Being a white student at a HBCU - Vice Special

The white kids in the black fraternities and sororities were always super cool and well-adjusted.

If only every white person in America had the same open attitude towards other races as those white students in HBCUs.
I think having a small percentage of other races in HCBUs is important because the immersion into black culture is the absolute best way for us to send racial ambassadors back out into the world who understand our experience and can open doors amongst their hate filled peers. They definitely should cap that percentage though.

I'm positive that ol' boy is swimming in yambz if he chooses. :lol:
I applied to Morehouse and got in and even got a partial scholarship. Even with the money that they were offering, it just didn't make sense to go to school there at that cost. I still would have been over $80,000 in debt upon graduation.

For black folks who live in Georgia (and have the grades), it just doesn't make sense to go to an HBCU when I can go to University of Georgia, or Georgia Tech for almost free.

The white kids in the black fraternities and sororities were always super cool and well-adjusted.
You can say this about every single HBCU TBH. There are better cheaper options if we're just talking about a "Quality of Education" standpoint. Nowadays the intangibles that you get from a HBCU just are not worth what they cost in my opinion.

That being said, the name draw that I got from going to Morehouse helped me do a few things that IDK if I would have been able to do if I went to one of those schools. My current job doesnt even recruit from those other schools like that, but... they recruit at Morehouse.
Very interesting.

Tiago seems well intentioned.

I understand the students that want to keep it as a true minority safe haven. Allowing another race could compromise this. It's a paradox that could introduce some unintended reactions.

Him being the dorm president is really interesting and I could see a range of concerns.

Petty ones such as 'slave master' references to more serious ones such as, 'what if he ushers in more white students and they all hold leadership or make us the minority'

Issues like this, the N word, white people in hip hop, culture vulture are all difficult to master because in a world where we're enforcing 'Race shouldn't matter at all', the same people are saying 'it kinda does'. It's like people want to hold on to the benefits of the struggle instead of wiping the slate clear and saying 'we're all equal'.

And of course, it all boils down to money. Most people or businesses will sell out for the right price.

I went to a small hbcu and I loved the close feeling.
an ex-professor who wants to limit the the opportunity to pass knowledge to the future generation. . . .
White ppl at HBCUs is always going to be met with a certain degree of "**** you doing here!?" It's like white folks run EVERYTHING in this damb country. Companies, government, 95%+ of universities, police depts, military, literally everything. So it's a bit irritating that there are ALL these other options, yet you choose to show up to the one space that was created for us because your Great-Grandpappies were a bunch of racists.

Comparing it to the black experience at a PWI is stupid because the history and context are completely different.

Edit: on the tuition note, Morehouse base tuition (not dorms, food, books) is 25k as a private insitution. Compare that with the base tuition of private white schools, or the out of state tuition for state universities and it's less than most.
White ppl at HBCUs is always going to be met with a certain degree of "**** you doing here!?" It's like white folks run EVERYTHING in this damb country. Companies, government, 95%+ of universities, police depts, military, literally everything. So it's a bit irritating that there are ALL these other options, yet you choose to show up to the one space that was created for us because your Great-Grandpappies were a bunch of racists.

Comparing it to the black experience at a PWI is stupid because the history and context are completely different.

Edit: on the tuition note, Morehouse base tuition (not dorms, food, books) is 25k as a private insitution. Compare that with the base tuition of private white schools, or the out of state tuition for state universities and it's less than most.
Gotta live somewhere though. My last year I opted to move in with my parents just to save the bread. In hindsight I wish I did it sooner.
As far as I can tell colleges in America are primarily about preserving elite power and not about learning.
Once you get above a certain level of funding, the quality of education I think is about the same,

the rest of what you are paying for is the ability to keep other people OUT.
Man, I also got into Morehouse (my first option) but couldn´t go due to the price. **** hurt my soul man. In hindsight my parents were right tho.

Side note: I had a white homegirl who went to Howard and she said she faced a lot of discrimination. She transferred after a year.
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lets be serious man

Prejudiced b.

Anyhow, I’m a product of a HBCU...

Now looking back, I wished I attended a regular university. The world ain’t totally black.

Unless you’re going into a specific field - doctor, lawyer, nursing, need to learn to play it by their game. Learn how to network and build relationships.

This world is mostly about who you know at times...
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Shocked and happy to see the responses in this thread ... As someone who grew up in a majority black neighborhood and always felt comfortable around my folks from around the way, the things being said are inexcusable ...
Y’all in here suprised at how much Morehouse costs, at least it got the name and rep...look up how much they taxing over at Clark Atlanta if u really wanna be shocked :lol: :smh:

My wife went to CAU and was trippin over that too. They're going for the jugular. :smh:
Very interesting.

Tiago seems well intentioned.

I understand the students that want to keep it as a true minority safe haven. Allowing another race could compromise this. It's a paradox that could introduce some unintended reactions.

Him being the dorm president is really interesting and I could see a range of concerns.

Petty ones such as 'slave master' references to more serious ones such as, 'what if he ushers in more white students and they all hold leadership or make us the minority'

Issues like this, the N word, white people in hip hop, culture vulture are all difficult to master because in a world where we're enforcing 'Race shouldn't matter at all', the same people are saying 'it kinda does'. It's like people want to hold on to the benefits of the struggle instead of wiping the slate clear and saying 'we're all equal'.

And of course, it all boils down to money. Most people or businesses will sell out for the right price.

I went to a small hbcu and I loved the close feeling.
he got voted by his peers
to be president
so no way they should throw those insults at him
i think whats being overlooked is how many black people, given the chance, will jump when they say how high
Man, I just told my bro about this vid and the first thing he says is "damn that white dude must love black men"

Funny first comment.

Not that it would impact any of the dynamics of the conversation in a meaningful way, it was an interesting take.
Name calling isn't systemic.

Obviously but I was branded a SWS by someone on here for simply saying that non black people don't need permission to say the N word.

Funny how NT works when it comes to certain subjects.
Man forget if they got permission or not. Are they ready for the consequences that may ensue?

And the topic of the usage of the n word isnt uniform within the black diaspora. Adding other races in it will only complicate things.

I think the best course of action for a non black person would be to not even entertain the idea of joining the conversation and definitely not saying it.
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