Beyonce cheating on Jay-Z? vol. 99.9 problems

Tha jay z slurpage is strong

My goodness

Nas had 1 good album? Hahaha wooo that's funny
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Smh dudes would really take a bullet for Jay z. Funny thing is dude doesn't and never will know you exist. Stop suckin that man 
When a Jay-z thread pops up,
it will start with a FEW funny jokes,
then start to get real corny,
then the tag team of (you know the two) will come in with more corny jokes about Nas,
then those two will proceed to quote each other & laugh @ their own jokes for hours.

Every time...

irritating/entertaining at the same damn time :lol:
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Go read a book you illiterate son of a ***** and step up your vocab

Haha you've been truly exposed
dun b mad booboo Im cool with Every1
Lol dude took it personal
I love everybody man you are who u r

Im illiterate? English is my technically my 3rd language but I'm illiterate ok cool, thanks tough guy

Don't let others thoughts upset u papa

Insecure people are the best
I love them all hahaha
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my fault bro I got a quik trigger my fault man my sincere apoligys I thought u were coming at me
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These the same dudes without food water and sleep for 3 days defending jay z's honor in the solange thread? 
Why keep feeding trolls? Ya rustling unnecessary jimmies here, should know from last thread :lol:
No need to worry, the dude he's referring to is no longer a rapper. He WAS a rapper back in the 90's.

You know, 20 years ago.
Now he holds on to those few glory years for dear life.

In the 90's you mean before dude was probably even born...

Sad thing is its true
dude got to be a kid
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