Black Culture Discussion Thread

America really is a sample size of the globe.

I just wish we’d stop this notion that everyone is broken.

All of a sudden everyone is broken. Like 85% of the dating pool is “broken” people. That’s an issue. People either need therapy or need to dig down deep inside and find themselves.
The thing is the ones complaining aren't really interested in interracially dating, or dating someone that is longer than a 15 min commute from them.

They want their pick of their partners race, physical appearance, socio economic status, and personality and then wonder why their options aren't lining up with their expectations and wants. I'm not saying racism and colorism doesn't impact dating because it does and it always will. Dating as a whole is inherently discriminatory and people are better off finding those that actually like them than being mad at others who do not.

Just factually speaking every race is more likely to marry someone of the same race. BUT when you are in a racial group that has historically dealt with generational poverty due to slavery, Jim Crow, mass incarceration and then want to add additional dating requirements like height, education level, financial status then yeah you're cutting your dating pool down tremendously.

mostly agreed, tho most intellectually understand that dating implies some sort of bias/discrimination by nature, it can be difficult for some not to take personal/internalize, it can seems as tho other folks preferences are in fact, criticisms of actual people who don’t fit that archetype

America really is a sample size of the globe.

I just wish we’d stop this notion that everyone is broken.

All of a sudden everyone is broken. Like 85% of the dating pool is “broken” people. That’s an issue. People either need therapy or need to dig down deep inside and find themselves.

even tho it’s so wild to me that the concept of people being almost inherently ‘broken,’ having unresolved trauma, & need of therapy has become such a pervasive mantra in popular culture (what’s left of it anyways), i get it…human nature hasn’t changed but the world we created & inhabit has; as a result a lot of folks expectations are outpacing their reality…

people who are of the opinion that the dating pool is somehow tainted, i think that comes from a place of frustration, more from those outsized expectations than some issue with people in general
mostly agreed, tho most intellectually understand that dating implies some sort of bias/discrimination by nature, it can be difficult for some not to take personal/internalize, it can seems as tho other folks preferences are in fact, criticisms of actual people who don’t fit that archetype

even tho it’s so wild to me that the concept of people being almost inherently ‘broken,’ having unresolved trauma, & need of therapy has become such a pervasive mantra in popular culture (what’s left of it anyways), i get it…human nature hasn’t changed but the world we created & inhabit has; as a result a lot of folks expectations are outpacing their reality…

people who are of the opinion that the dating pool is somehow tainted, i think that comes from a place of frustration, more from those outsized expectations than some issue with people in general

Y’all dropping gems in here today :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

“Today’s world isn’t yesterday’s world” I wish people would come to this realization and make adjustments
America really is a sample size of the globe.

I just wish we’d stop this notion that everyone is broken.

All of a sudden everyone is broken. Like 85% of the dating pool is “broken” people. That’s an issue. People either need therapy or need to dig down deep inside and find themselves.
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Everyone says it’s broken, they go in with the idea is broken and start looking for bias confirmation(because, you know, you CAN’T be wrong about anything), therefore, its broken.
America really is a sample size of the globe.

I just wish we’d stop this notion that everyone is broken.

All of a sudden everyone is broken. Like 85% of the dating pool is “broken” people. That’s an issue. People either need therapy or need to dig down deep inside and find themselves.

It's not all of a sudden.

The terminology people use expanded. Before it was just things like crazy, mommy issues, daddy issues etc.

Most of the stuff people talk about isn't's just shown and discussed more. When positions/ideas get trendy people just start parroting talking points
Nah, some youngblood poc in congress is welcomed. Out with the old.
Besides, benefit of doubt no?

Nah absolutely not, why would I do that based off what black politicians have showed this entire time

All these people do is pander, lie & do a bunch of performative stuff

& somehow it still works
Just reading the comments & like clockwork they are saying that the lady asking the question was trying to “bully” him by asking such direct ?’s….. they called her hostile 😂

The consensus is that somehow because he’s black, liberal, & giving off this image of black power…. That you are somehow against progress for questioning his motives .

But again all ****** care about these days is the image & look, not the results

Are we expecting the Government to be Pro Black now?

Word? :lol::smh:

Just reading the comments & like clockwork they are saying that the lady asking the question was trying to “bully” him by asking such direct ?’s….. they called her hostile 😂

We as a people have become so soft :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The general psyche of these people is all around soft, docile, and comfortable. We don’t need those people.

Probing or asking hard hitting questions is called “bullying” now. That’s why I don’t even pay attention to these dolts.

Ironically, politicians are the most hostile people:lol: :lol: :rofl:

Any black American, any black politicians that doesn’t LOUDLY speak on reparations is a fraud. It should be spoke on ad nauseam. These dudes got attention for GUN control, not reparations. If you ain’t willing to go to bat for reparations, every chance you get, I’m good off you.
Just reading the comments & like clockwork they are saying that the lady asking the question was trying to “bully” him by asking such direct ?’s….. they called her hostile 😂

The consensus is that somehow because he’s black, liberal, & giving off this image of black power…. That you are somehow against progress for questioning his motives .

