Atheists: Always doing the most?

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

whatever...not even going to get into the real or fake part...but religion sucks. it's the cause of so many major problems in the world

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah.

Religion isn't the cause. PEOPLE who use it for their own selfish and malicious motives are bad.
I respectfully disagree.  A world without religion would be such a beautiful, peaceful world free of illusion.  Ahh, what a sight that would be. 
Dude the violence in this world would be out of control.

The murder scale would sky rocket if it was confirmed there wasn't a God.

You think God is what keeps people from killing?  Something with no proof of its existence keeps people in check?  Those that don't believe in god aren't morally bankrupt.  It doesn't take a god to know that taking another man's life is wrong. 

You think so huh? You think we just automatically knew it was wrong? Amazing you feel that way. What about the animal kingdom? Their code is survival of the fittest. So you're saying we just evolved and established all these rules on our own? BS. With no central source of power, you feel we evolved and made the alphabet, number system and everything that followed?
Absolutely. We don't need to kill humans to survive.  Our evolution has made it to where we don't have to.  Animals are still food to other animals.  Our dexterity and ability to reason keep us from HAVING to kill.  I don't see how an obvious (even though it is obvious in my opinion) godless world would cause some devolution.  We wouldn't regress.  That's the beauty of evolution.  We are constantly evolving.  A tapeworm is as evolved as we are because it still exists.  It works.

The alphabet actually believed to have evolved from pictures used by Egyptians. The aleph (A) was originally a picture of an ox.  Through time, the A was rotated to it's current state. There is significant evidence that suggest this. 

So, My answer:


I'll go with the proof.
OK man.

God is removed more and more everyday. We'll see how things end up. The world and the people are getting worse. Turn the blind eye if you want.


Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK man.

God is removed more and more everyday. We'll see how things end up. The world and the people are getting worse. Turn the blind eye if you want.



"God is removed more and more everyday."

That's because he/she isn't needed.  We don't need the idea of a god. 

It's amazing, the same people that actually debate the credibility of evolution are usually the ones that their own existence and thickness would suggest that they are neither evolved nor 'intelligently created.'
Wooly said a lot of good points I would have included in my own rant.

To those who support the pictures:

There is a difference between supporting free speech and being a bigot.

You don't go in the middle of Harlem and scream the "N" word at the top of your lungs under the guise of freedom of speech.

Ask yourself: who are you responding to with this popularized movement? 

Is it the radicals in Afghanistan and Pakistan that will just take this and use it as just another tool to demonize the West?

Is it the 4 member group of  Because I'm sure they'd be glad to know that people decided to take them seriously.

Or is it the entire Muslim community?

I've been on and off discussing this ridiculously prejudice day with people.  It's really surprising how easily people are swayed into thinking alike.

lobotomybeats- Why do you always feel the need to try and offend the opposing position in religious discussion?  It's that very same presumptuous attitude, so often associated with atheism, that deters people from taking you and other atheists seriously.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK man.

God is removed more and more everyday. We'll see how things end up. The world and the people are getting worse. Turn the blind eye if you want.

You: src="">

   That    stands  for  believer and non-believers. Obviously the   question is, "Where  did God  come   from?"

You typing from a cell? Mad spaces

As for God, you familiar with the term realm? Well I think He operates outside of ours where He always existed.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK man.

God is removed more and more everyday. We'll see how things end up. The world and the people are getting worse. Turn the blind eye if you want.

You: src="">

   That    stands  for  believer and non-believers. Obviously the   question is, "Where  did God  come   from?"

You typing from a cell? Mad spaces

As for God, you familiar with the term realm? Well I think He operates outside of ours where He always existed.

 Yes not adjusted to it yet.
Anyways, I think this is  where  faith comes in. I understand peope  say "He's  to large for  the human mind  to understand". Is  that  your   Pov?
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK man.

God is removed more and more everyday. We'll see how things end up. The world and the people are getting worse. Turn the blind eye if you want.

You: src="">

   That    stands  for  believer and non-believers. Obviously the   question is, "Where  did God  come   from?"

You typing from a cell? Mad spaces

As for God, you familiar with the term realm? Well I think He operates outside of ours where He always existed.

   Ha,  not adjusted to it yet.
Anyways, I think this is  where  faith comes in. I understand peope  say "He's  to large for  the human mind  to understand". Is  that  your   Pov?
I'm not sure. Like I can grasp the notion of him being outside our time. Makes sense. I would also like to know whats out there in space too though.

So overall, I think we can understand the basics, the deeper stuff, not so much.

Originally Posted by General Johnson



Can't stand this cat...

He's cool, He just needs to break the denial about this world. This world is getting worse, God's people are dwindling, neighbors don't give a crap about each other any more, but hey to him, its improving.
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

If I could chime in real quick.

