Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

How much bread y’all think Saul brought with him to Omaha? …I know the job is part of his cover, but damn working at Cinnabon in a Nebraska Mall sounds like hell :lol: and a potential way to be recognized

Maybe he really likes Cinnabon.
Watching Saul work all these guys (taxi cab driver, security guys) is reminding me heavily of s1 Slippin Jimmy.

Why would he even risk this?

He did it mainly to get the cabbie off his back and in the process ensure no future blackmail attempts. Underneath it all, he really missed the rush of concocting a full proof plan and getting over on someone, or some entity.
Got a thing for Julie Ann Emery.
Is that who is on the left in the pic? What role did she play?

Edit: Betsy Kettleman lol. Yeah she definitely got a vibe.

And that was definitely slipping Jimmy in that episode. Definitely a lighter fair before we get to the main course of the season.
:lol: Just catching it I like that the Mall manager was pretty competent and gave him a hard time, not the stereotypical "oh ok" dope.
How much bread y’all think Saul brought with him to Omaha? …I know the job is part of his cover, but damn working at Cinnabon in a Nebraska Mall sounds like hell :lol: and a potential way to be recognized

the interesting thing about that is I believe at one point in BB saul quoted Walt 30% to wash money? I thought Walt did that at a few times??? One would hope Saul hid some money offshore.....but if so, if he had a mil or 2 why not go to omaha then from there work on getting to someplace where you can get the $?$?$
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