Best president to ever lead this country?

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

As far as commander and Chief in wartime is concerned, it is clearly Abraham Lincoln. Other American victories in war have been the result of American industrial might, well educated and well feed and healthy enlisted men and officers and the emergence of dynamic theater Generals and the man in the White House had little impact on the outcome. That was not the case with Lincoln, the Civil War tested him politically and he had to make many politically savvy moves to avoid utter defeat. This was the one major American war where the President was just as important as logistics, soldiers and generals.

While the North had more men and materiel, he had to develop and redevelop the political capital to invade the rebellious states, while the Confederacy could win simply by not being decimated. He had to deal with draft riots in New York. He ran a war from a Capitol city that was right next to enemy territory. He had spies operating in Maryland and other border states. He had members of his own Party as well as pro south Democrats challenging him politically. He had to conjure the Emancipation Proclamation to keep England and France from assisting the South. There truly was no better wartime president.
Abe. for sure...he was also really lucky McClellan was his 1st general and trained the army ridiculously well - Grant was a bum until his 4-5th assignment and really only won b/c the south was decimated with disease and famine at that point that shear numbers were impossible to overcome

however, just as everyone is giving him credit for the emancipation proc., he definitely was quoted as saying if he could have saved the Union as a whole without freeing a single slave he would have, if he could have done it by only freeing half he would have too. and the proclamation itself only really said if you want to be free, come here.  they werent on a crusade to free slaves, the war had been going on for ~3 years at that point anyways...
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

As far as commander and Chief in wartime is concerned, it is clearly Abraham Lincoln. Other American victories in war have been the result of American industrial might, well educated and well feed and healthy enlisted men and officers and the emergence of dynamic theater Generals and the man in the White House had little impact on the outcome. That was not the case with Lincoln, the Civil War tested him politically and he had to make many politically savvy moves to avoid utter defeat. This was the one major American war where the President was just as important as logistics, soldiers and generals.

While the North had more men and materiel, he had to develop and redevelop the political capital to invade the rebellious states, while the Confederacy could win simply by not being decimated. He had to deal with draft riots in New York. He ran a war from a Capitol city that was right next to enemy territory. He had spies operating in Maryland and other border states. He had members of his own Party as well as pro south Democrats challenging him politically. He had to conjure the Emancipation Proclamation to keep England and France from assisting the South. There truly was no better wartime president.
Abe. for sure...he was also really lucky McClellan was his 1st general and trained the army ridiculously well - Grant was a bum until his 4-5th assignment and really only won b/c the south was decimated with disease and famine at that point that shear numbers were impossible to overcome

however, just as everyone is giving him credit for the emancipation proc., he definitely was quoted as saying if he could have saved the Union as a whole without freeing a single slave he would have, if he could have done it by only freeing half he would have too. and the proclamation itself only really said if you want to be free, come here.  they werent on a crusade to free slaves, the war had been going on for ~3 years at that point anyways...
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

George W. Bush

The swagger and nonchalant attitude that dude had will never be matched. Def

Whoever says Reagan should get the taste slapped out of their mouths.

Gotta go with FDR
Whoever says Reagan should get the taste slapped out of their mouths.

Gotta go with FDR
If you know anything about American History, than this is easy.... FDR. Great Depression, New Deal, Created FDIC and SS, WWII, Created March of Dimes, elected for 4 terms, and all the while with Polio and paralyzed from the waist down.... Like I said, EASSSSSY!
If you know anything about American History, than this is easy.... FDR. Great Depression, New Deal, Created FDIC and SS, WWII, Created March of Dimes, elected for 4 terms, and all the while with Polio and paralyzed from the waist down.... Like I said, EASSSSSY!
I'm gonna catch flack for this but JImmy Carter would be my second choice

Neither Lincoln nor The Emancipation Proclamation freed any slaves
I'm gonna catch flack for this but JImmy Carter would be my second choice

Neither Lincoln nor The Emancipation Proclamation freed any slaves
Unless you lived in the years of a president's can you seriously make a credible opinion on that person's impact on the nation. Sure history books tell you everything you "need" to know about presidents, but one has to experience it to really know.
Unless you lived in the years of a president's can you seriously make a credible opinion on that person's impact on the nation. Sure history books tell you everything you "need" to know about presidents, but one has to experience it to really know.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Unless you lived in the years of a president's can you seriously make a credible opinion on that person's impact on the nation. Sure history books tell you everything you "need" to know about presidents, but one has to experience it to really know.

Couldn't have said it any better.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Unless you lived in the years of a president's can you seriously make a credible opinion on that person's impact on the nation. Sure history books tell you everything you "need" to know about presidents, but one has to experience it to really know.

Couldn't have said it any better.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

Franklin D Roosevelt

JFK died too soon to say he was a great president. His approval rating was in decline during the length of his presidency. On the other hand FDR's rose nearly every year.

this right here..

what did jfk really do? his presidency was cut too short to grade effectively
Originally Posted by Vendetta

Franklin D Roosevelt

JFK died too soon to say he was a great president. His approval rating was in decline during the length of his presidency. On the other hand FDR's rose nearly every year.

this right here..

what did jfk really do? his presidency was cut too short to grade effectively
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