Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

After this episode I have a hard time believing Kim gets vanished by the vacuum man. The guilt is gonna eat her alive I think—she may commit that. :smh::smh:
I feel like Saul wouldn’t be the charismatic dude he was on breaking bad if Kim took herself out?
Exactly my thoughts exactly. Saul was comfortable being a criminal lawyer in breaking bad and never showed any emotion of being a depressed and terrified person. Like you said he was more charismatic. Like a 180 turn.
Maybe he says eff it and leans completely into the Saul persona since he has nothing left?

If nothing else, Jimmy has shown he’s able to keep “the show” going no matter what. All his shenanigans are essentially him acting and putting on a facade to get the job done. I don’t think it’d be out of character for him to do that once Kim is gone, however she leaves. Not to mention he’s now entrenched in the criminal underworld, so what other option does he have?
I think guilt will get to her for sure because of the close ties she had with Howard and what she(and Jimmy) had already done to him. Pretty sure she gonna be bugged about Howard for the rest of her life. She's not gonna off herself.
Could be a reason to leave though.

She could try to convince Saul too, but then Saul meets Gus.
Gus hella lit up when he heard Saul convinced Lalo to do something.

Kim will be helping "Gene" off that guy that made him in the flashforward series finale.

I'm kinda iffy about if she uses the vacuum guy or not.
Mainly because isn't Kim from where Gene is now?
That's def not a mistake that particular character or Vince would make.
So maybe, she does use the Vacuum dude but leaves the original posting he put her at and uses the new I.D. to just go back to her hometown/state.

Clearly nothing is popping off the way it was at the end of BB.
So Kim(or anyone really) isn't wanted for any crime. It'd be nothing for her to just bounce

I honestly think there's a code/message in Sauls book.
I still think Kim uses the cleaners, gets a new identity, reconnects with Saul in the recent timeline but maybe she’s sick or something. Dies in the recent timeline. Bittersweet ending for Saul who finally gets Kim back but loses her again.
Gus hella lit up when he heard Saul convinced Lalo to do something.

That's what I thought initially. But I also read it as a "yea right 🙄"

Didn't Gus immediately go to the laundromat right after that? It didn't matter to Lalo who the bait was.
That's what I thought initially. But I also read it as a "yea right 🙄"

Didn't Gus immediately go to the laundromat right after that? It didn't matter to Lalo who the bait was.

Now that I think about it, he hella said that ish like
"Really?? A lawyer talked lalo out of it":stoneface:
That's what I thought initially. But I also read it as a "yea right 🙄"

Didn't Gus immediately go to the laundromat right after that? It didn't matter to Lalo who the bait was.
Fring knows how Lalo gets down. No way he gets talked out of anything. That’s when he was like, yup sending someone to his house was all a ruse.
Lyle was wilding again this episode

Mans gets told he gotta open and close two nights in a row, and this fool still asking if he can give Gus a ride to the airport.

No way in hell that could be me.

As soon as Gus would have told me I gotta work all them hours my voice would instantly change and start sounding like Boosie, and I would be getting disgruntled on the phone.

Open and close!?...

That is why you'll never be the Chicken Man 2.0
Definitely did not disappoint. How they made me sad AGAIN about Howard.. Mike took the extra long pause too. He had nothing to do with this life.

Lalo was smart but not smart enough. Fring stepped up and Mike was amazing

Mike had the same look he did when Werner was killed. Innocent people shouldn't be killed because of what they're involved in, only people who are in the game.
After this episode I have a hard time believing Kim gets vanished by the vacuum man. The guilt is gonna eat her alive I think—she may commit that. :smh::smh:

That's an interesting point. Howard was her mentor, the reason she's the lawyer she is today. She might have been mad at him of late, but she didn't hate him and surely wouldn't wish death on him. With all the commotion going on, she hasn't had the time to really take it in that Howard was killed because of them. I wonder how that will actually affect her in the next episode once it really sinks in.
I feel like Saul wouldn’t be the charismatic dude he was on breaking bad if Kim took herself out?

If Kim kills herself, I think Jimmy will immerse himself even further into the Saul character. So far he's been teetering on that line. I thought Howard's death would have been the catalyst, but Kim's death would definitely take him there. At that point he has nothing to look forward to and nothing to lose. The best way to not deal with heartache, and grief is to live in an alternate reality. Some people have drugs and alcohol, Jimmy has Saul.
That's what I thought initially. But I also read it as a "yea right 🙄"

Didn't Gus immediately go to the laundromat right after that? It didn't matter to Lalo who the bait was.

Yeah, Gus knew it was all ******** the moment she said Jimmy talked Lalo out of sending him and made her go instead. Lalo and Gus are the perfect antagonists. Two highly intelligent characters trying to figure out the other person's next move, and finding ways to one up the other.
If Kim kills herself, I think Jimmy will immerse himself even further into the Saul character. So far he's been teetering on that line. I thought Howard's death would have been the catalyst, but Kim's death would definitely take him there. At that point he has nothing to look forward to and nothing to lose. The best way to not deal with heartache, and grief is to live in an alternate reality. Some people have drugs and alcohol, Jimmy has Saul.

Absolutely zero chance.

If you think that's how it could play out, you don't realize his relationship with her.
Kim will call the vacuum man and get a new identity/life... and will be forced to leave Jimmy.
Following the events of BCS/BB, we'll end up back to the beginning of the series where Jimmy is in Omaha.... living his life of Cinnabon anonymity. When he gets recognized by the cabbie, he calls vacuum man again for another new identity. He backs out and decides to try to find Kim instead. Through some clever writing by the showrunners, he eventually finds Kim... and live happily ever after... fade to black.
The vacuum guy unfortunately died in real life.

Im saying he doesn't show up at all and Kim doesn't get to use it. At this point its too predictable of a theory.

Agreed. We’ve already seen it done twice in the BB universe. Them doing it again would be lazy as hell, and I gotta believe Vince and team know this.
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