Barack I don't get it

Come on Essential. Don't go on posting links and vids to back up your arguement. You know what's gonna happen next. 'Liberal media, left wingbias'

If it ain't come from Fox News or one of their talking heads, it's 'biased'
Originally Posted by franchise3

Come on Essential. Don't go on posting links and vids to back up your arguement. You know what's gonna happen next. 'Liberal media, left wing bias'

If it ain't come from Fox News or one of their talking heads, it's 'biased'
[h1]McCain Moves to Block Funding for F-22 Jets[/h1][h2]Sen. John McCain, along with Michigan Democrat Carl Levin, files an amendment to cut extra money for seven more F-22's -- in an unusual alliance withPresident Obama. [/h2]

WASHINGTON -- Sen. John McCain, in an unusual alliance with the Obama administration, moved Monday to eliminate $1.75 billion recently inserted into theproposed 2010 defense budget for more fighter jets from Lockheed Martin.

The Arizona Republican, along with Michigan Democrat Carl Levin, filed an amendment to cut the extra money for seven more F-22's. The Senate ArmedServices Committee last month narrowly approved the additional funding requested by Georgia Republican Saxby Chambliss.

McCain and Levin, the committee's chairman, voted against the additional funds. The full Senate may vote on the defense spending bill this week. TheHouse last month voted to include a $369 million down payment for 12 additional fighters to its version of the defense bill.

The White House reiterated its threat to veto legislation that includes money to continue production of the radar-evading jets beyond the current request of187 planes.

"We do not need these planes," President Barack Obama wrote in a letter to McCain and Levin Monday. "To continue to procure additional F-22swould be to waste valuable resources that should be more usefully employed to provide our troops with weapons that they actually do need."

McCain, who last year lost his bid for the White House to Obama, on the Senate floor said he will strongly recommend the administration veto the defensebill if lawmakers don't act to end F-22 production.

Supporters of the F-22 have said capping production at 187 aircraft is too risky with potential adversaries like Iran, North Korea and China looming.

McCain disputed such arguments. Focusing on timely delivery of the Joint Strike Fighter, also built by Lockheed Martin, is in the best interest of thecountry and will be a weapon system that can meet future threats, he said.

In a separate letter to Senate leaders Monday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the JointStrike Fighter is "more capable in a number of areas such as electronic warfare and combating enemy air defenses."

Chambliss and other lawmakers who represent districts where F-22 production jobs are at stake have lobbied hard to keep the program. Lockheed's primarymanufacturing plant is in Georgia, but key parts of the plane also are made in Texas and California.

McCain said the rationale for keeping a weapon system should never be about job creation, but about defending the nation.

The extra money would extend production of the F-22 beyond the 187 aircraft that Gates says are needed. Gates has argued that buying any more of the jets,which cost $140 million a piece, will undermine the Pentagon's ability to increase the size of U.S. ground forces and purchase gear for fightingunconventional wars against insurgents.
Essential1 wrote:
Video talking about it.. Obama supported it.. Senate supported it... Oh look at that Sec. of Defense Gates (Republican) supported it, God old defend the U.S.A. McCain supported it, and the Defense Dept. supported it..

it amazes me that all you fools keep saying oh this repub and this other repub didnt support it. get it thru your noggins they control senate, house and thewhite house. so if two idiots didnt support it doesnt matter. did you guys also know what was in that bill a hate crime bill against gays(should of been awhole different vote but no), this was slipped into the defense bill after they voted for it.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

That's the "great" Obama. But...none of what he does matters because he has swag.

I'm definitely sorry about the job loss fam, but I wouldn't blame Pres. Obama directly. You have to understand that the Congressional branch controlsmilitary spending.

As is usually the case, it's easy to pin point the blame on one man, as opposed to the other people holding office.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Raise your hand if you didn't vote for Obama

*Raises Hand*
Raises hand.

Obama has done nothing but jabber and jabber. I guarantee he won't get a second term.

Originally Posted by J Burner

The rest of us tried to warn you. We saw this coming BEFORE he was even elected. No complaining now, ya'll made your bed, now lay in it.

Gee, I wonder why most people voted for Obama?

Originally Posted by J Burner

People that can still defend Obama baffle me. It doesn't get any more ignorant...
Amen. He's a joke.

Also, I'm so sick of him being at every sporting event and talking about sports all the time when he should be running the country.

