Barack I don't get it

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Raise your hand if you didn't vote for Obama

*Raises Hand*
Raises hand.

Obama has done nothing but jabber and jabber. I guarantee he won't get a second term.

Originally Posted by J Burner

The rest of us tried to warn you. We saw this coming BEFORE he was even elected. No complaining now, ya'll made your bed, now lay in it.

Gee, I wonder why most people voted for Obama?

Originally Posted by J Burner

People that can still defend Obama baffle me. It doesn't get any more ignorant...
Amen. He's a joke.

Also, I'm so sick of him being at every sporting event and talking about sports all the time when he should be running the country.



great .gif execution

Wait....Wait ......Wait....

People still believe in Governement?

Yall are no better the "religious nuts" yall claim to hate.

And leave it to a guy with a George Orwell avy to talk politics.

I have never voted.
But I think will be voting Republican next term.
Cause I would rather this country a quick demise instead of a long parading one.
Originally Posted by iBlink

A lot of you dudes in here are laughable, damn near ridiculous. Dudes blaming Pres. Obama for everything when, in certain cases, he has nothing to do with what's going on.

1. Understand the the US CONGRESS oversees military spending, not the President.

2. To those who argue that voting for Obama was the wrong move and McCain was the obvious choice, wake up. Senator McCain was in favor is this budget cut. Mr. 100-Years-In-Iraq is more at fault for the OP's situation than President Obama. Senator McCain actually voted on the matter, the President did not.

3. As much as I loath Chi Ill, she made a point. Results will not happen over night people. The President himself said that things would undoubtedly get worse before they get better. What it seems like a lot of you are expecting are a bunch of quick fixes.

Dudes like HOVKid are the only ones who has any validity in their argument. But what I can never understand is how the guy expects himself to remain in that same tax bracket when the middle class is on the verge of vanishing? The US economy is built on the backs of the common man. No one's faulting you for working hard to achieve your status, but there's a likelihood of certain industries becoming monopolized... law's not exempt.

If the gov't doesn't intervene now, we'll pay for it later. Government intervention is saving the US from going belly up. So slap a socialist sticker on your arguments and realize just how critical the decisions being made really are.

IT looks like it will turn out to be 100 year war regardless.

I loathe people who spell loathe wrong.

I agree with the socialism piece, my hatred comes in with people saying socialism as if it is a bad thing. Likening it to the red scare during the cold war.Half the people have no idea what socialism is. Socialist entities does not signify socialism.
Another Barack topic, vent yeah get a blog what ever. I voted for him, and now I, and my mother may be out of jobs thanks to his defense cut my mom got a letter from her job saying her facility is going to be shut down sept 18th, and she'll be job less, and now me good old Jumpman247 might be without a job after this month thanks to those good old budget cuts.

I mean I can't blame Obama for the recession, but I'm going to blame him for losing my job cutting funding to something so vital the security of our nation. I thought he was going to create jobs, not take them away

I guess I need to get into the medical field become a nurse or something since that's where all our money will be going if this universal health care passes. Is there anyone else that has been affected by cutting funding to the F-22 raptor, and other projects being cut? Lockeed? BAE?

Sorry to hear about your mom's job loss. The sad truth is your mom's job loss is part of something needs to happen far more often.Government ending wasteful and unneeded projects that take up a bulk of our budget but have nothing to show for the American people. The money will sponsoranother government project hopefully into something more fruitful.

Originally Posted by jerseykid87

i voted for Barack but i think he's falling off, i mean i want to see him do well, but his approval rating are going down fast according to the new poles i saw on CNN
Let me get this right. You think he's falling off because he has 56% approval ratings?

Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Another naive voter. He said this throughout his campaign, frivolous government spending was going to end. Bringing up national security is a cute homage to the scare tactics we saw with the last administration. If you cared to actually read 1 article budget from the F-22 is being shifted to the F-35. So there should be no lapse in national security because you are losing your job.
How this post in the thread got repeatedly ignored I don't know. So I'll post it again for emphasis.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Another naive voter. He said this throughout his campaign, frivolous government spending was going to end. Bringing up national security is a cute homage to the scare tactics we saw with the last administration. If you cared to actually read 1 article budget from the F-22 is being shifted to the F-35. So there should be no lapse in national security because you are losing your job.

Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Another naive voter. He said this throughout his campaign, frivolous government spending was going to end. Bringing up national security is a cute homage to the scare tactics we saw with the last administration. If you cared to actually read 1 article budget from the F-22 is being shifted to the F-35. So there should be no lapse in national security because you are losing your job.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

The more and more we get into dude's tenure the more I realize Barack isn't going to change %@++.
Healthcare, foreign policy stance, focus on Afghanistan, national gov won't supercede state law, healthcare (again bc the change is somonumental).

Originally Posted by J Burner

The rest of us tried to warn you. We saw this coming BEFORE he was even elected. No complaining now, ya'll made your bed, now lay in it.

What did you try to warn us? That he'd cut wasteful government programs and dump an awful health care system for a more efficient one?

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

until those jets are needed when another terrorist attack happens because of the weakened national defense under this administration ...
Please don't act like our national defense is weakened by losing one (of many) jets, that wasn't even used in the war. In the grand schemeof things, it doesn't really matter.
Originally Posted by FlipNLu

When will we realize that Barack has signed more bills and ultimately more debt. Barack is not for change nor will any other president be. Change will only come when we realize that the system we are in is not reliable by any means. People in this world are starving slavery is higher than ever but we tend to do nothing about it but view as sheep. This whole black white thing lets be a little realistic. Barack Obama is white and black probably more white if anything plus dude looks just like Mr.Bush.!!!!!

Give Why Take
Find me any bills Barrack has signed that you feel unnecessarily wastes our money. Want to talk about unnecessarily wasting money, take a look atour health care system. How do we pay the most (2nd most if we count the 64,522 inhabitants of the Marshall Islands) and not even haveclose to ranked best health care?

And please do not mention the stimulus. Every conservative and liberal economist will said we needed a stimulus or else the country would implode. Therepublicans with Bush in the white house were actually the first people to ask request a bailout. The majority of the Bush era congress wanted the bailouts.

What you guys fail to realize is most congress repubs and democrats are just gonna play party politics. When bush and the repubs wanted bailouts, the democratswere screaming govt intervention. Now Obama is in the whitehouse with a dem congress the scenario is flipped. Ya'll cannot fall for this party bickering.

What is important is that every expert on the subject no matter what party realized the need and urgency for govt spending on our economy.

Don't let the same repubs who ran this country into this ground, and who first wanted bailouts to distract you from that fact. Whether or not you like theidea, the government needed to pump money into the economy for it to survive. Unfortunately, our congress was pressured by the right and folded into making aweak bill, with hardly enough money.

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Its almost comical how this is unfolding. The dude was a magic trick designed to make everyone go out and vote and think their lives would be different.

Obama is garbage and is trying to turn our country into lametown. It amazes me that all you voted for a socialist in the first place.

Even Nancy Pelosi doesn't agree with him on his crap anymore.....and that woman is a bigger joke than he is.

We would have had Palin in office with some nice high heels looking hot and McCain would have been wrecking house right now. You all are fools.

I was about to write an intelligent response, then I read the last few lines of your post and saw your screen name.
....just in case any of this hate against Obama was still about the jets. I'll repost the headline of the Fox News article Essential posted.
[h1]McCain Moves to Block Funding for F-22 Jets[/h1] [h2]Sen. John McCain, along with Michigan Democrat Carl Levin, files an amendment to cut extra money for seven more F-22's -- in an unusual alliance with President Obama.[/h2]

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by cguy610

Jabber and Jabber?

Passing a $787 billion stimulus bill is jabber?

Healthcare reform is jabber?

You're better off just saying you don't like him and that's it, instead of "jabbering" a bunch of nonsense.

yes, yes, and yes again.

