Black Culture Discussion Thread

So how are they going to 'develop proprietary technology' if they aren't in the field or majoring in those subjects?

My point was that instead majoring in BS degree programs like businesses administration and sociology, major in something that you can give you a skill and make you competitive.

After that blacks can set up dev boot camps or other programs like that to our youth because we sure as hell knows they won't be getting any exposure to that in school.
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So how are they going to 'develop proprietary technology' if they aren't in the field or majoring in those subjects?

My point was that instead majoring in BS degree programs like businesses administration and sociology, major in something that you can give you a skill and make you competitive.

After that blacks can set up dev boot camps or other programs like that to our youth because we sure as hell knows they won't be getting any exposure to that in school.

The man that invents, does so out of necessity, not training.

Western style rote academia does not encourage innovation.

It's design to churn out more of the same thing.

A person good at following directions/ order.
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Yea no real problem with gays, but I can't pretend that I'm comfortable with how it's being pushed to "stop" homophobia. I remember once going to my sisters and seeing my nephew parading around in a dress, wig, and heels because somebody funny on Disney channel was doing it, I gave my sister a look and high eyebrows but she just told me to stop being homophobic and he keeps on doing it. She doesn't let me rough him up or get on his case when he starts acting soft or real feminine and it really kills me how petulant she lets him be, especially cause she's a single mother. I'm a firm believer that the homosexual agenda just doesn't belong in some places, it's becoming more about endorsing homosexual behavior than homosexual people who are supposedly just born different... cause really I respect you but I really don't want to see it or have it shoved in my kids face

go wrestle/play fight with him seriously...
Repped wr wr .

And personally, my opinion on the gay thing is I don't believe one can be born gay because I feel that God would have made it possible for two people of the same sex to procreate. Not even everybody of the same sex being able to, but at minimum TWO people. But as we all know, two people of the same sex in the history of mankind have never been able to do it. So that simply tells me it's not of God's intent. Hypothetically speaking, if two people of the same sex were the only two left on this planet the human species would die.

Then I also feel that when it all boils down to it, it simply hurts our "community" of black people here and everywhere else including Africa, Carribean, etc. We're a very spiritual people and no matter how you look at it, it weakens the black male (I forgot the word involving feminization or something). Takes strength away, and truly even that aspect of individuality isn't really a "luxury" that can be afforded.
go wrestle/play fight with him seriously...
 I wished that is was that simple, I slap him around most of the time but his mother really coddles him.

He knows that **** don't slide when he's with me and his moms not around tho
Repped @Wr.

Hypothetically speaking, if two people of the same sex were the only two left on this planet the human species would die.

This is what I hinted on about the sacred nature of sex being forgotten.

Once it's drilled in your head that it's just a moment of pleasure shared between people...the idea of procreation and new life is lost.

Hell...all these ****** spending hours on ******* fapping all day have no clue of the negative effect it has on their psyche.

Sexual activity is NOT about getting your rocks off.
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Repped wr wr .

And personally, my opinion on the gay thing is I don't believe one can be born gay because I feel that God would have made it possible for two people of the same sex to procreate. Not even everybody of the same sex being able to, but at minimum TWO people. But as we all know, two people of the same sex in the history of mankind have never been able to do it. So that simply tells me it's not of God's intent. Hypothetically speaking, if two people of the same sex were the only two left on this planet the human species would die.

Then I also feel that when it all boils down to it, it simply hurts our "community" of black people here and everywhere else including Africa, Carribean, etc. We're a very spiritual people and no matter how you look at it, it weakens the black male (I forgot the word involving feminization or something). Takes strength away, and truly even that aspect of individuality isn't really a "luxury" that can be afforded.

Was it gods intent to create kids with down syndrome or other disabilities?
Was it gods intent to create kids with down syndrome or other disabilities?
Totally off topic & a left field comment.....That's like paying attention to the pictures on the wall when there's a ELEPHANT in the room...We are discussing How we feel about Homosexuality in the black community not kids with special needs...
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Totally off topic & a left field comment.....That's like paying attention to the pictures on the wall when there's a ELEPHANT in the room...We are discussing How we feel about Homosexuality in the black community not kids with special needs...

How is it off topic? he said he doesnt feel like homosexuality wasnt gods intent based of being able to reproduce so what does that say about kids born with disabilities?

Was it gods intent or not're inadvertently saying that homosexuality is a disability. still wanna play that card?
Yea no real problem with gays, but I can't pretend that I'm comfortable with how it's being pushed to "stop" homophobia.

