being short unappreciation

Originally Posted by solefood229

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by 23Brunswick Dragons23

damn im 6' and feel short...

this. maybe "short" is an exaggeration but very average. ah well.

especially when you got homies who are 6'4 and 6'6 
lol yeah that's the problem. i have a lot of friends who are 6'3" and 6'4" im not insecure about it but i cant help but feel short when im around them all the time 

also i have a thing for tall girls 5'8"+ and some of them definitely prefer a dude who is like 6'2"+ so when they wear heels they're still shorter
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by scshift

Damn club got banned... that was ice cold though 


Some dude said I was like 14 and still had time to grow, OP thought the dude dissed him even though the guy said "Scshift" and got mad.

Club basically called the OP a self-centered subhuman ******
dad is 5'7" and mom is 5'0"...

not much hope from there..

I'm 5'7''...wish my mom wasn't so short. 
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by scshift

Damn club got banned... that was ice cold though 


Some dude said I was like 14 and still had time to grow, OP thought the dude dissed him even though the guy said "Scshift" and got mad.

Club basically called the OP a self-centered subhuman ******

BLATANT disrespect 
I must be lucky with the genetics, my mom is 5'6-5'7, dad is 5'9, I'm already 6' and my brother on his way to that mark.

How many of you guys are taller than your parents?
Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

I must be lucky with the genetics, my mom is 5'6-5'7, dad is 5'9, I'm already 6' and my brother on his way to that mark.

How many of you guys are taller than your parents?
prob poor nutrition for them....are they from china/india or another developing nation?
lot of people like that i know, especially indian kids, have parents who are like sub-5'4" and grew to normal heights (around 6')
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

I must be lucky with the genetics, my mom is 5'6-5'7, dad is 5'9, I'm already 6' and my brother on his way to that mark.

How many of you guys are taller than your parents?
prob poor nutrition for them....are they from china/india or another developing nation?
lot of people like that i know, especially indian kids, have parents who are like sub-5'4" and grew to normal heights (around 6')
Sounds right, most the kids that are far taller than both their parents have probably gotten far better nutrition while growing
My beard is just starting to come out. I've got some hair on the sides of my face. The thing is, every time I meet someone for the first time they always think I'm 17-18. I'm able to deepen my voice so much that people treat me like an adult, which is pretty useful at times, like when I go clubbing in Germany.
5'3 though?? I thought i was short i'm 5'7 and i hate my height, wish i was 5'10. I have a home boy who's 5'2 or 5'3 and everytime i hang with him i don't feel bad about my height.
5'6 checking in...been messin with a bad 5'10 italian broad for a minute now
On some real @#+#, I've only been pursuing girls taller than me way of bucking the system I guess. It's all about attitude my short brethren. Not every chicks gonna be attracted to you but the same goes for tall guys. At least get their respect nah mean? Doesn't hurt to be extremely good looking either 
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Club 27


What did Club say??
He'll be back as Club 28 next month. Don't worry, we'll get a chance to see him get banned again

Hopefully we can see what he said first.

Meth already told him he won't let him have another "Club" name if he gets banned though.
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