Beyoncé's Lemonade Changed My Life ... (It's Really Not A Music Thread)

Jay & Beyonce gonna profit big time off of this. He had to co-sign this project :lol:
Jay & Beyonce gonna profit big time off of this. He had to co-sign this project
he's in it
Vulnerable Hov

Don't like bey or her fans. But I just rolled a blunt and I got HBO go. Op has persuaded me to give it a chance
My mom said she watched this and still wonders why Bey didn't leave Hov.


Also interesting that the cycle continues: Bey's dad cheated on her mom, Hov cheats on her, etc.
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I mean the visuals are fantastic and she'd got an amazing singing voice....but hearing her talk is like listening to mike tyson read Shakespeare.
My mom said she watched this and still wonders why Bey didn't leave Hov.


Also interesting that the cycle continues: Bey's dad cheated on her mom, Hov cheats on her, etc.

What's there to wonder?

It's not like it was some embarassing public ordeal.

Even the whole Solange thing...who really knows what that was all about

Hell, we don't even know if he was really unfaithful...could just be a gimmick
My mom said she watched this and still wonders why Bey didn't leave Hov.


Also interesting that the cycle continues: Bey's dad cheated on her mom, Hov cheats on her, etc.
Bruh it's 2016, everybody getting cheated on.
Does Beyoncé ever get on her socially conscious tip in interviews? She seems way dumber in those than some of the content she puts out
Her PR team is GOAT status. She literally doesn't talk ..and literally 95% of photos of hers that hit the net are the ones she approves of.
What's crazy too is how under the wraps she keeps her private life and career moves. No rumblings until last week about this Lemonade HBO premiere, and then an album to follow it?

Gotta respeck her moves, but I don't roll with the anti-cop message behind Formation.
There is no anti-cop message in Formation.
What's crazy too is how under the wraps she keeps her private life and career moves. No rumblings until last week about this Lemonade HBO premiere, and then an album to follow it?

Gotta respeck her moves, but I don't roll with the anti-cop message behind Formation.

Stop shooting unarmed people = anti-cop :stoneface:

Bruh it's 2016, everybody getting cheated on.

and I'm sure women got cheated on in 1616.
Stop shooting unarmed people = anti-cop :stoneface:
and I'm sure women got cheated on in 1616.
I'm saying, it's 2016, let's stop with the omg __ cheated ****. It's been going on since the beginning of time and will always happen. Only on NT is everyone happy and faithful.
I was agreeing with you. I don't understand men being shocked another man cheated, no matter who the woman is. Women idolize other women and think of them and their lives as being perfect. Men should know better. As good or as a woman looks, you're going to still wonder about other women. Men weren't surprised Eric Benet cheated, we thought he was stupid going to a sex anonymous group trying to make her look better publicly.

Chris Rock = a man's only as faithful as his options.

Half the married dudes I know act worse than single dudes, a lot just can't act on it.
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