Ayo, anyone ever make u so mad that you revoked your gifts to them

How do you let your 15 year old bro BODY you like that? ON CHRISTMAS?!

you sorry son, out of my presence

edit: oh ok he locked the door...but still bra damn... Merry Christmas.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

gotta love the "Christmas spirit" shining through in this thread.

you're 19...he's 15...you have 4 years on him.
THANK YOU DIRTY! whoop him something nice and dead hiim on his room.
@ us being on NT on christmas.
you sound as immature as your younger brother. even moreso

you're 19 dude. 19!

that's a herb move. you're only making yourself look bad
Your brother didn't want you in the room, he was trying to get his Christmas stroke on, you got to respect that.
Originally Posted by fran215kill

make him wait gave it to him before he goes to sleep tomarra or sumin he'll feel bad for being a lil b**** and you come out being the better person its your brother he's family you gotta put up wit him

if you didnt like that 1 then tell him he's adopted and throw the gift at him

Listen to this guy. Give him the gift and play the guilt card on him. It's the Holidays man, show some love for a family member. I say if hedoesn't let you sleep in his room tonight, then you put him on a 1-year present suspension and get him something lame next year....like a reindeersweater.

Naw, return it, get your cash back,and buy yourself something he would want, but for yourself. Also, leave a copy of the HD receipt somewhere in his room, sohe can learn his lesson
Yup, took back 2 pairs of sneakers, 4 outfits, some belts, hats and shirts from my little brother and sister...they were being ungrateful little brats and theydidn't deserve it. Bought it over and took it back before I passed them out , they knew what everything was because they went with me to pick the stuffout.)...ungrateful little monsters...this yr they got nothing from me either, they were horrible this yr.
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

Yup, took back 2 pairs of sneakers, 4 outfits, some belts, hats and shirts from my little brother and sister...they were being ungrateful little brats and they didn't deserve it. Bought it over and took it back before I passed them out , they knew what everything was because they went with me to pick the stuff out.)...ungrateful little monsters...this yr they got nothing from me either, they were horrible this yr.
low blow
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