Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol.9

Originally Posted by rawrblackcat

Originally Posted by tyronebillion

Originally Posted by rawrblackcat


Why do changes like these happen after I quit. I hate you def.

i feel the same way. but i didnt know you quit also i thought you were just going to be gone for 3days

nah, i'm pretty much done. i log in a few times a day to see how many levels i lost and that's all. were you the one that sent the shakes? i'm probably not going to use them so you want them back? alerts were deleted so i have no idea where i got them.

can i have them?
Originally Posted by r3dm4n JR

bah bah blacksheep

what's up people? sucks if you just bought crystals recently or donated.

*waits for an article filled with info we already know.*
i'm probably not going to use them so you want them back? alerts were deleted so i have no idea where i got them.
uhhhh yeah that was me
j/k but seriously i dont rememberhow many was it?
Mangudai954 wrote:
Im salty. Should of sold my shakes when i had the chance.

Same here I bought 500mil worth of crystals yesterday only to see today that bastard def has them for sale
You are currently taking the Human Biology learning course.
You have 1 days left in the course.

[/td] [/tr][/table]
..finally..2960 brain power will be mine.
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

reminds me of you...

(the being a herb part)
I don't get it.

If you're still salty of what I posted a while back to get 5mil then say so.

That way your dry bi****ng can stop.
salty over what?

did you bag my girl or get a promotion over me at my job? what do i need to be salty about?

the word herb reminds me of you
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