Baton Rouge - 3 police killed, 7 shot

Rip to the officers and Alton Sterling. This will change nothing.

You keep thinking that. If they know the very people they harass and wrongly kill will retaliate and hunt them when they will think twice before doing the fore mentioned. As of right now, they have no regards whatsoever for ending s black person's life.

This makes me sad :frown:

It should make a lot of people sad. This man was a good cop.
What's up with this group/gang mentality on here? Be mad with the ACTUAL cops that killed the individuals in question. Not some random cop or cops that weren't there and had nothing to do with it. Dudes always lose sight of what or who to be focused on.
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Rip to the officers and Alton Sterling. This will change nothing.
You keep thinking that. If they know the very people they harass and wrongly kill will retaliate and hunt them when they will think twice before doing the fore mentioned. As of right now, they have no regards whatsoever for ending s black person's life.
Except the killer here also just had no regard for ending a black person's life. 
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Rip to the officers and Alton Sterling. This will change nothing.

You keep thinking that. If they know the very people they harass and wrongly kill will retaliate and hunt them when they will think twice before doing the fore mentioned. As of right now, they have no regards whatsoever for ending s black person's life.

Make cops even more scared they might get shot on duty.
What's up with this group/gang mentality on here? Be mad with the ACTUAL cops that killed the individuals in question. Not some random cop or cops that weren't there and had nothing to do with it. Dudes always lose sight of what or who to be focused on.

It should make a lot of people sad. This man was a good cop.

Yet you got dudes in here trying to justify his murder just because he's a cop.

I agree with the both of you.
is he part of a racist organization?

just like how innocent victims get killed for being black
he got killed cause he was a cop

except he knowingly signed up for this

I'm at work

but Questlove posted on his instagram a post of his that was pretty interesting.

Someone needs to get it
That black cop with the goatee is REALLY toxic, man.

He continues this black on black crime rhetoric that's legit cementing it in middle America's heads.

This dude is dangerous.
how yall gonna wanna call cops innocent cuz they dont have something to do with ONE event, but not say anything about the wall of blue they ALL hide behind for EVERY event?
you just proved the point

no matter what kind of cop or where there is a wall of blue ALL cops black white good bad they ALL hide behind it

it doesnt matter if every dept is "the same" or not because they are the same in that they all defend each other

talk about backwards thinking how does the exception make the rule?
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Such an *** backwards/asinine mentality to have, SMH. As if EVERY cop or every police department is the same. Some of you dudes have a lot of growing up to do.
But @Deuce, there are few arguments being made. 

One argument (which I don't agree with), is the sort of eye for an eye variety: If one police officer murder an innocent black person, then all officers are guilty by association (i.e. being a part of a municipal police force), and thus have to pay in blood. 

The second argument (which you seem to support) is that only the officers who actually murdered Sandra Bland, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Eric Gardner, Akai Gurley should be targeted. 

There is a moral judgement at work in both arguments, but the severity of the penalty is different. Both sides are attempting to outline the rules for capital punishment (a power typically reserved for the state).

But even folks who call for an eye for an eye are doing so not from an "backwards/asinine mentality" but one that is pretty sophisticated. Their assumption is that even if an officer did not commit murder, by standing beside a killer cop, by being a part of the same union that protects killer cops, by pledging support for the flagrantly disrespectful insistence that "blue lives matter," and by not actively finding ways to stamp out the anti-black racist practices of a precinct, any and all officers are, in effect guilty of supporting the cultural practices and social norms that enabled the murder of innocent black people. 

Then there is the matter of black officers being killed. Black officers snapped Freddie Gray's spine. Black correction officers at Rikers pummel black prisoners. I can go on. But just as President Obama is the HNIC of the empire, officers of color in general, and black officers in particular, serve as active agents of a racist carceral-police state. 
I'm just sick and tired of all of it.

Im 24 and Hispanic. I've been discriminated against. I've been pulled over and treated like BS at 17 by some a hole cops. Guys that make you grow a hate towards PD. But I've also delt with good cops who have shown me that they aren't all the same.

What I really ask of ppl is to not let yourself be influenced by others. Especially the media that love to paint events a certain way. Or your favorite rapper or celebrity. To me they really don't help the situation either.

There's been unwanted killings on both sides. I'm not gonna get into which I feel was justified and not but that's what I believe/see. My view isn't influenced by "The Game" or guys at work who disagree with me.

Every single life matters. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc. I hope that justice is rightfully served throughout our country. Don't let the few bad apples rot your thoughts on groups of ppl.

I just needed to get that out
I'm just sick and tired of all of it.

Im 24 and Hispanic. I've been discriminated against. I've been pulled over and treated like BS at 17 by some a hole cops. Guys that make you grow a hate towards PD. But I've also delt with good cops who have shown me that they aren't all the same.

What I really ask of ppl is to not let yourself be influenced by others. Especially the media that love to paint events a certain way. Or your favorite rapper or celebrity. To me they really don't help the situation either.

There's been unwanted killings on both sides. I'm not gonna get into which I feel was justified and not but that's what I believe/see. My view isn't influenced by "The Game" or guys at work who disagree with me.

Every single life matters. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc. I hope that justice is rightfully served throughout our country. Don't let the few bad apples rot your thoughts on groups of ppl.

I just needed to get that out

The bad apples have been around for 400 years.... when does the bunch stop being spoiled
Such an *** backwards/asinine mentality to have, SMH. As if EVERY cop or every police department is the same. Some of you dudes have a lot of growing up to do.
But @Deuce, there are few arguments being made. 

One argument (which I don't agree with), is the sort of eye for an eye variety: If one police officer murder an innocent black person, then all officers are guilty by association (i.e. being a part of a municipal police force), and thus have to pay in blood. 

The second argument (which you seem to support) is that only the officers who actually murdered Sandra Bland, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Eric Gardner, Akai Gurley should be targeted. 

There is a moral judgement at work in both arguments, but the severity of the penalty is different. Both sides are attempting to outline the rules for capital punishment (a power typically reserved for the state).

But even folks who call for an eye for an eye are doing so not from an "backwards/asinine mentality" but one that is pretty sophisticated. Their assumption is that even if an officer did not commit murder, by standing beside a killer cop, by being a part of the same union that protects killer cops, by pledging support for the flagrantly disrespectful insistence that "blue lives matter," and by not actively finding ways to stamp out the anti-black racist practices of a precinct, any and all officers are, in effect guilty of supporting the cultural practices and social norms that enabled the murder of innocent black people. 

Then there is the matter of black officers being killed. Black officers snapped Freddie Gray's spine. Black correction officers at Rikers pummel black prisoners. I can go on. But just as President Obama is the HNIC of the empire, officers of color in general, and black officers in particular, serve as active agents of a racist carceral-police state. 
how yall gonna wanna call cops innocent cuz they dont have something to do with ONE event, but not say anything about the wall of blue they ALL hide behind for EVERY event?

Yikes.......some of you dudes are so FAR gone it's sad, somewhat comical, and probably difficult for some of you dudes to see from the wilderness.......just like the Israelites. With that being said I know some of you dudes are upset with all that is going on and RIGHTFULLY so but this group/gang mentality is part of the problem after the initial situation that doesn't help at all.
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