But again all ****** care about these days is the image & look, not the results

i think, to some extent, the reality can be/is that there is a performative aspect to many (especially public facing) endeavors, and it is easy to conflate that imagery w/the work…it’s not like these things are really mutually exclusive such that being outchea in front the camera necessarily precludes doing work to get results; time is kinda zero sum tho, so doing other things that seem ineffectual and/or irrelevant (compared to the stuff that is seen as more needed/useful) is seen as time wasted…

as cringey as some stuff is, there is a reason people adopt & invoke certain tropes…
i think, to some extent, the reality can be/is that there is a performative aspect to many (especially public facing) endeavors, and it is easy to conflate that imagery w/the work…it’s not like these things are really mutually exclusive such that being outchea in front the camera necessarily precludes doing work to get results; time is kinda zero sum tho, so doing other things that seem ineffectual and/or irrelevant (compared to the stuff that is seen as more needed/useful) is seen as time wasted…

as cringey as some stuff is, there is a reason people adopt & invoke certain tropes…

I'm in agreeanace especially in this Era where attention spans are shorter the ever & doing the work doesn't seem to be the main factor, it's more about visibility & & personas. I 100% get that, but just know that that is going to be challenged & questioned given the history of black politicians.

to P Present point i'm not expecting politicians to be pro black... while also advocating to fight within this system. It's a senseless & losing battle at this point, I just wish our community as a whole would get better at realizing when people are trying to play on our emotions & issues to further along their own personal agenda.

Hopefully i'm wrong about those two TN dudes, but as of right now nothing about them seems authentic
to P Present point i'm not expecting politicians to be pro black... while also advocating to fight within this system. It's a senseless & losing battle at this point, I just wish our community as a whole would get better at realizing when people are trying to play on our emotions & issues to further along their own personal agenda.

Hopefully i'm wrong about those two TN dudes, but as of right now nothing about them seems authentic

You aint wrong.

No such thing as an authentic politician.

No clean hands in a dirty game and politics is the dirtiest.

That being said, I would not want to live anywhere else on the globe.

While not perfect, the system we have in the United States is the best in the world IMHO.

This notion of a "Black Community" must start with the Black Family. Man, Woman, and Child.

Unfortunately, far too many of us have made money our God and to the almighty dollar goes all the praise and glory.

The rest of us need to mind our own business because we know what happens when Black folks come together in unity and abandon the lost value system.
You aint wrong.

No such thing as an authentic politician.

No clean hands in a dirty game and politics is the dirtiest.

That being said, I would not want to live anywhere else on the globe.

While not perfect, the system we have in the United States is the best in the world IMHO.

This notion of a "Black Community" must start with the Black Family. Man, Woman, and Child.

Unfortunately, far too many of us have made money our God and to the almighty dollar goes all the praise and glory.

The rest of us need to mind our own business because we know what happens when Black folks come together in unity and abandon the lost value system.

I'm sorta in agreeance of America being the greatest system, but as i get older i wonder how much of that is because i grew up in this culture, with these ideals. Like i genuinely feel if i grew up outside of America idk if i would feel that way because my entire upbringing & value system would change.

Because if we just talking statistically we rank #15 in happiness, #1 in drug use, we're way behind in education.... So while i do recognize the freedoms we have that many other countries never experience, that freedom doesn't really seem to be translating to the people, but we could discuss this for days :lol:

With that said that last statement you made couldn't be any more true & unfortunately it's getting worse by generation, Nothing else matters but the money & material ****. It's sickening at times & i say this as a ***** who's on a website Dedicated to overpriced leather shoes :lol:
I'm sorta in agreeance of America being the greatest system, but as i get older i wonder how much of that is because i grew up in this culture, with these ideals. Like i genuinely feel if i grew up outside of America idk if i would feel that way because my entire upbringing & value system would change.

Because if we just talking statistically we rank #15 in happiness, #1 in drug use, we're way behind in education.... So while i do recognize the freedoms we have that many other countries never experience, that freedom doesn't really seem to be translating to the people, but we could discuss this for days :lol:

With that said that last statement you made couldn't be any more true & unfortunately it's getting worse by generation, Nothing else matters but the money & material ****. It's sickening at times & i say this as a ***** who's on a website Dedicated to overpriced leather shoes :lol:

Again, you aint wrong.

Its always been like this.

My Mother grew up in the civil rights era and she tells me all the time that the majority of average Black folks weren't rocking with integration.

It was the young, impressionable folks and the upper class Black bourgeois that made up the vast majority of those seeking to align with the oppressor.

As nuanced as our history is, the truth matters...