The hell you jabbering about? The stimulus bill was all talk, didn't do a thing he said it would = jabber. His healthcare reform is a huge joke (take a look a few posts above) yet all he does is "jabber jabber" about how bad we need it, when the fact is [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]we have the best healthcare on the planet.[/color]
J burner. From the World Health Organization, a ranking of the health systems of the world. (I hope you don't try to say this has a liberalslant)
  • 1 France
    2 Italy
    3 San Marino
    4 Andorra
    5 Malta
    6 Singapore
    7 Spain
    8 Oman
    9 Austria
    10 Japan
    11 Norway
    12 Portugal
    13 Monaco
    14 Greece
    15 Iceland
    16 Luxembourg
    17 Netherlands
    18 United Kingdom
    19 Ireland
    20 Switzerland
    21 Belgium
    22 Colombia
    23 Sweden
    24 Cyprus
    25 Germany
    26 Saudi Arabia
    27 United Arab Emirates
    28 Israel
    29 Morocco
    30 Canada
    31 Finland
    32 Australia
    33 Chile
    34 Denmark
    35 Dominica
    36 Costa Rica
    37 United States of America
    38 Slovenia
    39 Cuba
    40 Brunei
    41 New Zealand
    42 Bahrain
    43 Croatia
    44 Qatar
    45 Kuwait
    46 Barbados
    47 Thailand
    48 Czech Republic
    49 Malaysia
    50 Poland

    A ranking of the Health Expectancy Rates.
    1 Japan 74.5 71.9 77.2
    2 Australia 73.2 70.8 75.5
    3 France 73.1 69.3 76.9
    4 Sweden 73.0 71.2 74.9
    5 Spain 72.8 69.8 75.7
    6 Italy 72.7 70.0 75.4
    7 Greece 72.5 70.5 74.6
    8 Switzerland 72.5 69.5 75.5
    9 Monaco 72.4 68.5 76.3
    10 Andorra 72.3 69.3 75.2
    11 San Marino 72.3 69.5 75.0
    12 Canada 72.0 70.0 74.0
    13 Netherlands 72.0 69.6 74.4
    14 United Kingdom 71.7 69.7 73.7
    15 Norway 71.7 68.8 74.6
    16 Belgium 71.6 68.7 74.6
    17 Austria 71.6 68.8 74.4
    18 Luxembourg 71.1 68.0 74.2
    19 Iceland 70.8 69.2 72.3
    20 Finland 70.5 67.2 73.7
    21 Malta 70.5 68.4 72.5
    22 Germany 70.4 67.4 73.5
    23 Israel 70.4 69.2 71.6
    United States 70.0 67.5 72.6

    Ranking of Total Expenditure on Health as % of GDP 2000-2005

 1  Marshall Islands      22  19.1  18.4  16.3  13.2  15.4   2  United States of America   13.2  13.9  14.7  15.1  15.2  15.2   3  Niue        8 38.1  11.1  12.5  15.5  14.5   4  Timor-Leste     8.8 8.6 8.5 9.2 10.3  13.7   5  Micronesia (Fed. States of)    9 9.8 9.1 10.7  11.7  13.5   6  Kiribati        11.6  12.3  12.6  13.7  13.7  12.7   7  Maldives        6.8 6.8 6.6 7.2 7.8 12.4   8  Malawi        6.1 7.8 10  12.8  12.8  12.2   9  Switzerland      10.3  10.7  11  11.4  11.4  11.4  10  France        9.6 9.7 10  10.9  11  11.2  11  Germany        10.3  10.4  10.6  10.8  10.6  10.7  12  Jordan        9.4 9.6 9.3 9.3 10.1  10.5  13  Nauru        11  10.8  10.6  10.3  10.4  10.3  14  Argentina        8.9 9.5 8.9 8.3 9.6 10.2  15  Austria        10  10  10.1  10.2  10.3  10.2  16  Portugal        8.8 8.8 9 9.7 10  10.2  17  Greece        9.3 9.8 9.7 10  9.6 10.1  18  Canada        8.8 9.3 9.6 9.8 9.8 9.8  19 Sao Tome and Principe    6.3 9.1 8.6 11.9  12.1  9.8    20 Belgium        9.1 9.3 9.5 9.5 9.7 9.6

How do we pay so much and achieve such a low ranking? You call that being the best?

I'm reading through this post and I see an advertisement at the top of the page that says "Is Obama smarter than you?" must be, because he sureas hell had us right where "they" wanted us
Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Raise your hand if you didn't vote for Obama

*Raises Hand*
Raises hand.

Obama has done nothing but jabber and jabber. I guarantee he won't get a second term.

Originally Posted by J Burner

The rest of us tried to warn you. We saw this coming BEFORE he was even elected. No complaining now, ya'll made your bed, now lay in it.

Gee, I wonder why most people voted for Obama?

Originally Posted by J Burner

People that can still defend Obama baffle me. It doesn't get any more ignorant...
Amen. He's a joke.

