Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

Man, I feel kinda bad when my team is completely dominating the other side. I was on Caspian playing gunner on a tank and driver and I hung out around the fields while the enemy kept driving out with buggies which I repeatedly destroyed. Enemy tanks werent doing anything.

I'd hate to be on the other side of that team or any team like that in general.

I was playing 64p Conquest on Siene Crossing . Our team maybe took 60 points from the other team then they capped all 5 points. We couldn't get out of our spawn. They had the two roads completely locked down. We didn't reagain a single point the rest of the game.

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Man the small things in BF3 make it awesome..
Like the Radio Chatter/Call outs

By far my favorite is this one :

Everytime i hear it im like
and recite it 

I agree. That was my favorite part of the beta when the first to mcoms were detonated. " We just blew a big $$%**%+ hole in the ground."
Now I like "Enemy tank in your AO, he's a big ##+*@$." Or when you're playing as the russians and toss a grenade then hearing the americans. "HOLY #!+* grenade!!!!"
^ Yeah, BF3's sound is untouchable.

Anybody else feel they've held back on the profanity after the Beta, though?
^ yeah. it gets better when you've unlocked flares, too.

Just unlocked the Heat-seekers. Can't seem to have them lock onto a chopper until it's too close to my jet.
Practically ruined my PS3 stats in one evening of gameplay. Ridiculous rubberbanding (my Internet sucks) + a crappy team. Went 2 for 12 for the night. 9 straight Ls in a row, 2 back to back Ws and an L to cap off the night. Horrible night.
swendro88 wrote:
I agree. That was my favorite part of the beta when the first to mcoms were detonated. " We just blew a big $$%**%+ hole in the ground."
Now I like "Enemy tank in your AO, he's a big ##+*@$." Or when you're playing as the russians and toss a grenade then hearing the americans. "HOLY #!+* grenade!!!!"
Word to  
.. Authentic 

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

^ Yeah, BF3's sound is untouchable. 

Anybody else feel they've held back on the profanity after the Beta, though? 
Word..& I notcied this as well.. Slightly disappointing but its all good


I FINALLY got a Service Star for the Support Class..

Got 2 Service Stars for the Assault . 1 for the Engineer & Support Classes. Only one left is to Star is... The Recon class..
. Only at 47% for it... It takes SO LONG to Level up that class...

Cause,  its much less efficient than the other 3 kits... At least in my eyes...

Also, ive played MW3 for about 12hrs total for MP...

I havent played it since Staurday last wknd... And if you read my & others responses in the CoD threads , you know why..

 .. Not numbers wise but def the better quality game 
 No question.. I play this (BF3) DAILY! and always have fun 

<3 this game... 
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

Man, I feel kinda bad when my team is completely dominating the other side. I was on Caspian playing gunner on a tank and driver and I hung out around the fields while the enemy kept driving out with buggies which I repeatedly destroyed. Enemy tanks werent doing anything.

I'd hate to be on the other side of that team or any team like that in general.

I was playing 64p Conquest on Siene Crossing . Our team maybe took 60 points from the other team then they capped all 5 points. We couldn't get out of our spawn. They had the two roads completely locked down. We didn't reagain a single point the rest of the game.
This was one of my really, really bad games I mentioned earlier . Same exact map and situation too. Basically, they kept pushing us back and back towards our spawn until we got trapped.
Shows how bad the map design is.

Metro, Seine, Tehran, Bazaar. When a team is dominating in those maps, it can get really ugly. Out of those 4, I like Tehran the best tho.
Finally unlocked the M40A5 Sniper Rifle...
Its EXACTLY the same to the SV98... Except Fire Rate/Bolt Action (default) is much fast than the SV98... 

But the M40s Bolt action is MUCH sessier 
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Finally unlocked the M40A5 Sniper Rifle...
Its EXACTLY the same to the SV98... Except Fire Rate/Bolt Action (default) is much fast than the SV98... 

But the M40s Bolt action is MUCH sessier 
Dif bullet Drop too , easier to equip ACOG an go HAMM indoors 
I noticed its almost the exact same... The M98B i heard has different bullet drop compared to the SV98/M40.. But the M40/SV are practically the same...

And im sure you can but def not in Core. when headshots are needed to drop someone. In Hardcore. Yeah no doubt since the Players Health is lower but i dont play HC so yeah lol
I left my HD TV at school for thanksgiving break. I came home and tried to play. Had me like 
 looking at it on a tube tv. That back to Kirkland gameplay looks even better than the game now for some reason. It seems like there is way more possible destruction
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Battlefield 3: Strike at Karkand Gameplay Trailer


damn that looks crazy.... Can't wait to get my HDTV next week... I got a 3000 dollar surround system ready to be put up as well. The neighbors are gonna be angry at me on weekends
[h2]ncoming: Battlefield 3 update![/h2]
  • anonymous.gif
    BY: HBrun
  • POSTED: Nov 18, 2011, 07:33AM
  • COMMENTS: 111
TheDICE team are hard at work supporting Battlefield 3.To date, we have implemented several server updates to improve stability andperformance. Next week we are publishing a significant Battlefield 3 clientupdate for the PC. Console patches take a bit longer due to the certificationrequirements for console content, but it will follow shortly after the PCupdate.

Sowhat’s in the PC patch? You’ll see improved polish, stability, weaponsbalancing, squad control functionality, user interface enhancements, andseveral feature enhancements that address feedback the community has providedto date  – plus we’re removing the so called “negative mouse acceleration
If anyone is every looking to squad up send me a f/r. Fackin Retro.

Only person on my f/l that plays daily is December. Juice and Terry been playing whack cod
I'm practically online every evening, either on PS3 or PC.
Online more often on Sundays, though.
Just led a team to victory from around 100 kills down on Operation Metro from the US deployment side. #feelsgoodman
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