At what age will you tell your kids they have to roll up out of your house?

My kids better be out by 20.. Unless they're home for the summer..
I'd support as long as they're in school.

If they go away to college, I'd let them stay for a little bit after they graduate to get on their feet

If they don't go to college or anything, I'd tell them get a job and get out
When they finish college and/or make enough to stand on their two feet.
No longer than 23-25ish unless they going for a masters and need to focus.
Is this a real question or did your mama dukes drop the bomb on you today? lol

And the age is 19..they better be in college or working...if not..get outtttt.
Parents really make their kids pay rent?? I can understand helping w. certain bills and what have you, but paying rent was something that was never discussedwhen I was living w. my parents.
If they go ti college then until they graduate

if they dont go to college 18-24 months, less or more depends
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Is this a real question or did your mama dukes drop the bomb on you today? lol
Nah this is a real coworkers claim my parents are spoiling me and setting me up for failure by letting me live rent free in theircrib.
Im 20....i should be graduating in about a year and a half...i wanna get the hell out the crib cause i don't think i can go back home and readjust toliving with rules after being on my home...being that home is NYC...the cost is living is STOOPID so who knows when im getting the hell out....if im there past22 im gonna feel like a bum....
love the title

they gotta "roll up out" at 18 unless they're in college and i won't make them pay, but they will still have chores.
If they act bad, 16 at the LATEST (get your driver's license and drive the hell off). If they're good, until they feel like it.
Originally Posted by the north west

whenever they want to leave
straight up, im not finna tell my kids they gotta go just like that, only unfit parents kick their kids out of their house
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I have a daughter. She can stay till whenever. If I have a son...18
That's pretty shady IMO.... I feel a parent's obligation to their children is impartiality. You can't play favorites with kids becauseit !%*#* their drive up. The spoiled kid becomes dependent and the neglected kid becomes complacent and nobody wins. You can't be like "Ohsweetie...honey girl... daddy will let you stay. It's OK baby." and then throw your son out just because of his age. This society dictatesthat we should be self sufficient as soon as we leave high school, but aside from societal pressures, no otherrealities support that belief. Men don't even have fully developed brains till about 23 so I think as long as that son is really trying to become self-sufficient, he has just as much of a right to stay at home as she does. Also, if the economy is reallyon the verge of a meltdown, families should be uniting anyway to pool resources and stick together. But you're probably just more prone to sheltering yourdaughter, which I can understand but you can't protect your daughter from life sex forever bro, so youmight as well let he spread her wings at 18 too if you're gonna do junior like that. It's only "fair".
Depends on a lot of things. Some children need to stay home longer than others. Also if the economy is wrecked why wouldn't I leave my home open to mychildren? The latest I'd expect is 23 though. A year after college is when I'd start to push.
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