athiest wake up

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by the north west

Thank god I am Buddhist and don't have to deal with this crap
Buddhist believe in reincarnation right?
OK. So do you all study other religions or do you take things from them?
why would I want to study other religions or take things from them when I am Buddhist
It was simply a question because I'm trying to learn what you believe and study. No need for the internet hostility.
As a person who believes in God, I expect to see aliens before I see God's face in this lifetime. Why? Because I am not worthy to see God's face
So you choose to believe in something that makes you feel inferior to the point that you don't find yourself "worthy" of seeing theface of that whom you believe in? That sounds pathetic.
I always thought even people didn't believe Jesus was the son of God, at least look at what He taught.
If you didn't believe Jesus was the son of God, you probably already had the common sense to think that way about things. The problem was thatsome people were so brainless that they had to make up a story of a supernatural entity telling you to live well because otherwise people would be too stupidto know not to kill people and to live for joy and such. Most able minded people can come to that conclusion without needing a "god" to tell us to.
Oh and how do you all feel about the ten commandments?
They're common sense. They're just put into one place and given a supernatural story because some people are too stupid to follow thesebasic guidelines of life unless they had somebody else tell them to. Most people know to live by those standards because they're so basic.
I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from?
The word "god" comes from the people who made up the bible as a means of social control for the idiotic people who needed a guideline onhow to live their lives because they were clueless on how to be a positive member of society. The term "god" and the fantastical stores were used toscare them into living by these commonly accepted (by non-religious people, too) terms. Religion was only established as a way of convincing people that theyshould live by the ways that smart people of the past knew were correct. The idea of being a good person and living morally sound lives is something EVERYBODYcan agree on - the difference is the people that wrote these religious texts came to the conclusion on their own, those that read it had no idea.

Progress as a society was made by intelligence. Electricity, cars, internet, etc was not created by a "god." "God" did not say, "letthere be NT" and then the site popped up - people with strong minds progressed society. Look at MLK, he helped progress society - not "god."
1 Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Of course, the bible would say not to dispute over doubtful things... because then anybody withhalf a brain would realize that the bible is a farce.
As people are quick to say their is no god because there is no proof. Where is your proof that he doesnt exist?
The burden of proof is always on the affirmative (you learn this in any debate, legal, etc class). Thus, if you can't prove that there is agod... well, then there isn't one.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
That is the most illogical statement I have ever read, and it came from that great book you base your beliefs from? Come on, pal. Read thatsentence, and explain to me how that makes sense. The writer sounds awfully confused - or like they're trying to write complete nonsense and see ifyou'll fall for it... which you did.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?
Ahh, here lies your ignorance. You still believe in Creationism. Hearing someone believe in Intelligent Design is always the quickest way todetermine that they really lack their own intelligence. But whatever. C'est La Vie. Carry on with your Dungeons and Dragon road map to happiness.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?
Ahh, here lies your ignorance. You still believe in Creationism. Hearing someone believe in Intelligent Design is always the quickest way to determine that they really lack their own intelligence. But whatever. C'est La Vie. Carry on with your Dungeons and Dragon road map to happiness.

To RKO: No, it does not happen by chance... if you read a book, there's a scientific process behind all those things that you listed. The issue most of ushave is that there is nothing in any scientific book to justify, or even vaguely make plausible, anything that is discussed in religious texts.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Honestly I haven't read the entire thing but I would say majority if not all can be.
Of the majority that you do believe in, do you believe that Moses actually parted the sea?

If so, why do you think he was given the ability to do this? He was human right?
I'll say God did it.

OK peep game right quick. I was doing a bit of research because your question honestly made me think. I found a guy that made some sense.

Lets take the slaves from Egypt for example? They wanted freedom. They wanted a way out. Moses came along and gave them hope and a way out. They wanted proof of God. God revealed himself to them and saved them from slavery. But after they were free and able to do whatever they took advantage and replaced the God with a golden calf. They replaced the same God who just got done saving them and giving them freedom. They went crazy and lost faith and belief. What did they really gain by that? Nothing.

Here is another example I thought of. You have a young man is in some type of trouble. He prays to God to get him out of trouble somehow. So God pulls some strings and thus the teenager has a second chance to prove himself. Fast forward a month and the teenager is in trouble again. What did He learn by skipping over his punishment?

The Isrealites where never enslaved by the Egyptians though...(at least not on a scale that the Bible portrays)
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?
Ahh, here lies your ignorance. You still believe in Creationism. Hearing someone believe in Intelligent Design is always the quickest way to determine that they really lack their own intelligence. But whatever. C'est La Vie. Carry on with your Dungeons and Dragon road map to happiness.

