Being a Dad Appreciation Post..Vol. The first year...Wow how they grow.

yall new to the game, just wait til they go from 1 - 5

You not gonna know where time went


i got a lil boy hes 18 months old and honestly the best thing that has happened to me it has matured me alot having someone depending on me!

heres my lil one being bad!lol
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]One of the best things that has ever happened to me was the birth of my daughter, she's 4 1/2 mos.

[color= rgb(0, 51, 0)]My-T.[/color]

You have a beautiful daughter. congratulations
G and MyT the little ones look just like y'all that's what's up

Gunna I can only imagine, I was thinking about the fact that my little sister will be going to h.s. next year and I said thee exact same thing.
Damn I can't wait to be a dad....

Just got to wait like another 7 years give or take a few

WORD!! I love it and after today ive learned to appreciate it even more. I was in court this morning and the status with my daughter could have changed withjust a few words by some other dude.

I dunno if anybody on NT remembers the topic i posted but ill give a few cliffnotes

* Back in Dec. 07 I found out that I could possibly be the father of a 5 month old baby via text message
* Jan. 08 I take paternity test which confirms I am the father
*Mother swiftly disappears until March 07(deletes myspace, quits job, moves from apartment, cuts off phone ect ect) WORST 2 months of my life.
* Mid march 08 i find out the other guy couldnt deal with it anymore so he bounces, I finally get to start spendin time with my daughter. Still pissed becausethis broad thinks its ok to come and go out of my life with my daughter like its ok, and I realize i need to stop BSn and make her legally my daughter I file apetition to establish paternity and to legally change a name.
* July 08 my one year old daughter calls me DaDa for the first time(yup it was quick)

Fast forward to today Dec.1, 2008 11:15a mountain time the court case is officially over, my daughter has my last name and she lives with me 5 days out of theweek(mom gets her weekends).

Props to all of the other parents out there taking care of their responsibilities keep up the good work NTrs

btw heres my and the lil twin

thats my little girl. born may 12, so she's almost 7 months
she is the most amazing thing in the world
im only 18, so when i found out i was going to be a dad i was a little scared and thought my life would be over.
its the best thing that ever happened to me, it has made me focus on my future, work hard and appreciate everything my parents ever did fo me.
it has made me work harder and focus on my new family.
i love being a dad
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

WORD!! I love it and after today ive learned to appreciate it even more. I was in court this morning and the status with my daughter could have changed with just a few words by some other dude.

I dunno if anybody on NT remembers the topic i posted but ill give a few cliffnotes

* Back in Dec. 07 I found out that I could possibly be the father of a 5 month old baby via text message
* Jan. 08 I take paternity test which confirms I am the father
*Mother swiftly disappears until March 07(deletes myspace, quits job, moves from apartment, cuts off phone ect ect) WORST 2 months of my life.
* Mid march 08 i find out the other guy couldnt deal with it anymore so he bounces, I finally get to start spendin time with my daughter. Still pissed because this broad thinks its ok to come and go out of my life with my daughter like its ok, and I realize i need to stop BSn and make her legally my daughter I file a petition to establish paternity and to legally change a name.
* July 08 my one year old daughter calls me DaDa for the first time(yup it was quick)

Fast forward to today Dec.1, 2008 11:15a mountain time the court case is officially over, my daughter has my last name and she lives with me 5 days out of the week(mom gets her weekends).

Props to all of the other parents out there taking care of their responsibilities keep up the good work NTrs
Damn dude..Not trying to pry but how did you get custody..Congrats..Bro..

I know when I went to fam court to cancel the child support...this dude came out of the court with the
look on his face..then his baby moms came out like
..He got vexed and was like you aint getting !*+$...ill beat your $%%..blah blah ..the Balif had to hem him up for about 30 minutes until he thoughtdude was calm..Crazy !*+$ happens @ family court
my son/daughter would have been a year in december (had a delivery date of dec 28) but my ex had a miscarriage. then we later broke up. it sucks because iwould have had something that i could look at and say i made that.

but congrats to all the fathers and mothers on nt.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

WORD!! I love it and after today ive learned to appreciate it even more. I was in court this morning and the status with my daughter could have changed with just a few words by some other dude.

