Being a white student at a HBCU - Vice Special

Went to Morehouse. The few white dudes that went there were always cool, they asked them all the same questions. There was always animosity towards them too and it was unfair. Nothing was worse than when the white guy won valedictorian. Dudes were outraged... FOR WHAT? The guy put in the work and earned it. Zero looking in the mirror that year. I have no doubt in my mind people are mad at this guy being the President of Graves Hall, yet... he won via vote.

I get the racial component of it and respect it though.

Morehouse shouldnt cost as much as it does. That is the problem. Morehouse is like 50 grand now all in per annum (on paper its 45k, its probably closer to 50). FOR WHAT. When I graduated I had boys who were on the hook for 160k..... Nah man that is ridiculous I am sorry. This applies to the majority of colleges, but its amplified when you're marketing to a demographic where a great deal of them can't afford the school.

In 2018 I'm likely not walking up to Morehouse and saying I'm about to pay 200k to go there.
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I respect the frustration of some of those young black cats in the auditorium. The point that a seat which would have traditionally been offered to a black student (who could be thought of as one seeking a place of inclusion, or a safe haven for his thoughts and ideas amongst people of a presumed shared background) is now being offered to a white student, especially a white male (who could be assumed to have a greater capability of finding a safe haven on practically any other college campus in the US), does warrant some criticism, or skepticism at the very least.

But I think it’s important that people of any minority group avoid becoming so reclusive with their own kind that they end up perpetuating the same exclusionary tactics that they were against to begin with. I hope I don’t get misconstrued here because I know the argument could be made that said reclusive nature is developed in a response to the initial suffering at the hands of an oppressive dominant society, but it bares mentioning. I suppose what I’m getting at is the thought of avoiding a vicious cycle.

I didn’t attend an HBCU, so I’ve never thought much about role-reversals on their campuses. This was interesting to me. The kid in this video seemed sincere, so I can only hope it’s not an act.

Sidebar: I had no idea that Morehouse was 50 racks annually. That’s crazy. :lol: :smh:
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they saying the same **** white folks say
same rhetoric they give us
this some racist ****
i dont get down with what they saying
specially with someone whose genuine
i know everybody knows that white dude
whose grew up in the hood
around black folks
or just that white person whose just comfortable around black folks
not every white person tryna leech and be a vulture
hell its black folks who leech
so miss me with that
breaks my heart to have them black folks say those things
I dont think any of the concerns they raised could be interpreted as being racist.
The college professor they spoke with didn’t seem like she was as smart as her profession/titles would lead her to believe she is. Didn’t seem prepared to converse like an intellectual. Just brushed the topic of reverse racism off and kind of shut down. I was more impressed by shorty asking if her friend got a manual for how to deal with white people :lol:
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I dont think any of the concerns they raised could be interpreted as being racist.
how they phrased them
i think so
if it was the opposite
and some black dude was going to harvard
and white folks sat in a theater and said the things they said
we would be going off
lets just call a spade a spade

also u went to morehouse
and think trapped in the closet
is r kellys best body of work
do others that attend morehouse in this day and age think that
cause man :smh: :lol:
Trapped in the Closet is fire and way better than stuff like old people song Happy People he wrote.
I applied to Morehouse and got in and even got a partial scholarship. Even with the money that they were offering, it just didn't make sense to go to school there at that cost. I still would have been over $80,000 in debt upon graduation.

For black folks who live in Georgia (and have the grades), it just doesn't make sense to go to an HBCU when I can go to University of Georgia, or Georgia Tech for almost free.

The white kids in the black fraternities and sororities were always super cool and well-adjusted.
Funny how you would hate the white person that respects your culture. Sad.

Speaking of education, student quotas based on race is pathetic. It devalues the school because they allow admittance to students who are not intelligent enough to be at that certain school.

If you want to make quotas for certain groups, make it so with regards to the the family's income level.
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