The majority of black slave owners were members of the mulatto class, and in some cases were the sons and daughters of white slave masters. Many of the mulatto slave owners separated themselves from the masses of black people and attempted to establish a caste system based on color, wealth, and free status. According to Martin Delany, the colored community of Charleston City clung to the assumptions of the superiority of white blood and brown skin complexion.

These mulattoes of the old free Black elite did not attend church with the dark-skinned blacks of Charleston City. They not only formed congregations which excluded freedmen of dark complexion, but they only married among other mulattoes to “keep the color in the family.”

Large numbers of free Blacks owned black slaves in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society. According to the federal census of 1830, free blacks owned more than 10,000 slaves in Louisiana, Maryland, South Carolina, and Virginia. The majority of black slave-owners lived in Louisiana and planted sugar cane.

Slave holding among the mulatto class in South Carolina was widespread according to the first census of 1790, which revealed that 36 out of 102, or 35.2 percent of the free Black heads of family held slaves in Charleston City. By 1800 one out of every three free black recorded owning slave property. Between 1820 and 1840 the percentage of slaveholding heads of family ranged from 72.1 to 77.7 percent, however, by 1850 the percentage felt to 42.3 percent.

According to the U.S. Census report in 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. Out of a population of 27 million whites only eight million lived in the South, and out of this population fewer than 385,000 owned slaves. In short, the total white population own about 1.4, while the southern white population own about 4.8 enslaved Africans.

On the other hand the black population in 1860 was 4.5 million, with about 500,000 living in the South. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. In New Orleans over 3,000 free blacks owned slaves, about 28 percent of the free Black population in the city.

Fast forward to 2023, and the upper class Black bourgeois and ignorant youngins are still our greatest threat (including/especially the politicians).
Again, you aint wrong.

Its always been like this.

My Mother grew up in the civil rights era and she tells me all the time that the majority of average Black folks weren't rocking with integration.

It was the young, impressionable folks and the upper class Black bourgeois that made up the vast majority of those seeking to align with the oppressor.

As nuanced as our history is, the truth matters...

The majority of black slave owners were members of the mulatto class, and in some cases were the sons and daughters of white slave masters. Many of the mulatto slave owners separated themselves from the masses of black people and attempted to establish a caste system based on color, wealth, and free status. According to Martin Delany, the colored community of Charleston City clung to the assumptions of the superiority of white blood and brown skin complexion.

These mulattoes of the old free Black elite did not attend church with the dark-skinned blacks of Charleston City. They not only formed congregations which excluded freedmen of dark complexion, but they only married among other mulattoes to “keep the color in the family.”

Large numbers of free Blacks owned black slaves in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society. According to the federal census of 1830, free blacks owned more than 10,000 slaves in Louisiana, Maryland, South Carolina, and Virginia. The majority of black slave-owners lived in Louisiana and planted sugar cane.

Slave holding among the mulatto class in South Carolina was widespread according to the first census of 1790, which revealed that 36 out of 102, or 35.2 percent of the free Black heads of family held slaves in Charleston City. By 1800 one out of every three free black recorded owning slave property. Between 1820 and 1840 the percentage of slaveholding heads of family ranged from 72.1 to 77.7 percent, however, by 1850 the percentage felt to 42.3 percent.

According to the U.S. Census report in 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. Out of a population of 27 million whites only eight million lived in the South, and out of this population fewer than 385,000 owned slaves. In short, the total white population own about 1.4, while the southern white population own about 4.8 enslaved Africans.

On the other hand the black population in 1860 was 4.5 million, with about 500,000 living in the South. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. In New Orleans over 3,000 free blacks owned slaves, about 28 percent of the free Black population in the city.

Fast forward to 2023, and the upper class Black bourgeois and ignorant youngins are still our greatest threat (including/especially the politicians).

That's quite the statistical drivel:

:lol: :lol:

The point of that man's post was to bring attention to the mindset of some black people in the past (primarily those of higher monetary/social status) willing to enslave their own/ profit off their own in order to keep their proximity to whiteness & how that translates to what we are seeing today.

what does that wall of stats do to further or challenge the point, outside of deflecting the convo into "look how racist those white people were" as if that isn't painfully obvious?
:lol: :lol:

The point of that man's post was to bring attention to the mindset of some black people in the past (primarily those of higher monetary/social status) willing to enslave their own/ profit off their own in order to keep their proximity to whiteness & how that translates to what we are seeing today.

what does that wall of stats do to further or challenge the point, outside of deflecting the convo into "look how racist those white people were" as if that isn't painfully obvious?

Dude aint even read the last three paragraphs of his own post.

Literally references the exact same census from 1860. :lol::smh:

Also, as we have just proven - "Slave Holding Families" "White families" and "Eligible to own slaves" "Owning slaves".

If were going to take tangents then at least make the trip worth it.

The "mulatto class" of the past and the "Black bourgeois" of the present were and are our greatest threat.

Their entire existence is predicated upon white superiority and they will lie, steal, and kill, to keep their place in the system of Racism.

- "We are past kneeling"...

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