As a Muslim, I would be lying if I told you that those pictures these people are drawing didn't hurt me or I wasn't offended by them. This is a man that is dearer to Muslims than our own parents. However, I will say that these ridiculous attacks on the Prophet (P) are not new in the least bit. Personally, the personality and character of Prophet Muhammad (P) was one of the central reasons I become so interested in Islam. The more I read about him, the more I was certain that Islam was not only the correct way but the way I need to live my life. As I began to learn Arabic, I discovered a world of centuries of untranslated works by classical Islamic scholars that gave a wonderful defense of the Prophet against the baseless claims of the medieval Europeans that Muhammad was some sort of demon, possessed soul or just an outright liar. Like I said before, one of the personal reasons I was so attracted to Islam is because I studied the life of Muhammad from both Islamic and critical points of views and came to the conclusion that not only was he a sincere person but was what he claimed to be. These cartoons or any of these criticisms do not affect my beliefs in the least bit and in these last few years, I realized that every time someone wants to debate on the issue, they never really have any good points to back up their claims in regards to the Prophet's character. I know that the majority of these people drawing these pictures are mostly ignorant in the issue and are just following the hype claiming to be in defense of freedom of speech which is clearly not the case. It is interesting that if I established a Facebook group promoting negative, stereotypical images of Jewish figures, for example, I would be instantly labeled an anti-Semite and would have all forums for my expression closed off. These offensive pictures are not an expression of free speech but just a front to express hatred for a misunderstood religion. If anyone is truly convinced of their beliefs that Muhammad was an evil man or anything like that, then I would be more than happy to engage in discussion but otherwise it is just a waste of time and words fallen on deaf ears.

Another important thing is that I think it is important that we Muslims learn how to react to these situations in a more constructive manner. These images are horribly offensive and there should be an informational movement that debunks these myths/stereotypes of the Prophet and spread correct information. Reacting with violence is never gonna solve anything. Like I said, these people have been attacking the Prophet (P) for centuries and half of the things these people are claiming in 2010 were debated and debunked in 1010. We should make sure we are familiar with our own history so we can make intellectual counterarguments rather than reacting in blind rage or in a stream of nonsensical cuss words on FB. Honestly, if we Muslims did not make such a big deal about the FB page and would have just started an informational campaign from the jump without the dramatics, the page would have faded into oblivion but we ended up giving it the most press.

As a Muslim, I love ths post, and all the Muslims I know (which is practically everyone I know
) would agree with this. The majority of Muslims would, actually. I also love the hadith you brought. Straight truth.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

whatever...not even going to get into the real or fake part...but religion sucks. it's the cause of so many major problems in the world

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah.

Religion isn't the cause. PEOPLE who use it for their own selfish and malicious motives are bad.
I respectfully disagree.  A world without religion would be such a beautiful, peaceful world free of illusion.  Ahh, what a sight that would be. 
Dude the violence in this world would be out of control.

The murder scale would sky rocket if it was confirmed there wasn't a God.

All I know is, I dont believe in god and have never killed a person or animal. Its called following the law...
The belief that violence and crime would sky rocket without a God is a common misconception. I forget where I read this, but the least religious countries in the world actually have the lowest crime rates.

-Poverty is the strongest determinant of crime NOT whether or not you believe in a Higher being.

[h1]Least Religious Countries[/h1]
by Iva Skoch (RSS feed) on Aug 23rd 2007 at 12:15PM
When you travel to Europe, don't be surprised to find that many Europeans don't believe in God. I have even witnessed some alcohol-infused conversations between Americans and Europeans that almost ended in fistfights over His/Her existence. When you travel to the following countries, you might want to pick a less controversial topic of conversation ... umm, maybe George W?

Here are the Top 10 least religious countries in the world:

1. Sweden (up to 85% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)

2. Vietnam

3. Denmark

4. Norway

5. Japan

6. Czech Republic
7. Finland
8. France

9. South Korea

10. Estonia (up to 49% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)

The one that surprised me was Israel, ranking 19th, with up to 37% claiming to be non-believer, atheist, agnostic. Compare that with the United States, ranking 44th, with 3-9% non-believers, atheists, agnostics. (I think I have met them all on the streets of New York City, too.)

The survey concluded that "high levels of organic atheism are strongly correlated with high levels of societal health, such as low homicide rates, low poverty rates, low infant mortality rates, and low illiteracy rates, as well as high levels of educational attainment, per capita income, and gender equality. Most nations characterized by high degrees of individual and societal security have the highest rates of organic atheism, and conversely, nations characterized by low degrees of individual and societal security have the lowest rates of organic atheism. In some societies, particularly Europe, atheism is growing. However, throughout much of the world -- particularly nations with high birth rates -- atheism is barely discernable.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK man.