To RKO: No, it does not happen by chance... if you read a book, there's a scientific process behind all those things that you listed. The issue most of us have is that there is nothing in any scientific book to justify, or even vaguely make plausible, anything that is discussed in religious texts.

OK believe what you want bro. You want proof and I can't give you the proof your looking for. I use the bible and faith and you use science and"logic".

One more thing. How are we different? Me and You. Me and the other atheist. How are we different? We both read and listen to MAN. The bible was written by man.Your science books are written by man. Our book is written by men who were influenced by God. Your book was written by men who wanted independence from God.Both written by man and have the same influence, GOD. One was written for his believers and the other was written for those that didn't want to live underhis laws. More connects us then what separates us. We are both putting faith in systems. My God vs your God science/man.

Deny if you want but really think about it, its true. We have alot in common. You believe and back science. I believe and back God. You back science text and Ibible text.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?
Ahh, here lies your ignorance. You still believe in Creationism. Hearing someone believe in Intelligent Design is always the quickest way to determine that they really lack their own intelligence. But whatever. C'est La Vie. Carry on with your Dungeons and Dragon road map to happiness.

To RKO: No, it does not happen by chance... if you read a book, there's a scientific process behind all those things that you listed. The issue most of us have is that there is nothing in any scientific book to justify, or even vaguely make plausible, anything that is discussed in religious texts.

OK believe what you want bro. You want proof and I can't give you the proof your looking for. I use the bible and faith and you use science and "logic".

One more thing. How are we different? Me and You. Me and the other atheist. How are we different? We both read and listen to MAN. The bible was written by man. Your science books are written by man. Our book is written by men who were influenced by God. Your book was written by men who wanted independence from God. Both written by man and have the same influence, GOD. One was written for his believers and the other was written for those that didn't want to live under his laws. More connects us then what separates us. We are both putting faith in systems. My God vs your God science/man.

Deny if you want but really think about it, its true. We have alot in common. You believe and back science. I believe and back God. You back science text and I bible text.
science can be changed. science has opinions, formulas, theories, etc. All of which are updated with time, and new discoveries. Does the bibleever change. Will you ever get an updated bible? can something that is wrong and archaic be changed from the bible? we dont read and listen to the MAN, we readand listen to NATURE.
The question of God is simple

and i pose the question to those who believe in God, How were humans created and put on this earth?

was it adam and eve or was it the science term we call evolution??
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species.
Yeah when God created us.

God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat.
He is the reason for those.

So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.
I follow the word of God and Christ. Simple as that.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?

Nothing+Nothing = Nothing.
0+0= 0.
Male+Male= No child.
Female+Female= No child.
Humans+Disobeying God's Law= Current state of the world.

Then by your logic, who created God? Did He create himself? Where did He magically appear from?
Its fine for you guys to make arguments and such, but why insult someone else and question their intelligence? If you believe in God, then that is your choice.If someone doesn't believe in God, then that is their choice. God gives us free will. I'm muslim and believe in God, and I like to spread tidbits hereand there when the opportunity arises. If someone doesn't believe in God, I let them be. When this world ends, we will all find out who is right and wrong(I'm not saying I'm right).

Also, I am pretty sure we will solve if there is a God through this post. Will check in on it later. Or when someone finds the truth or proves their point, cansomeone pm me.
to me, religion is a business and it was created to make money and make people powerful to rule others.

also, people believe in these fantasy stories because they are afraid of dying and want to believe that there is more to life and there is life after death.
Originally Posted by Derek916

The question of God is simple

and i pose the question to those who believe in God, How were humans created and put on this earth?

was it adam and eve or was it the science term we call evolution??
why couldnt have god have made humans and the other animals smart enough to evolve over time?
for every question there will be an answer for it for both sides, its a never ending argument
Originally Posted by hhatsub

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species.
Yeah when God created us.

God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat.
He is the reason for those.

So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.
I follow the word of God and Christ. Simple as that.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?

Nothing+Nothing = Nothing.
0+0= 0.
Male+Male= No child.
Female+Female= No child.
Humans+Disobeying God's Law= Current state of the world.

Then by your logic, who created God? Did He create himself? Where did He magically appear from?

there will always be a "who created____" even if you follow evolution, the big bang theory, etc. Which I don't know why peoplelook at Science like it is not based on a type of belief system. Despite what people believe, Science is NOT always 100% accurate; because of it was, peoplewouldn't believe in whatever religions that tend to believe in. I feel as a person of African descent, I am in tune to the idea of their being a spiritualrealm in the universe that man is not yet capable of understanding---however, I still recognize that it's there and I respect it. I mean, c'mon...lookat the universe, look at the human body--how can a higher being HAVE not created it???? I belive in the spiritual world and Science but the thing is I see thetwo as complimentary...not contradictory. God uses Science as a tool....ya dig?

