Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

But thats MoH.... If you think theyre going to treat this like they did moh and not like they treated BC2 then ur crazy...
at that M249 one bullet kill
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

But thats MoH.... If you think theyre going to treat this like they did moh and not like they treated BC2 then ur crazy...

YOU'RE crazy if you think DICE or EA is going to do anything more than they absolutely need to.
DICE has a track record. Why do you think THIS game will be any different? 
so im guessing headshots in this game arent instant kills? which i still dont understand.

head shots should be ONE bullet........not 2-3.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

But thats MoH.... If you think theyre going to treat this like they did moh and not like they treated BC2 then ur crazy...

YOU'RE crazy if you think DICE or EA is going to do anything more than they absolutely need to.
DICE has a track record. Why do you think THIS game will be any different? 

Bc2 is possibly thee most balanced game out there and runs pretty damn good.. DICE patched that thing til the very end... Bf3 is their golden child now.. DICE isnt IW... 

MoH wasnt NEARLY as hyped up as BF3 is today... MOH was DICE & EAs copy cat of CoD .. And i think you can just tell it was going to fail instantly ,,, BF3 has tons of potential and EA knows that.. thats why they been "slinging mud" over at activision cause of the potential ... Although im pretty sure evryone knows it wont kill cod .. Especially after thius beta.. Its turned a lot of people off .. But regardless i think DICE will continueslly patch the game until it runs flawlessly... How long itll idk.. but im pretty sure DICE will take care of the game... Its not like theyll be releasing another BF next yr to completely toss this game out the window once they release it or even months after... This game will be taken care of just like they did BC2 if not longer... DICEs GM said that they plan on taking care of it for a while as well.. So i dont believe in the "MoH track record"

If you dont think so, well idk what to tell you... Youre crazy 
After analyzing the data from our first round of closed Caspian Border tests, we have great news for participants in the Battlefield 3 PC Open Beta: the DICE team has decided to bring back Caspian Border for the beta’s final weekend and conduct an open large scale test of the 64 player Caspian Border map.

*****Please keep in mind that as this is beta we will be stress testing our servers***** As such, users may experience crashes, network instability and outages as we roll out and configure servers and network utilities. Understand that such potential issues and the testing environment are not reflective or indicative of the final product and that, through your participation, you will be helping to ensure future stability and functionality. 

As we are again specifically testing 64-player server configurations, this test will be for PC only. The Caspian Border servers will be available for all PC players to join. Caspian Border will be available starting Friday, October 7th, in the afternoon (CET).
flying jets aint all that, FLy jet get shot down by 30 rockets , or wait in line of 20 people to jump in 1 
I'm sure they won't let #*!@ slip in BF3
if they did it would be a huge fail on their part.. this ain't going to be like MW2 where it took them 2 years to fix a glitch in the game, like how they finally fixed the rock glitch on afghan or whatever that map was called
Caspian Border on PC Beta
Damn it... just disassembeled my rig, too. Doing a few case mods and installing a Corsair H80 CPU cooler tomorrow. Oh well. Hopefully it's up and running by tomorrow.
Originally Posted by sladewilson

flying jets aint all that, FLy jet get shot down by 30 rockets , or wait in line of 20 people to jump in 1 
When exactly is afternoon CET? I'd be willing to d/l this and jump on with some of yall.
IGN previews 2 NEW Multiplayer Maps - Gran Bazzar & Operation Firestorm + New Singleplayer Screenshots + Gameplay videos

Battlefield 3�holds the weight of the gaming world on its shoulders. With the unavoidable comparison to Call of Duty, all eyes are on DICE and EA create something awesome. Since June, we've seen little to no news of progress beyond several demos of Operation Metro, a touch of the campaign, and a glimpse of what it's like to fly jets. Additionally, the public beta birthed widespread concern over whether or not the game can live up to the hype. With just over two weeks until the game arrives on store shelves, this dearth of info served as a red flag -- until now. After tackling a combination of single player, co-op, and multiplayer in a fresh build of Battlefield 3, I must say I'm pleasantly surprised.�

Is it as glitchy as the beta? Not in my experience. If you've noticed, the beta hasn't updated on consoles and the build available to the public is over six weeks old. My time spent with these maps on PC and PS3 flowed smoothly the entire time. I never saw anyone fall through the map and no long-neck avatars squirmed across the ground twitching. Not only that, enemies appear to take more damage to kill -- another qualm I had with what I'd played before the latest demo. Steady aim is paramount to success and I'd often have to run down a wounded player to finish them off. I too escaped death a few times after absorbing some damage and rushing to safety.�
As a match faded in on a level called Operation Firestorm, I breathed a sigh of relief. The map is enormous. Built for 64 players on PC, this Conquest map screams Battlefield through and through. Tanks, jeeps, and buggies rumble across the desert while jets and helicopters tear through the skies. Burning oil fields decorate the horizon with black smoke, and the sheer scale of the experience feels like a return to the series' roots. Running (as well as driving or flying) from point to point to raise my team's flag felt great and I couldn't help but forget my growing concerns from what I'd experienced of Battlefield 3 in the past.�

This feeling continued on a smaller map called Grand Bazaar that featured tanks rumbling through the town square, and tight nooks and crannies dotting the shuttered store fronts of the level's marketplace. Fighting through the objectives in this map showed off destruction, allowing you to blow holes in walls to make your own doors and get through buildings quickly. The balance of tight corridors and a wide open center area made for a great balance, and again a better representation of the series' aim than the narrow length of Operation Metro.�

While it's too early to make any calls on Battlefield 3's narrative, a few campaign levels show a familiar storytelling device. Set against the interrogation of a Sergeant Blackburn, the actual campaign levels are memories the Sergeant recollects to two suits prodding him for info about a New York terror plot. Remember how each level of Call of Duty: Black Ops played out as a memory of the protagonist?�

Without spoiling the story, there are a few key elements of the single player experience to discuss. The levels do�force a certain linearity�that strays from the more open levels of Battlefield: Bad Company 2. But after seeing a greater portion of the game than our last preview, the levels do break into larger, open firefights. The only problem is that the enemies then spawn from set points and seem to suffer from a Medal of Honor-+*% "enemy dispenser" problem.�

One fun level from the campaign showed off an interesting approach. Stepping into the shoes of a female pilot you take the backseat of a fighter jet, taking off from an aircraft carrier and shooting down enemy Migs north of Tehran. While you're not in control, you're tasked with spotting jets chasing you, releasing flares to avoid incoming missiles, and locking on to bad guys when you have the shot. It's a refreshing balance to the levels set shooting your way through tight Middle Eastern marketplaces and rubble.�

Still curious about more ways to play? Meet co-op. Co-op levels are separate from the single player campaign but revolve around scenarios linked into the main story. I'd liken the experience to a roaming survival mode. Each map has an objective or task, and you and your partner need to stay alive to accomplish that feat. Thus, you need to stay alive as enemy after enemy burst through doors and try to take you down -- at least in the level entitled Hit and Run that I played. With only a handful of time spent in this mode, it feels like fun additional content to keep the fight going outside of the main story.�

The final version of Battlefield 3 still isn't ready for us to review and DICE have been frantically implementing notes from the beta into their current build. What I experienced of the game still revealed some minor glitches, but it's come a long way from the beta you might be playing right now. While the campaign may hold shadows of familiarity and clich�, the multiplayer places its best foot forward and looks to please longtime fans of the Battlefield series itching to drive and fly to online glory.�

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Also this pretty much is the BANE of this beta right now besides all the other $@%+.... like Semi Auto Snipers, graphical & map glitches.. I HOPE they fix everything thats wrong in the beta on time or in a day one patch
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]these are the three things i've talked about. pretty much sums it up, a bit frustrating but i'm more than sure it will be cleaned up.[/color]
The beta and the recent interviews regarding single player and co-op pretty much locks in my decision to wait till this game goes on sale for like $40 and pick up COD first on the 360. Can't beat COD when you only do one thing marginally better than it. C'mon DICE
[h2]Top 10 Battlefield 3 Open Beta issues and how we are addressing them[/h2]
via BattleBlog

We’re more than half way through the open beta and thrilled to see so many people still enjoying the game while continuing to give us great feedback. As part of our dedication to showing you how your feedback is directly affecting and improving Battlefield 3, here are the latest Top-Ten Community Issues that we’re addressing.


1. Squad issues: Cannot play with friends within same squad, squads get split up onto opposite teams, etc.
There will be improved squad functionality in the retail game (including but not limited to): the ability to create squads prior to launching into a game, sticking with your squad when joining a game and continuing together through future games (If team balance on the server allows it), inviting friends to a squad and changing squads once in game.

2. Regarding additional Open Beta content and fixes/patches for consoles, including PlayStation 3 issues with chat and party systems
While we would like to patch the Open Beta, DICE is currently focusing its available resources on polishing the retail game.

3. Will DICE have enough time to iron out everything by release? 
Please see General Manager Karl Magnus Troedsson's blog post regarding this question.

4. Can we have ability to change settings/options before deployment into match on PC? 
The ability to modify your settings via the deploy screen has been added into the retail game.

5. Issues with terrain stability and “falling into the mapâ€
BF3 - HD Textures for the Xbox 360 

DICE has confirmed that the second disc of Battlefield 3 on 360 will feature an optional high resolution texture pack.

Multi-disc 360 games are becoming more common these days. As games become more and more bloated and the limitations of the DVD medium are starting to present themselves to developers, we're starting to see larger, more ambitious games offer optional installs for additional features or, in some cases, split their gameplay across more than one disc. Recently, this has happened with id's Rage, and DICE's upcoming shooter Battlefield 3 will also be following this trend, too.

"There's a voluntary install on the 360," said Battlefield 3 producer Patrick Liu in conversation with GamerZines yesterday. "I think Rage did it as well, where you can install content to stream higher res textures. We're pushing that technology to the limit, and compared to our competitors, I would argue that we're the best looking game."

Liu didn't mention whether the PS3 version will also include the hi-res texture pack as an optional install -- or whether it will simply include the better textures as part of a mandatory installation process. Many PS3 games require game data to be installed to the system hard drive due to the higher seek times of Blu-Ray discs causing loading breaks to be longer if game data isn't properly optimized. It would make sense for the PS3 version to include hi-res textures in a mandatory install -- if it's on the disc, it might as well be used -- but then, the PC version demands 20GB of hard drive space, which would be a significant proportion of the PS3's available storage to be required in order to play.

We've contacted EA to see if they can clarify Liu's quotes and find out what the situation is with the PS3 version.
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