Black American Men in Brazil (DOCUMENTARY)

I think this is a trick to separate and ultimately destroy the black family that black women fell for hook, line and sinker.

First of all, women out numbering men in college isn't anything new, white, black, pink or yellow. Secondly, money isn't what a relationship should be based off of. Under the girl's logic in the beginning, if a man makes enough money, he can cheat all over her, or if she loses her job, he has every right to leave her. Also, do you really need to bring in half a million dollars a year to raise a child? No, but you do if you wanna ride Bentley, Benz or Bimmer and rock Chanel earrings and Gucci bags. Their focus is ****** up, they wanna be parents AND materialistic little girls and do all the fly **** they seen on TV.
too much truth!

I understand where you are coming from with wanting a partner that pulls their fair share of the load and making a good amount of money. However, you idea that a degree makes you a better person is beyond asinine. There are plenty of people on this earth with a degree who are crappy people. There are people with degrees whose sole purpose is to acquire money, by any means. There are people with degrees that will disassociate themselves from the people who have supported them for selfish reasons.

Is a person with a degree who only provides for himself and zero respect for others better than a person who does not have a degree, but is instrumental in providing for his community?
Lol. Also i am pretty sure they got the olympics in 2016. Brazilian prostitutes bank rolls on swoll for the next couple years.
I just wish they spoke spanish. Now I will need to learn another language after Spanish. Ita a good skill to have. I got rosetta stone for every language up to level 3. Im not sure if it would be better than taking a class though.
which turns the thread full circle...because those traits of independence....self reliant etc.... have women thinking i dont have to deal with you as a man.or respect you as a man. Basically those women want to wear the pants at the job and in the relationship...and believe a degree and a high paying job entitles them to do so seeing as society traditionally said thats what made a man.
Again. Balancing ambition with old world femininity is whats important here.
i'm watching this right it seems like the women only care about $$$$

but they are complaining that the women in Brasil only want them for their $$$$
So this video is about ****** being so desperate to get a lady they have to go to another country

Man, too many cats getting caught up on degrees and what not. I really don't need that, just a hustler's spirit and ambition.

But I need dem bunz, doe.

Props to Anton for being able to smash any woman he wants to smash. That's rare. In fact, I've actually never met someone with that ability. Must be nice.
Man, too many cats getting caught up on degrees and what not. I really don't need that, just a hustler's spirit and ambition.

But I need dem bunz, doe.

Props to Anton for being able to smash any woman he wants to smash. That's rare. In fact, I've actually never met someone with that ability. Must be nice.

Meh, earth girls are easy. :\

hot damn. didnt expect much as i was scrolling down and saw her face, until i got to that body :pimp: When you got the time Ninja, send her over to Arizona to meet me.

I understand where you are coming from with wanting a partner that pulls their fair share of the load and making a good amount of money. However, you idea that a degree makes you a better person is beyond asinine. There are plenty of people on this earth with a degree who are crappy people. There are people with degrees whose sole purpose is to acquire money, by any means. There are people with degrees that will disassociate themselves from the people who have supported them for selfish reasons.

Is a person with a degree who only provides for himself and zero respect for others better than a person who does not have a degree, but is instrumental in providing for his community?
I agree . There are bad people EVERYWHERE, no matter what they have or don't have, their soul is filled with evil.

What I'm trying to get at, is that a degree is a good benchmark to use when describing a "well-rounded" person. i.e if you see a gentlemen , who is very polite and portrays class by his mannerisms and way of speaking, you would probably think "What a nice, educated fellow" right?

I don't know why people are trying to literally ignore the fact that degrees are well respected in this world by ANYBODY who is a SOMEBODY (professionally). A degree doesn't put you above anyone, because that's just arrogant and dark spirited. But don't ignore the importance of one. Come on now.

Denial is never a good thing.

No, I would think, "That's a respectable individual." No one is denying that a degree is a good thing to have. What we are saying is it doesn't make you a better person than the next man, which is what you have been saying throughout the thread. Yes it affords you more opportunities and increases your earning potential, but it does not dictate a person's character.

As stated before, I understand where you are coming from when using it as a way to select potential mates, but you might just want to lose that "holier than thou" approach you are using to justify your thoughts.
Made it a solid 5 mins in. Couldn't really tell what this had to do with Brazil so I'm out
I just wish they spoke spanish. Now I will need to learn another language after Spanish. Ita a good skill to have. I got rosetta stone for every language up to level 3. Im not sure if it would be better than taking a class though.

Brazilian chicks is latin so Portuguese isnt far from Spanish.

I could understand some of da words just from knowing spanish.
sonnn Im going back to brazil its official..was 15 first time I went..I was there for two the hotel for one of them due to a severe case of muddbutt..
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