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Raise your hand if you didn't vote for Obama

*Raises Hand*
Raises hand.

Obama has done nothing but jabber and jabber. I guarantee he won't get a second term.

Originally Posted by J Burner

The rest of us tried to warn you. We saw this coming BEFORE he was even elected. No complaining now, ya'll made your bed, now lay in it.

Gee, I wonder why most people voted for Obama?

Originally Posted by J Burner

People that can still defend Obama baffle me. It doesn't get any more ignorant...
Amen. He's a joke.

Also, I'm so sick of him being at every sporting event and talking about sports all the time when he should be running the country.

Trust me, the Presidents put in plenty of hours of work even though they may be at sporting events and the like. If you think taking a couplehours to go to an all star game or do some interviews is impeding his ability to run the country than you really don't know much about politics. Like manyhave said, people want to see him on television during these times much like Bush after 9/11 and FDR after the crash. I hate to use the word since it wasbutchered during his campaign, but for many people out there seeing Obama be an average guy and talk about sports during gives them hope that things don'talways have to be so dire. The economy is slowly bouncing back, and many of you may not agree with the policies he is pursuing but he is the democraticallyelected President and has the right to set an agenda which he thinks is right for the U.S...whether you agree with his policies is up to you. Just remember,there were plenty of people frustrated with Bush also, its politics, get over it.

edit- And if you are trying to insinuate that many people voted him just because he was black, come on now that argument is beyond lame. People fail to see theother side of the coin, there were plenty of voters that voted for McCain just because he was white. It goes both ways, but people tend to be blinded by theirbeliefs.
So, suddenly those who voted against Obama are no longer US citizens? It's only been 6 months.
The lamest arguement about Obama is this whole sporting events, doing brackets, when he should be running the country nonsense.

Same dudes who didn't vote Obama, voted Bush but weren't complaining when he spends half the year on his ranch.

The point is, he's running the country. People may not agree with his policies, but it's not like he's slacking.

He's been engaged holding news conferences and whatnot. Like the one tonight. Of course people will complain how he's always on TV, but isn't thatwhat you want in a President? Getting asked questions, shed some light on the state of our country.

Of course though, people will complain how it's a left wing media bias, and how they threw him easy softball questions.

I guess everybody commenting here against Obama has ignored what has been said at least 2 times in this thread. The F-22s were cut because the F-35 is a more effective weapon and costs less...and oh by the way the Pentatgon agreed with the cut. I would guess you also didn't research the topic enough to know that the plane costs $44,000 per hour to operate and has NEVER been used in Iraq or afghanistan

complete hogwash ... let me know when those funds get spent on the f-35s ...

Ignoring the facts in the hopes that they well go awaydoes not strengthen your argument. A little know search engine called google can pretty much refute the foolishness you have spit throughout this thread withmultiple sources explaining the entire issue. I'll just post one that is a pretty fair representation of both sides of the argument.,0,750816.story

In April, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates announced plans to invest more defense funds in intelligence and personnel and to shift money away from big weapons systems like the F-22.

The administration plans to shift funding to the single-engine F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, which also would be available to the Navy and Marine Corps and which Gates said would be superior to the F-22s in combat. The Pentagon also has proposed adding 22,000 troops to the Army.
EDIT: The left v. right tone these threads take always take over any other issues in the thread, I fell for the trap. With that being said, sorry about yourfamilies job situation. trust you arent alone and hopefully these policies help us out.

its clear that the more conservative members of this board read up on the anti-obama rhetoric, and it appears that they wait on these kinds of threads to throwout all of the facts. calling people idiots and "rah-tards" because of their political ideology/their voting choice contradicts the very sense ofsuperior knowledge that you try to convey in your "fact-filled" posts. all political threads usually take the same course due to this (where'stbone?). people who debate dont usually call their opponents names as a way of proving their point.

Barry has had a very quick honeymoon period, which is understandable due to the publics desire for economic improvement. I dont feel he is "dragging hisfeet" on a turn around, but the bad rhetoric will only increase until something drastic happens. IDK why people are expecting to wake up one day and thisbe a 1998 economy again but thats clearly not gonna happen, given the decades of deregulation and deceit that helped create this situation.

Economists have said that the economic freefall of late last year has slowed drastically and predict indicators to start improving Q4. Jobs will be the lastthing to pick up given the time it takes to create them AND companies reluctance to increase staffing.