In terms of religion....I got beef with the idea that a person who believes in something different than myself in essence is a "bad" person and willend up in a bad place. Witnessing always seemed kinda irrelevant cuz at this point--who DON'T know??? I also don't like the concept of a higher beingjudging me when I die. I believe the Egyptians had this ill concept of you judging yourself when you die (or something like it) which totally blew meaway...but then again, why not? I'm the one on this earth living, and I know what I am doing right, wrong, and what decisions I've made to get to thatpoint. Why shouldn't I judge myself?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000


religion FTL, one of the biggest cons in history

what happens if I don't accept Allah, will I suffer eternal damnation?

exactly my thoughts hahahahahahaahaa

religion FTL my man

Religisously speaking the majority of America's young are postmodern, which means they do faith like jazz: informal, electic, and often without theme. Theythink nothing of hammering together a personal faith from widely differing religious traditions, and many acquire thier theology the same way they catch colds:through casual contact with strangers or online (nt religion threads
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

to me, religion is a business and it was created to make money and make people powerful to rule others.

also, people believe in these fantasy stories because they are afraid of dying and want to believe that there is more to life and there is life after death.
I believe in God, but im not afraid of dying, not one bit. What is there to be afraid of? You die, you die! What is there to fear? I dont get whenpeople say "people who believe in god are scared of death."

IMO there is no way to convince an athiest that there is a god because what believers consider proof they consider major coincidences. I cannot offer youvisual or paper proof. Its not about KNOWING for believers, its about FAITH!

Another thing... If science has debunked the whole "God Theory" than how come a lot of scientists still believe in a "higher being?"Wouldnt all scientists be athiests?
Originally Posted by hhatsub

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species.
Yeah when God created us.

God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat.
He is the reason for those.

So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.
I follow the word of God and Christ. Simple as that.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?

Nothing+Nothing = Nothing.
0+0= 0.
Male+Male= No child.
Female+Female= No child.
Humans+Disobeying God's Law= Current state of the world.

Then by your logic, who created God? Did He create himself? Where did He magically appear from?

I also have sat and thought for a long time on this subject. But my belief is He doesn't operate according to time. He operates outside ourrealm. I forget what scripture its in but it states He is the Alpha and Omega, He has no beginning or end. He is forever.

I just can't wrap my head around there not being a God. Sorry if I anger you, but does it really make sense that there was just nothing for X amount oftime and then from that nothing, something goes bang and then the universe popped up on the scene with planets, stars, galaxies, rocks and Earth? Earth withcontains a wide variety of living organisms, a moon which revolves around it to signals to us and nature when the time of rest is. A solar system in which weare possibly at the perfect anger for everything and don't for gravity. Do you really believe all of this we know and see came from blankness? Do youreally believe your DNA structure is because an act of random unplanned events took place? Do you believe that we evolved from ape like creatures to know allwe know? Your telling me we came from ape to human and just one came up with God, the bible, science, math and discovered how to travel to space because we arejust that smart and intelligent?

Honestly now I believe that atheist are just people who decided "Hey I don't like that explanation" or "who is this God? What makes him sospecial?" and started using science to disprove God. You can't use what He created against him. Your only using it against yourselves.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

One more thing. How are we different? Me and You. Me and the other atheist. How are we different? We both read and listen to MAN. The bible was written by man. Your science books are written by man. Our book is written by men who were influenced by God. Your book was written by men who wanted independence from God. Both written by man and have the same influence, GOD. One was written for his believers and the other was written for those that didn't want to live under his laws. More connects us then what separates us. We are both putting faith in systems. My God vs your God science/man.

Deny if you want but really think about it, its true. We have alot in common. You believe and back science. I believe and back God. You back science text and I bible text.
You really truly don't get it. Science isn't the result of people not wanting to live by "god's laws." You make it soundas if scientist work under the veil of wanting to be godless. This is a huge problem with a lot of the religious. Science's sole purpose isn'texposing god as fictional. It just has.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

One more thing. How are we different? Me and You. Me and the other atheist. How are we different? We both read and listen to MAN. The bible was written by man. Your science books are written by man. Our book is written by men who were influenced by God. Your book was written by men who wanted independence from God. Both written by man and have the same influence, GOD. One was written for his believers and the other was written for those that didn't want to live under his laws. More connects us then what separates us. We are both putting faith in systems. My God vs your God science/man.

Deny if you want but really think about it, its true. We have alot in common. You believe and back science. I believe and back God. You back science text and I bible text.
You really truly don't get it. Science isn't the result of people not wanting to live by "god's laws." You make it sound as if scientist work under the veil of wanting to be godless. This is a huge problem with a lot of the religious. Science's sole purpose isn't exposing god as fictional. It just has.

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