Black Culture Discussion Thread

Yea and they put their little Black Loves Matter flags in their yards.

A few years later it was the Ukraine Flags.

Then the "Love is Love, Science is Real" Flags.

Ain't giving those folks no damn pats on the back.
They also marched against COVID and have "Don't Tread On Me" signs in their yards. These people stand for nothing
I guess thinking she needs to do better is based on me viewing the world from a White Man's lense.

Or is it simply a man feeling he has the right to Police a woman's clothing?

Which one is it?


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Some may expect him to get something 10 or 20x the price of that. When he doesn’t, it “sparks conversation.” Crazy….
Yea and they put their little Black Loves Matter flags in their yards.

A few years later it was the Ukraine Flags.

Then the "Love is Love, Science is Real" Flags.

Ain't giving those folks no damn pats on the back.
History has a habit of repeating itself.

Behind the scenes, these wars are started to jump start western economies.

Great depression lead to WWII to get out of the economic slump

War in Ukraine and Israeli occupation followed by other imminent wars after COVID shut downs and printing of money to "correct" the economy to pre COVID levels
Asians discovered gun powder*

both statements could technically be true, china was likely 1st known to use it but the europeans use (& their discovery of its existence) of it prolly impacted many more lives due to the consolidation & particularly insular nature of china & in contrast w/the competition, exploration/‘manifest destiny’ of many european countries
If you have money and/or influence, autocrats will let you collect misdemeanors/offenses with no impunity until they can use your wrongdoings to support their messaging.

I'm sure it was known she smoked and that she was gay. I wouldn't be surprised if she was targeted when it became convenient for Putin to do so.

Be careful with your phone, be careful with what you say and do because anything can get you in trouble.

Was this her fault or are we putting it on someone else?

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