Also, I'm so sick of him being at every sporting event and talking about sports all the time when he should be running the country.


Funny thing about this is THE REAL Jalen Rose probably disagrees with everything you just said.

another obama thread, and another person who just doesn't get it. obama is but a mere puppet. he makes zero decisions, it's all a show.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Another Barack topic, vent yeah get a blog what ever. I voted for him, and now I, and my mother may be out of jobs thanks to his defense cut my mom got a letter from her job saying her facility is going to be shut down sept 18th, and she'll be job less, and now me good old Jumpman247 might be without a job after this month thanks to those good old budget cuts.

I mean I can't blame Obama for the recession, but I'm going to blame him for losing my job cutting funding to something so vital the security of our nation. I thought he was going to create jobs, not take them away

I guess I need to get into the medical field become a nurse or something since that's where all our money will be going if this universal health care passes. Is there anyone else that has been affected by cutting funding to the F-22 raptor, and other projects being cut? Lockeed? BAE?
Did you mean: lockheed
Let's not get carried away. Look at the choices we had. BO is a C- candidate at best who defeated an F- candidate in Mccain. Seriously, if W can bePresident, not to mention a two term President, that should tell you that anyone or anything could be President. A rabbitt could be President!
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by iBlink

A lot of you dudes in here are laughable, damn near ridiculous. Dudes blaming Pres. Obama for everything when, in certain cases, he has nothing to do with what's going on.

1. Understand the the US CONGRESS oversees military spending, not the President.

2. To those who argue that voting for Obama was the wrong move and McCain was the obvious choice, wake up. Senator McCain was in favor is this budget cut. Mr. 100-Years-In-Iraq is more at fault for the OP's situation than President Obama. Senator McCain actually voted on the matter, the President did not.

3. As much as I loath Chi Ill, she made a point. Results will not happen over night people. The President himself said that things would undoubtedly get worse before they get better. What it seems like a lot of you are expecting are a bunch of quick fixes.

Dudes like HOVKid are the only ones who has any validity in their argument. But what I can never understand is how the guy expects himself to remain in that same tax bracket when the middle class is on the verge of vanishing? The US economy is built on the backs of the common man. No one's faulting you for working hard to achieve your status, but there's a likelihood of certain industries becoming monopolized... law's not exempt.

If the gov't doesn't intervene now, we'll pay for it later. Government intervention is saving the US from going belly up. So slap a socialist sticker on your arguments and realize just how critical the decisions being made really are.

IT looks like it will turn out to be 100 year war regardless.

I loathe people who spell loathe wrong.

I agree with the socialism piece, my hatred comes in with people saying socialism as if it is a bad thing. Likening it to the red scare during the cold war. Half the people have no idea what socialism is. Socialist entities does not signify socialism.
Excuse the hell outta me. I typed all that on my Touch Pro.
Originally Posted by Prostaffer

Originally Posted by jumpman247

Another Barack topic, vent yeah get a blog what ever. I voted for him, and now I, and my mother may be out of jobs thanks to his defense cut my mom got a letter from her job saying her facility is going to be shut down sept 18th, and she'll be job less, and now me good old Jumpman247 might be without a job after this month thanks to those good old budget cuts.

I mean I can't blame Obama for the recession, but I'm going to blame him for losing my job cutting funding to something so vital the security of our nation. I thought he was going to create jobs, not take them away

I guess I need to get into the medical field become a nurse or something since that's where all our money will be going if this universal health care passes. Is there anyone else that has been affected by cutting funding to the F-22 raptor, and other projects being cut? Lockeed? BAE?
Did you mean: lockheed

Thanks for catching that.
wow.. you guys amaze me. give him another 7 years or so before you decide to criticize him. you guys cant expect change to happen this quick, but you canhope. obama =

yes he can
Originally Posted by finnns2003

another obama thread, and another person who just doesn't get it. obama is but a mere puppet. he makes zero decisions, it's all a show.

These people have yet to realize that one guy doesnt make all of the decisions or even most of them for that sake.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by finnns2003

another obama thread, and another person who just doesn't get it. obama is but a mere puppet. he makes zero decisions, it's all a show.

These people have yet to realize that one guy doesnt make all of the decisions or even most of them for that sake.

The special interest groups influence the Legislative branch, who is in charge of national spending... The US Congress runs America.

