Barack Obama: A review

Obama was practical. He wasn't making waves or leading charges... But you put things in front of him and he makes a logical choice. He kept himself out of scandals and had a great swagger and finesse. I saw him in person and was proud that he was my president. A great representative for the country. As a politician, he's been one of the best. On ideals he left a little bit on the table, maybe couldve done more for poverty and education... but he was getting opposed on everything anyway.
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Obama was practical. He wasn't making waves or leading charges... But you put things in front of him and he makes a logical choice. He kept himself out of scandals and had a great swagger and finesse. I saw him in person and was proud that he was the my president. A great representative for the country. As a politician, he's been one of the best. On ideals he left a little bit on the table, maybe couldve done more for poverty and education... but he was getting opposed on everything anyway.
u know
i swear i wanna see him talking
at the family bbq
cause i KNOW
he really act like us(if u know what i mean)
I voted for Nader and Stein. Saw right through Obama's corporate suit.

If I had voted for a president who ended up with a lot of blood on his hands (like he did), I would never get that awful feeling out of my stomach for the rest of my life. His foreign policy was just barbaric and catastrophic. Democratic voters should be ashamed. And look what pitiful sheep they still are today. Ugh. God help us all in 2020.

Obama, one of the worst bought and paid-for politicians of our lifetime. I heard he gets paid half a mil to give a speech these days. Suckers lol.

I know this is a troll post because a Jill Stein voter would never admit to it
I know this is a troll post because a Jill Stein voter would never admit to it
You voted for this and are still proud of it:

"26,171 bombs on seven countries in 2016”

This was a guy who initially ran on a promise to withdraw from international conflicts. Bamboozled. I hate it had to be you, and apparently many others in this thread, who have all the information right at their fingertips. Mind boggling. And I'm not even that intelligent myself.
It is almost as if voters decided who they prefer by looking at the candidate's actions and policies on aggregate, decide who is the better choice, but don't cosign everything a candidate decides to do.

I'm sure eracism eracism is not comfortable is Nader ignorance and seemingly lack care for civil rights issues. And I am sure you don't cosign Jill Stein's ties with Russia or her scamming people out of millions. And if you think you would have liked either of those people's foreign policy, you are kinda deluding yourself. I believe that all president's foreign policy is ****, all of them, it is just different levels of ****tiness.

So get off your high horse, and stop the attempts to guilt trip.
Do you consider war a scandal?

I voted for Ron Paul in the 2012 primary... That tells you how I feel about war.

But no I don’t consider it a "scandal". Not like russia ties, kkk parents, pornstar nda's, etc.
“What little faith you had in Barack, leave stock in
Whether good or bad
The world need to see the black man push a 'Lac down Pennsylvania Ave“

Symbolically I think what he represented was more important then his actual policy. As far as the actual policy.... the body count speaks for itself.
Obama was "just another politician", so you voted for Romney? Are you wealthy and stand to gain a lot from lower taxes?
Not yet. I wasnt even gonna vote at all but I got talked into it. And i voted for Romney just cus he was against abortion and same sex marraige
I want someone that will fight for black America...............votes Mitt Romney

:smh: :lol: :lol:
:lol: not at all. I don't even think someone like that would ever occupy the white house.
Obama proved, that people can be inspired and moved, if you appeal to the best in them. He also proved, that progress has powerful and plentiful enemies. Just like Trump proved, that you can also succeed, if you appeal to the worst in people. I'm a pragmatist, so Obama didn't break my heart. I willingly allowed myself to hope with him.
"ride around wit my windows tinted like Obama man, thats my president"

-Will Mo
I echo a lot of what others have already mentioned, but I think what's lost on a lot of people was Barack's ability to empathize and connect with the American people. I believe he truly felt a deep connection with those who felt unheard, forgotten and downtrodden. And although he wasn't the tall, towering figurehead for black America that we all expected, I do think his policies and initiatives did have us in mind. Additionally, after reading the novel, "To Obama With Love, Joy, Hate and Despair," my opinion of him changed even more; as mentioned before, I realized how pragmatic he is - that the way he speaks, slowly, pointed and with gravitas pretty much sums up how he made decisions and pursued different aspects of his life and politics.
Not yet. I wasnt even gonna vote at all but I got talked into it. And i voted for Romney just cus he was against abortion and same sex marraige
It seems that imposing religious beliefs on others is the more important thing you look for in an elected official.
At first, I thought it was kind of OD when he had an ESPN segment filling out his NCAA Tournament bracket or how he would do skits on the Tonight Show. But I thought he was good.
no reason he shouldn't of had his waves on swim
there were times when i KNEW
he had just got cut by a black person

I wonder who the Presidential Barber was. Cuz probably still cuts in a blue blazer with the Presidential Seal. :lol:
"26,171 bombs on seven countries in 2016”

Does this really tell the whole story though? Genuinely asking.

Are there metrics that the describe the nature of the bombings and/or compare civilian deaths to past presidents like GW?
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