God is removed more and more everyday. We'll see how things end up. The world and the people are getting worse. Turn the blind eye if you want.



1.The definition in your picture describes abiogenesis, NOT atheism, and it does a poor job of satirizing abiogenesis at that.

2. So for an alternative hows this sound. Magic, supernatural force, mystical beyond all human understanding zapped the world and the universe into existence out of nothing in it's current state some thousands of years ago. For what purpose? So he could watch us be tempted by his own fallen angel and disobey him, then so he could send his "son" to save us all and die a horrible death, and sit back and watch the rest us his creation die by disease, old age, and murder. All of which he knew with a doubt would come about because he is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Right.
Anton, stop trying to conflate three entirely unique issues of wealth, intellect, and faith.  You can't for a fact determine which caused the other, which came first, and whether or not they even have any casual effect at all.  I'm sure you've heard the term of "There are no athiests in foxholes."  It's not a coincidence that most of those countries are relatively affluent compared to the regions where the population is more devoutly religious.
That's part of what's offending, how you think the religious are somehow dumb for believing in something you can't prove, it's elitist in the worst way.  
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Anton, stop trying to conflate three entirely unique issues of wealth, intellect, and faith.  You can't for a fact determine which caused the other, which came first, and whether or not they even have any casual effect at all.  I'm sure you've heard the term of "There are no athiests in foxholes."  It's not a coincidence that most of those countries are relatively affluent compared to the regions where the population is more devoutly religious.
That's part of what's offending, how you think the religious are somehow dumb for believing in something you can't prove, it's elitist in the worst way.  
They can't prove it either. Hence it is a little dumb to believe it. They're not dumb people, but believing in religion is misguided, too be nice about it. I guess I should say, this only my opinion, of course.
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Anton, stop trying to conflate three entirely unique issues of wealth, intellect, and faith.  You can't for a fact determine which caused the other, which came first, and whether or not they even have any casual effect at all.  I'm sure you've heard the term of "There are no athiests in foxholes."  It's not a coincidence that most of those countries are relatively affluent compared to the regions where the population is more devoutly religious.
That's part of what's offending, how you think the religious are somehow dumb for believing in something you can't prove, it's elitist in the worst way.  
Edit:  I can quote excerpts from articles too

Interesting findings have, however, begun to emerge; some providing insight into the relationship between education and atheism. Voas, also a keynote speaker at the Wolfson conference, says one reason why a greater number of religious people are degree-holders may be that "better educated people have typically reflected on religion and have the self-confidence to come down decisively, on one side or the other". The issue is not which idea - atheism or theism - is more stupid than the other, but that education helps us either to work out or simply to communicate our beliefs, no matter what they are.

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Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

1. Sweden (up to 85% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)
75% belong  to the  Chruch   of Sweden,  though.

Some  people  have  dual    beliefs maybe
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Anton, stop trying to conflate three entirely unique issues of wealth, intellect, and faith.  You can't for a fact determine which caused the other, which came first, and whether or not they even have any casual effect at all.  I'm sure you've heard the term of "There are no athiests in foxholes."  It's not a coincidence that most of those countries are relatively affluent compared to the regions where the population is more devoutly religious.
That's part of what's offending, how you think the religious are somehow dumb for believing in something you can't prove, it's elitist in the worst way.  
Correlation does not equal causation.....I fully understand that. But this helps prove my point that a Godless society would be more violent/crime-ridden.

I completely agree with're making assumptions about how I'm looking at this.

You can go ahead and quote what i said up there
-Poverty is the strongest determinant of crime NOT whether or not you believe in a Higher being.

Good try tho
If you think human beings need GOD to know right from wrong you're an idiot. You basically think humans are naturally no different than other animals, that we would simply act on instinct, completely ignoring the fact that we have and can use reason, that we are rational.

Or it's even worse and you think we are intrinsically bad as opposed to neutral or good.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

1. Sweden (up to 85% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)
75% belong  to the  Chruch   of Sweden,  though.

Some  people  have  dual    beliefs maybe
From what I understand from my Swedish friend's.....a lot of Swedes are agnostic and apathetic.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

1. Sweden (up to 85% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)
75% belong  to the  Chruch   of Sweden,  though.

Some  people  have  dual    beliefs maybe
From what I understand from my Swedish friend's.....a lot of Swedes are agnostic and apathetic.

And  hot
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

1. Sweden (up to 85% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)
75% belong  to the  Chruch   of Sweden,  though.

Some  people  have  dual    beliefs maybe
From what I understand from my Swedish friend's.....a lot of Swedes are agnostic and apathetic.

And  hot

I'm dead ***, I wanna move to Sweden, Finland or Norway after school.

Hot white women + non-believers=
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