I dunno if anybody on NT remembers the topic i posted but ill give a few cliffnotes

* Back in Dec. 07 I found out that I could possibly be the father of a 5 month old baby via text message
* Jan. 08 I take paternity test which confirms I am the father
*Mother swiftly disappears until March 07(deletes myspace, quits job, moves from apartment, cuts off phone ect ect) WORST 2 months of my life.
* Mid march 08 i find out the other guy couldnt deal with it anymore so he bounces, I finally get to start spendin time with my daughter. Still pissed because this broad thinks its ok to come and go out of my life with my daughter like its ok, and I realize i need to stop BSn and make her legally my daughter I file a petition to establish paternity and to legally change a name.
* July 08 my one year old daughter calls me DaDa for the first time(yup it was quick)

Fast forward to today Dec.1, 2008 11:15a mountain time the court case is officially over, my daughter has my last name and she lives with me 5 days out of the week(mom gets her weekends).

Props to all of the other parents out there taking care of their responsibilities keep up the good work NTrs

btw heres my and the lil twin

that's what's up bro! i know how you feel on that i went through the exact same thing and it's not a good experience happy itworked out for you!
Originally Posted by Datnggag

Damn dude..Not trying to pry but how did you get custody..Congrats..Bro..

I know when I went to fam court to cancel the child support...this dude came out of the court with the
look on his face..then his baby moms came out like
..He got vexed and was like you aint getting !*+$...ill beat your $%%..blah blah ..the Balif had to hem him up for about 30 minutes until he thought dude was calm..Crazy !*+$ happens @ family court
Preciate it man, Over these past months ive just been talking to the mother and telling her how she needs to grow the hell up shes always feelinsorry for herself n !%%!. Basically I finally got her to realize that our daughter is whats most important not all this other petty !%%!. Haha but besidesMONTHS of talking what really got it done was all kinds of damn money ended up costing me a lil over 5g's with paternity tests court filing fees and lawyerconsultation fees. Its not a "strict" living arrangement though nothing the court ordered its just something the mother and I worked out together,some weeks she has her more days and so on but mostly shes with me.
It's Appreciated!!!! You have a beautiful son!

My lil one is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was wild when I was young, once I had her I had to get my %** straight. There is nothing like it.

8 years go by hella fast !!! Enjoy every moment




Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

My daughter is going to be ten nine months next week tomorrow.

In all honesty...I can't even begin to describe the way I feel about her. It's just nothing but love, joy, and happiness.

She is without a doubt the best thing that ever happened to me.
Couldn't have said it better myself. It isn't something you can explain. One must live it in order to understand...

And to dude who got custody of his daughter... Kudos to you man..

My lil mama..

congrats on the little one. yeah i know what you mean. i have a little princes(1yr and 11 months) and a new one on the way(march 09). yeah i know why not waitbut hey get them out of the way while i can still catch up to them lol.
BattsLM she looks hella happy!! lol My granny them used to say if you got a happy baby the parents are doin a damn good job.
Any of Yall dads considering having a 2nd ?
I'm def having AT LEAST 2.. The plan is to try again and pray for a boy... If it's a boy we're done. But if it's a girl, we willthink long about trying for a boy again. I'm tapping out at 3 no matter what though.

Face.....I swear on everything I have the happiest baby ever..
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Any of Yall dads considering having a 2nd ?


and im so conscious about not havin another one I dont even dance with a girl at a club with out puttin on a condom first
I'm done with one. But she want's a brother/sister. She is the only grand child in my fam. Imagine how lonely she gets
Good lookin kid, but wait til they turn 2 or 3 and start growing and learning everyday. I am having the best time right now and my son turned 2 in September
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Any of Yall dads considering having a 2nd ?

Sometimes I think heck naw but then I think it would be nice to have a kid with a girl that Im in love with or married to. I have had to raise my son 75% ofthe time by myself and a lot of help from the family cuz his mom is worthless so I really have mixed feelings.

My son and I (he is 2years and 3 months old)
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Any of Yall dads considering having a 2nd ?

already there Gunna...


my two boys are the lights of my life.
5 1/2 and about 5 months..

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