Being a white student at a HBCU - Vice Special

thats not freedom its privilege

hate speech isnt protected
actually it is unfortunately

Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.[1][2] The law of some countries describes hate speech as speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display that incites violence or prejudicial action against a protected group or individual on the basis of their membership of the group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected group, or individual on the basis of their membership of the group. The law may identify a protected group by certain characteristics.[3][4][5] In some countries, hate speech is not a legal term.[6] And additionally in some countries, including the United States, hate speech is constitutionally protected.[7][8][9]
As someone who graduated from an HBCU

This was ******** and promoted stereotypes and was a propaganda piece. What HBCU has one white person attending? You have white professors so it's not a totally black experience.

White people have always gone to HBCU's. For many it's their local school. So locals go to HBCU's and are in your classes.

We didn't spend time thinking about the white people who attended. There was so many other things to think and worry about. From classes to girls, there wasn't much time in there to worry about the white kid attending :stoneface:
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