At what age will you tell your kids they have to roll up out of your house?

My kids will be able to live with me as long as they want to, i dont believe in them being "bad", it will be all as how i raise them growing up. Sameas my parents do for me now, i will do for them, and then some. You can call me spoiled and so forth if you would like but i dont want to come off like that,but i never paid bills, rent, anything. Parents have payed for everything and i hope to one day do the same for my kids to.
Originally Posted by SPOOSMAN

My oldest is 14 now...I'm thinkin right about now...
thats messed up for your kid
well as a 25 year old in my parents house...............I'd say they gotta **** around 25 - 26.

But this is after I had been gone for 7 years.
When I feel as if it would hold them back by having them live with me.

Depends on economy, and financial situations.

But black people tend to put their young out earliest, which I think is a big problem in our community.
Originally Posted by vctry20

I'd support as long as they're in school.

If they go away to college, I'd let them stay for a little bit after they graduate to get on their feet

If they don't go to college or anything, I'd tell them get a job and get out
my kid can stay in my house as long as they are going and doing good in school. if my child doesnt care for his education then he can learn how to survivewithout one
Originally Posted by vctry20

I'd support as long as they're in school.

If they go away to college, I'd let them stay for a little bit after they graduate to get on their feet

If they don't go to college or anything, I'd tell them get a job and get out
If they're going to college locally AND getting good grades, they are welcome to stay.

If you want to screw around in school and get bad grades....PEACE! The hope is that them struggling on their own will make them realize school is a good,important option.

If you want to go straight to work, that's cool. I'll let you stay for awhile, but please believe you'll be helping out with bills.

After high school, some type of responsibility needs to be placed on a kid, and if they're still at home its either A.) school or B.) help out.
As long as they need to provided thay are doing something productive. At he same time I would hope by 25 they would be ready to get their own place
Originally Posted by niCke1z

Originally Posted by nbirn2103

Never, unless they are acting like bums.
Indeed, although I truly doubt that my future kids would stay in my house after college. If I did my job correctly as a parent, I hope that theywould be able to live on their own right out of college or within a couple of years out of college.
i wont make my kids pay rent or force them out. they SHOULD be out by college so they can start the real life..but they are welcomed back anytime.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by the north west

whenever they want to leave
straight up, im not finna tell my kids they gotta go just like that, only unfit parents kick their kids out of their house
Pretty much. I ain't kickin' my kids out on the street when they're not ready. Only way I'd do that is if the kid was afreakin' bum who caused me nothing but trouble, and it would have to be a lot of trouble.... once they hit 30 and they're still home, then I'll bepushy about getting a place of their own. Still wouldn't kick em out though.
For my son he'd have to be doing somthing with his future. If not, hel'l have to learn the hard way out my house. Same thing for my daughter,discipline is a must. As for age I don't care, as long as somthing is going for them.
I decided on my own to move out at 18....went stupid crazy dumb with my freedom...6 months to 21 I'm finally learning.
Originally Posted by eight2one

I decided on my own to move out at 18....went stupid crazy dumb with my freedom...6 months to 21 I'm finally learning.

what did you do?
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