And the only thing that F-22 did was look sweet, efficiency and practibility are not strong points of this plane. i know someone who works @ LM and that'sthe general overall feeling about the aircraft.
The average American is so stupid, it really surprises me. How any intelligent person thought that the culmination of horrible economic policy and the burstingof a housing bubble over the course of 3-4yrs would some how be solved in the course of 6 months is astonishing. Do people not realize that America was on thebrink of economic collapse NO President can solve that in the course of a few months.
First off, best of luck to you and your fam man. Sometimes you are pleasantly surprised when put in situations you wouldn't normally find yourself (i.e. aneven better job) you never know! Secondly, Obama will make this country better, but we won't see it for years to come. Same way we didn't really'see' the last admin. drop this country into eternal debt to China.
@ the people thinking he is taking off to go to all-star game. He didn'twake up that day and say, I wanna go. His PR people calculated that it would be best for Americans if he showed up. It's weird and more complicated thanyou or I will ever know. But think of me giving you an old $$* rusty car to drive around in......gonna take you a while to get that ride nice.
Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Raise your hand if you didn't vote for Obama

*Raises Hand*
Raises hand.

Obama has done nothing but jabber and jabber. I guarantee he won't get a second term.

Originally Posted by J Burner

The rest of us tried to warn you. We saw this coming BEFORE he was even elected. No complaining now, ya'll made your bed, now lay in it.

Gee, I wonder why most people voted for Obama?

Originally Posted by J Burner

People that can still defend Obama baffle me. It doesn't get any more ignorant...
Amen. He's a joke.

Also, I'm so sick of him being at every sporting event and talking about sports all the time when he should be running the country.

I agree with pretty much everything.

But, I think he will pull a Bush and start a war toward the end of his term so he gets re-elected to finish what he started....That will be Q4 of 2012, right?
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

@ national security being affected by this

next time...don't just vote for the "cool" guy...understand what he's about and why you should vote for him. not saying obama was the wrong choice or right choice. i'm just make it sound like you were completely blind sided by this.

I'm not in to politics like that.......well let me say I'm not briefed on all issues...but it didn't matter who was the next President afterBush...this country is going down fast because of years of mismanagement...the person after Obama is going to also have a tough time in office....and afterthem and so on.

Being in such a position you are never going to make everyone satisfied. The glass will always be either half empty or half full depending on who'sjudging.
Yall some real bammas for real. JRose how you gonna flake out on Obama like that. Thats like someone who flakes out on their team when they dont make theplayoffs. He can't lift a finger and change the economy. It doesnt work like that. Its like when you gain 45lbs freshman year of college and then try tolose it in three weeks. It doesn't work like that. It takes time to fix things and he is getting the ball rolling in the right direction.

Maybe I'm naive but my life hasn't changed that much since Obama has been President. The legal market was garbage before he became President and it isstill garbage now. Now instead of mediocre lawyers getting jobs, the best will get jobs. Sounds a lot like capitalism to me.

I don't see how someone can be against wasteful spending of government money. Republicans cry, %!!%@, and moan about fraud and wasteful spending inmedicare/medicaid but its different when its F22 fighter planes. No one supports those plans except people who think an F22 can effectively stop a suicidebomber from carrying out their mission. I don't understand how one can say that reducing spending on ineffective planes is not good for the country in arecession.
Originally Posted by franchise3

The lamest arguement about Obama is this whole sporting events, doing brackets, when he should be running the country nonsense.

Same dudes who didn't vote Obama, voted Bush but weren't complaining when he spends half the year on his ranch.

The point is, he's running the country. People may not agree with his policies, but it's not like he's slacking.

He's been engaged holding news conferences and whatnot. Like the one tonight. Of course people will complain how he's always on TV, but isn't that what you want in a President? Getting asked questions, shed some light on the state of our country.

Of course though, people will complain how it's a left wing media bias, and how they threw him easy softball questions.

I didn't vote for Obama, and I hated Bush . And Obama is right on par with Bush as far as vacations go. He's already been on vacation atleast 3 times (that i know of) since his election.

The only reason Obama is going on TV tonight is because his healthcare plan is backfiring, and tanking. He's already held as many press conferences asBush did over his entire 8 years; the man is just in love with himself, and loves to be on TV. He's not going to be answering any questions, he'sgoing to be saying anything and everything he can to scare the public into believing we need him to change our healthcare system. Its more like an infomercialthan a press conference (like most of his "press conferences")
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