Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by Carver

Anyone else pre-order off origin? Once it hits midnight I can play
This is correct

Pre-load and Get Ready to Play at Launch 

Pre-order the PC Digital version of Battlefield 3 Limited Edition through Origin to preload your game before it launches. Preloading means you can play the minute Battlefield 3 releases instead of waiting to install. 
Not that serious

Thanks for the myspace link homes

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

whoever i was playing with earlier during the game, that was fun ha ha ha
Yo on White Pass.. did you get kicked to the dashboard? I got a quad that game too 

nah we won, then i checked if you were still playing you were gone
. i was snipin dudes on that mountain like its no ones business ha ha ha. we need a squad up again soon though, it sucks playing by yourself.
Damn. Idk why but it just froze, went to a black screen & i ended up on the dashboard... Its not the 1st time thats happened also.
Luckly my progression/stats were saved. But for sure whenever ur on just hmu & we'll squad up. Ur literally thee only one on my friends list that plays BC2. A couple other ppl do but RARELY.
^ Happened to me on Day 1, when I just copped the game.
Along with the sound cutting out. Hasn't happened to me since, though.

My Stats don't update in the game menu, but I see my current stats on StatsVerse and other online-based sites. Weird.

What system do you guys play BC2 on?
Yeah sometimes sounds cuts off. It usually happens when im reloading a LMG. Which is weird. I hear everything else but the sounds of me reloading. O well . 
& 360 is thee system. And i also started noticing that my stats dont really update sometimes.

Speaking of stats. Progress.
I just want to get my SPM to 200 before BF3, since i started off mad slow
I don't want to bother those guys in the MW3 thread but this trailer is hilariously bad compared to what we've seen of Battlefield 3.


Wow. BF3 looks like a next-gen game in comparison.
Originally Posted by swendro88

I don't want to bother those guys in the MW3 thread but this trailer is hilariously bad compared to what we've seen of Battlefield 3.


Wow. BF3 looks like a next-gen game in comparison.

gameplay is from MW2 and Black Ops
Originally Posted by Balla Jigga

Originally Posted by swendro88

I don't want to bother those guys in the MW3 thread but this trailer is hilariously bad compared to what we've seen of Battlefield 3.


Wow. BF3 looks like a next-gen game in comparison.

gameplay is from MW2 and Black Ops

Really? My bad then. I thought that map looked familiar.
Originally Posted by Balla Jigga

Originally Posted by swendro88

I don't want to bother those guys in the MW3 thread but this trailer is hilariously bad compared to what we've seen of Battlefield 3.


Wow. BF3 looks like a next-gen game in comparison.

gameplay is from MW2 and Black Ops
The sad part about it, is that he even got it mistaken; basically tells u how identical Mw3 looks to Mw2.
I somehow embedded the wrong trailer. This is what i meant to post
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21


*Tears of Joy*�

"Hostile Personal, Hostile personal... i repeat we got some hostile personal."


good lord. I have too much damn excitement

-The Juice
My lawd... Just had my best game ever...
. 6Mcoms destroyed. 6500k+ score. 62-17 K/D. I had like 20 Pins thats game , Ace pin, etc, etc ... Thee longest game ever ... My team was doodoo but helpful enough to win. The next guy behind me had like 4k points. 
My team & the other team were FULL of new people. Low ranks & all. They would all move as one.
 which was impressive. There werent like any bushwookies ssittin miles away on either team. So it was basically a stand off & i had to like push in myself for the most part & hoping my squad mates to spawn on me. There was a low rank just chilling at our base to #%%!%!+ use the UAV. & dude never did +!$$ with it. Others would drive our tanks into their spawn & leave it there so the enemies would take and +!$$. No one could fly a heli. I died twice because they would just crash it. Anyways it was a GG. 

That game made my SPM jump to from 192 to 197 in ONE game. 

I swear i wouldnt blink for minutes on end. When the game was over my eyes were burning. 
Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

You on xbox or ps3?

We needa play when this game comes out.
I play BC2 on the 360.
Idk which system im copping for BF3 yet. But u can add me on whatever system ur on. Just msg me saying ur from NT.

id/GT in the sig. 
I personally do not know anyone who is copping for the PS3 if that helps.

I was going to re-rent BC2 again, but I lost my rank in Homfront (top 500 in the world
) So I've been trying to get my rank back...and of course the disc cracks when my boy foolishly drops his controller on the damn disc before putting it in (pause) N__,  I swear

-The Juice
Honestly, it just depends on what console BF3 will run & look better on. I've been hearing good things for the PS3 version and haven't heard much from/nothing from the 360 version.

