Black belt beats mentally ill man (to death?)

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I'm not even gonna watch it
daam did dude really die?

why didnt anyone jump in when ol'boy was getting stomped in? overkill
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

yup saw this on the sherdog forum. Horrible skills and ethics shown by the blackbelt.
For a black belt, his hand skills didn't look too great.

Those kicks to the face though
Black belt dude got mad cause he was getting his @!! whooped in the beginning, then decided to take advantage of the mentall ill dude when he said enough wasenough and tried to end that little fight.
what a shameless act of cowardice by not only the supposed "black belt", but all of the people who stood idly by and watched thishappen. I truly and sincerely hope that they have been brought to justice in the 25 year span between now and when this was recorded.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Black belt dude got mad cause he was getting his @!! whooped in the beginning, then decided to take advantage of the mentall ill dude when he said enough was enough and tried to end that little fight.

dude was trying to quit and the black belt just kept kneeing him while he was down.. $*%!%! up.
I want to literally kill that guy now. The "mentally ill" man was respectful. He had plenty of opportunities to hit him with strikes to the face, itlooked like he chose not to connect.
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