can at this time.. Hopefully someone else could come in and explain the others.

2. Not necessarily. Before someone becomes a witness they have to "make the truth their own." Meaning they need to do their research and develop a faith and love for the knowledge they are receiving. People may use their own bibles (The New World Translation is the same bible but a more accurate translation) along with the bible study aids provided by the organization. People make their own conclusions on what is true or not. Also we don't look at Charles Taze Russell or Rutherford for direction, we look to the bible.

3. Disfellowshiping is to keep the organization clean. People who aren't practicing what they are taught in the bible and living a life that goes completely opposite to it can effect the congregations. The overall morale and spirituality of them would crumble if they could associate with the congregation. (There are many other reasons, hopefully someone could explain?)

5. Look at 3.
Originally Posted by mke49er

Originally Posted by mke49er

1. give a thorough explantation (bible based) as to why beards are looked down upon/not allowed.
2. your whole religion is based on people interpreting the bible for you, who are they? (i know charles russell and rutherford you should know their significance to your organization) but what are their bible interpreting credentials? why don't you just read the bible and interpret it yourself?
3. whats up with disfellowshipping? it seems to create perfunctory actions throughout your organization...
4. do you guys do engagements? where in the bible does it say to do this? i am sure pope innocent the III (catholic) made it up.
5. JW's are only suppose to kick it with JW so they aren't influenced to do bad, if their beliefs are the "truth" why are they so scared their followers will be turned out by experiencing non-JW life?and that's like judging all non-believers as bad people/influences?

i know a JW and researched it slightly, before dismissing it... it seems they like other religions use the bible to justify whatever they want.

can I get some answers JWs. You don't have to respond to the last statement if you don't want to.
Ill respond to the questions I can at this time.. Hopefully someone else could come in and explain the others.

2. Not necessarily. Before someone becomes a witness they have to "make the truth their own." Meaning they need to do their research and develop a faith and love for the knowledge they are receiving. People may use their own bibles (The New World Translation is the same bible but a more accurate translation) along with the bible study aids provided by the organization. People make their own conclusions on what is true or not. Also we don't look at Charles Taze Russell or Rutherford for direction, we look to the bible.

3. Disfellowshiping is to keep the organization clean. People who aren't practicing what they are taught in the bible and living a life that goes completely opposite to it can effect the congregations. The overall morale and spirituality of them would crumble if they could associate with the congregation. (There are many other reasons, hopefully someone could explain?)

5. Look at 3.
You guys are doing such a great job at teaching and helping some of the NTers to understand what we stand for. I'm proud to see you all standing up and kicking some real knowledge in here.

We're definitely in the "last days". Nations have risen up against nations, and people against people. We have to be aware of the things going on, because it's only going to get worse before it gets better.

Evan, PM me.
You guys are doing such a great job at teaching and helping some of the NTers to understand what we stand for. I'm proud to see you all standing up and kicking some real knowledge in here.

We're definitely in the "last days". Nations have risen up against nations, and people against people. We have to be aware of the things going on, because it's only going to get worse before it gets better.

Evan, PM me.
Originally Posted by NCTwin

You guys are doing such a great job at teaching and helping some of the NTers to understand what we stand for. I'm proud to see you all standing up and kicking some real knowledge in here.

We're definitely in the "last days". Nations have risen up against nations, and people against people. We have to be aware of the things going on, because it's only going to get worse before it gets better.

Evan, PM me.

Ok apologize in advance for being amused
....but are you insinuating violent conflict between people/ nations is something new. JW have an extremely skewed concept of time and history. But I was told 1000 years is like 2 hrs to God. So I guess the violent conflict that has been going on since biblical times is part of these "last days"?
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