I wanna cop for the 360 cause I feel it has a better/reliable online service. Plus to run with the 360 NT cats but lil to none play bc2. I'm usually solo.

But ill cop for the PS3, if it runs considerably better and I know more PS3 NTers who run BC2 at the moment compared to my 360 Friends list. And it'll most likely be more of the same wen BF3 comes out ... so it just depends.

I'm waiting on the beta to make my final desicion.

Top 500 is what's up though btw
Oh.. And this might not be news to some of you guys.
But i cant fly a Heli worth %#*% 
 But im learning right now.. If you bought the Ultimate Edition of BC2. U get the Onslaught Mode for free. Its basically a Co-Op/Spec Ops type deal. 

& you can just make a private match & go up against A.I. bots & on the map Atacama Desert you can fly an Apache. So you just go in there & fly it endless amounts of times & teach yourself. & no the stats does not carry over to Multiplayer. 

so for the guys who still cant fly on PS3  or the 360 can teach themselves how to. If you didnt buy the Ulimate Edition, i think its 400 Microsoft points to buy it. Dont know how much that is converted into dollars wise. 

But yeah just a quick tid-bit for those who cant pilot . Since i just learned i can do this myself without being in a Ranked Pub match & being a tool for my team.

PC guys dont even need the Onslaught Mode since they can just hop into dead #!! servers... 
Im on bc2 everyday on the 360. Im a noob but im getting better. add me - chief23insanid i need a set squad to play with(mics recommended).
Also got another Q. Should i pre-order Battlefield 3 for the xbox 360 or ps3?(graphic & server wise) How many of yall are coppin and for which system?
^Save Judgement til the Beta. 

[h2]Battleblog #6: Building Battlefield 3 from the gun out[/h2]


Every Battlefield game is built from the gun out. If persistence is what keeps you coming back for more, the gunplay is the essential foundation that the entire game hinges on. Read on for Senior Designer Alan Kertz’ thoughts on what makes shooting in Battlefield 3 unique.


Tweaking, testing, and re-tweaking the weapons in Battlefield 3 is the short description of a normal workday for Senior Designer Alan Kertz at this stage in the production. Now that we are well into August, Alan’s work has long since gone from overarching shooter vision to detailed fine-tuning. Walk down to his desk at any given day and you are likely to find him poring over notes or some onscreen graphs, deep in discussion with his designer colleagues:


Is the exit smoke from this RPG large enough? Is the precision increase when adding a heavy barrel to this rifle noticeable enough in semi-burst fire mode? How does the addition of a foregrip to this rifle affect the stability when firing in fully automatic mode?


-- Authenticity is really important when you’re doing a modern day game like Battlefield 3. We know our players look critically at the guns in our games, so we brought in experts like Andy McNab. Our military advisors not only help us get it right, they help us understand why it’s right.
PC users - Battlefield 3 Requires Origin, even for retail purchased copies.


There has been some confusion over how EA’s new Origin service will be integrated into Battlefield 3. Battlelog plays a big part, with the ability to browse servers and join a game directly from the browser. But according to DICE’s Daniel Martos, Origin will be required in order to play Battlefield 3 if the game is bought in retail. We don’t know whether this is true if the game is downloaded through a digital download service other than Origin, but we suspect Origin will be required no matter what.

This isn’t a big surprise, as many games these days require a client to run in the background, most notably games from Valve, where Steam is required. However, it can become an issue if the client is draining CPU power, which was the case with Origin during the Battlefield 3 alpha trial. Of course, it was only an alpha, so many tweaks and fixes are bound to happen. Another issue is memory usage among these clients, both Steam and Origin appear to use somewhere around 50 MB of memory during a game (but that can depend on the game and other system specs).

Last week, EA confirmed that Battlefield 3 would not be released on Steam due to certain Steam rules where DLC and patches must be provided via Steam.
REDd SPYDER, his boys, & i got it in on BC2 Conquest today

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
@ man i just killed two dudes & took out a tank... Im live right now.. i feel like bumping some wakaflocka

Yo, the kid JoeeBrap is back on the 360.. just for sports games but I'm back.. if mw3 is any good I'll probably play that on the 360 also, BF3 will be copped for PC though... Can't wait
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

REDd SPYDER, his boys, & i got it in on BC2 Conquest today

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
@ man i just killed two dudes & took out a tank... Im live right now.. i feel like bumping some wakaflocka


we were going hard in the paint
BTW; WitnessMyCalm IS REAL ON THE BATTLEFIELD!!!1!!!ONE!!!!wun!!!!1!
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