See this whole thing w/ stop homophobia, stop domestic violence, All lives matter is only because these things affect whites as well as other races. Sickle Cell is a "black" disease and yet there are no major pushes for donations, cures, etc. because it doesn't affect whites.

Until whites were getting killed by police or severely assaulted and brought to the media's attention at a time where police brutality was under a microscope, nobody cared. It's almost like whites are attention seeking when it makes them look like the victims in society. Not saying all whites, but if u step back and look....

The whole push to stop police brutality and cops killing civilians wouldn't be getting the push it's been receiving w/o the whole #AllLivesMatter campaign. So I say, use it.
Homosexuality is a symptom of civilization automating life and attempting to out wit nature.

We are well aware that society's laws are oppose to natural laws.

Society affords man alternatives to the chaos of living under natures laws.

Homosexuality being on of them.

I feel it is a symptom of man's laws.
It's also a scientific fact that people are born with down syndrome.

Isn't that the example YOU just used?

So how you get that with me trying to say homosexuality is a disability just because they were born that way?

Im just asking are children born with disabilities not gods intent if they were born like that since he said not being able to reproduce wasnt gods intent
I actually got his goofy *** blocked. I still get suckered into entertaining some of his ******** whenever I see it quoted.

I gotta do a better job ignoring that lame.
For people to not care about what they do, people sho do have strong feelings about them. Gay people aren't that big of a deal, and I don't believe in a "gay agenda." ...  The rights and acceptance they're getting now isn't too much different than the marijuana issue. The fact is that people's opinion on **** changes. They're accepted more and that's why they're being talked about so much.
I don't see how you can support civil rights for Black people and be against homosexuals having the same rights without prejudice. It's extremely hypocritical. Regardless of what you believe, if you don't support equal rights for ALL, then I can't respect it. Especially when in a religion is brought into the discussion (in a nation founded on religious freedom). Yes, per the Bible, homosexuality is a sin, but the good Word also teaches us that let he that is without sin cast the first stone.
I don't see how you can support civil rights for Black people and be against homosexuals having the same rights without prejudice. It's extremely hypocritical. Regardless of what you believe, if you don't support equal rights for ALL, then I can't respect it. Especially when in a religion is brought into the discussion (in a nation founded on religious freedom). Yes, per the Bible, homosexuality is a sin, but the good Word also teaches us that let he that is without sin cast the first stone.
The thing is, being black and being gay aren't equivalent.  For one thing gay people can hide that they are gay.  If you're black you can't hide that under any circumstances. 

And for two...there hasn't existed a system designed to keep gays economically and politically disenfranchised...nor is there a system purposely putting gays in jail en masse for profit.   

Gays aren't looking out for blacks, they just have criticism for us like every other group.  The truth is, they don't speak out for us so why should we cape for them?  I don't hate gays but their battles aren't mine to fight.
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I don't see how you can support civil rights for Black people and be against homosexuals having the same rights without prejudice. It's extremely hypocritical. Regardless of what you believe, if you don't support equal rights for ALL, then I can't respect it. Especially when in a religion is brought into the discussion (in a nation founded on religious freedom). Yes, per the Bible, homosexuality is a sin, but the good Word also teaches us that let he that is without sin cast the first stone.
Homosexual rights don't have **** to do with someone's perception of homosexuality itself.

It's a completely different argument.
I don't see how you can support civil rights for Black people and be against homosexuals having the same rights without prejudice. It's extremely hypocritical. Regardless of what you believe, if you don't support equal rights for ALL, then I can't respect it. Especially when in a religion is brought into the discussion (in a nation founded on religious freedom). Yes, per the Bible, homosexuality is a sin, but the good Word also teaches us that let he that is without sin cast the first stone.

What does one have to do with the other? Blacks struggle against systematic white supremacy or "civil rights" that effects us in nearly every aspect of our lives (education, economics, public policy, healthcare, the judicial system, employment etc.) While gay people are banned from.... being legally married??? I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing the correlation.

That's like saying since I have terminal cancer I should be able to sympathize with someone who has a cold because I know what it's like to be sick. :rolleyes .
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What does one have to do with the other? Blacks struggle against systematic white supremacy or "civil rights" that effects us in nearly every aspect of our lives (education, economics, public policy, healthcare, the judicial system, employment etc.) While gay people are banned from.... being legally married??? I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing the correlation.

That's like saying since I have terminal cancer I should be able to sympathize with someone who has a cold because I know what it's like to be sick.
It's extremely disrespectful.

You're comparing the plight of a people that weren't considered HUMAN at one another were PLENTY of it's prominent members hold RANK in the corporate world and have the power to move and shake industries.
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