Like I said earlier, it's easy to blame the President because he's essentially just one man, as opposed to agroup of 535 individuals who are all working in their "states" best interest.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by finnns2003

another obama thread, and another person who just doesn't get it. obama is but a mere puppet. he makes zero decisions, it's all a show.

These people have yet to realize that one guy doesnt make all of the decisions or even most of them for that sake.

The special interest groups influence the Legislative branch, who is in charge of national spending... The US Congress runs America.

Like I said earlier, it's easy to blame the President because he's essentially just one man, as opposed to a group of 535 individuals who are all working in their "states" best interest.

and again i say ... where were all you people when bush was doing what he was doing? ... or was he one of 2 presidents in history who werent controlled by"them" ... ... ...
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by finnns2003

another obama thread, and another person who just doesn't get it. obama is but a mere puppet. he makes zero decisions, it's all a show.

These people have yet to realize that one guy doesnt make all of the decisions or even most of them for that sake.

The special interest groups influence the Legislative branch, who is in charge of national spending... The US Congress runs America.

Like I said earlier, it's easy to blame the President because he's essentially just one man, as opposed to a group of 535 individuals who are all working in their "states" best interest.

and again i say ... where were all you people when bush was doing what he was doing? ... or was he one of 2 presidents in history who werent controlled by "them" ... ... ...

Dude let it go.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by iBlink

A lot of you dudes in here are laughable, damn near ridiculous. Dudes blaming Pres. Obama for everything when, in certain cases, he has nothing to do with what's going on.

1. Understand the the US CONGRESS oversees military spending, not the President.

2. To those who argue that voting for Obama was the wrong move and McCain was the obvious choice, wake up. Senator McCain was in favor is this budget cut. Mr. 100-Years-In-Iraq is more at fault for the OP's situation than President Obama. Senator McCain actually voted on the matter, the President did not.

3. As much as I loath Chi Ill, she made a point. Results will not happen over night people. The President himself said that things would undoubtedly get worse before they get better. What it seems like a lot of you are expecting are a bunch of quick fixes.

Dudes like HOVKid are the only ones who has any validity in their argument. But what I can never understand is how the guy expects himself to remain in that same tax bracket when the middle class is on the verge of vanishing? The US economy is built on the backs of the common man. No one's faulting you for working hard to achieve your status, but there's a likelihood of certain industries becoming monopolized... law's not exempt.

If the gov't doesn't intervene now, we'll pay for it later. Government intervention is saving the US from going belly up. So slap a socialist sticker on your arguments and realize just how critical the decisions being made really are.

IT looks like it will turn out to be 100 year war regardless.

I loathe people who spell loathe wrong.

I agree with the socialism piece, my hatred comes in with people saying socialism as if it is a bad thing. Likening it to the red scare during the cold war. Half the people have no idea what socialism is. Socialist entities does not signify socialism.
Excuse the hell outta me. I typed all that on my Touch Pro.

all jokes bud. I found your response hilarious.

I just thought it was funny seeing such a strong word for someone you don't know.

All jokes aside your response had me rolling (no sarcasm) "Excuse the hell outta me"
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

this is what happens when you give the Government this much power
Yea when you give the government too much power they cut spending on useless planes
Originally Posted by kix4kix

all jokes bud. I found your response hilarious.

I just thought it was funny seeing such a strong word for someone you don't know.

All jokes aside your response had me rolling (no sarcasm) "Excuse the hell outta me"

Loathe was kinda brash. I don't hate shorty, she's just annoying, that's all.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Funny thing about this is THE REAL Jalen Rose probably disagrees with everything you just said.

Gee, I wonder why you said that? Is it because Rose is black?

I like how some of you people are saying, the president doesn't run this country, Congress does or one guy doesn't make all the decisions, typenonsense. But you are the same people that are quick to blame Bush for screwing everything up. Damn hypocrites. Quit defending this chump Obama. He'snothing but a fraud so far.

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by GTEK

Funny thing about this is THE REAL Jalen Rose probably disagrees with everything you just said.

Gee, I wonder why you said that? Is it because Rose is black?

I like how some of you people are saying, the president doesn't run this country, Congress does or one guy doesn't make all the decisions, type nonsense. But you are the same people that are quick to blame Bush for screwing everything up. Damn hypocrites. Quit defending this chump Obama. He's nothing but a fraud so far.


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