Black Culture Discussion Thread

I didn't mean it as you were homo phobic... I just mean it as if it were a man and a women swapping spit, you wouldn't have the same feeling... It's much more the visual of it than the actual act...

And that's my point on races separating themselves from others... You may not find anything wrong with another races, but your natural feelings make you feel like comfertable around your own race.. And at the same time, although you hold no ill will, aspects of they're lives/culture may not vibe with you...
View media item 1335368I think it's very lame & disrespectful to any AFRICA AMERICAN to compare HOMOSEXUALS RIGHTS to THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT....1st off what are they fighting for??? cause the only thing i heard them crying over is the rights to be married...They are not being lynched, police are not beating them or killing them, they definitely are not being kept from getting good jobs,they can go anywhere I don't see vending machines with "STRAIGHT ONLY" on them, They are not being segregate etc...nothing no REAL ISSUSES just minor stuff "O THEIR USING GAY SLURS" gimme a break man people get teased & picked on if their are not homosexual don't matter thats just life that's kiddy issh....The Homosexual community can come & go as they please get good jobs mean while The BLACK COMMUNITY still dealing with housing discrimination, job discrimination, negative media, etc....They make up special terms for Homosexuals like HOMOPHOBIC why nobody wanna speak on the phobia the WHITE COMMUNITY has for the BLACK MAN?? Cause their is clearly one there as I said before as a straight BLACK MAN I ain't marching, arguing, or debating about HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS why?? because MY PEOPLE we ain't got justice or equality yet so I could careless about what they are going through....
I didn't mean it as you were homo phobic... I just mean it as if it were a man and a women swapping spit, you wouldn't have the same feeling... It's much more the visual of it than the actual act...

And that's my point on races separating themselves from others... You may not find anything wrong with another races, but your natural feelings make you feel like comfertable around your own race.. And at the same time, although you hold no ill will, aspects of they're lives/culture may not vibe with you...

No doubt... agree 100% but de facto segregation isn't any excuse for racism that most could be ok with, that I could be ok with either.

The reality of it is that most can't help that it is the culture that they were brought up in and I understand that but by no means do I tolerate it

Someway, somehow, some ignorant folk are victims for the lack of empathy for other races/subcultures in their environment but... a duck is a duck

My sympathy for how they are raised or the environment they're raised in is very minimal and even then I'm lying, there's just no room for it

And I know that isn't particularly what you were talking about but that's how simple one can be the other
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i think the corporate world is VERY accepting a gay black male..

a good looking, physically imposing, smart black man that doesnt come off as distancing himself from his culture... it rustles some of these execs jimmies...

and this is straight from an exec's mouth (not black, but not white, but identifies w/ white culture)

gay black men are less threatening.


Especially if this corporate environment is full of white women. The less threatening you are as a black male the more accepting they are of you. Look at Don Lemon's success even though he's a craptastic reporter.
By the way, since we're kinda on the topic anyways what's really good with the uptick of Tran_____s in the black community? I live near DC and you damn near have to gender check any black "woman" that's over 5'7 now. It's a damn shame.
So how are they going to 'develop proprietary technology' if they aren't in the field or majoring in those subjects?

My point was that instead majoring in BS degree programs like businesses administration and sociology, major in something that you can give you a skill and make you competitive.

After that blacks can set up dev boot camps or other programs like that to our youth because we sure as hell knows they won't be getting any exposure to that in school.

seriously, this...while things like education are noble pursuits; they aren't exactly at the high end of the pay scale. while choosing a profession based on money is probably not the best way to fulfillment/happiness nor the be all end all but better to baalnce a path that you enjoy & will pay well...

So how are they going to 'develop proprietary technology' if they aren't in the field or majoring in those subjects?

My point was that instead majoring in BS degree programs like businesses administration and sociology, major in something that you can give you a skill and make you competitive.

After that blacks can set up dev boot camps or other programs like that to our youth because we sure as hell knows they won't be getting any exposure to that in school.

The man that invents, does so out of necessity, not training.

Western style rote academia does not encourage innovation.

It's design to churn out more of the same thing.

A person good at following directions/ order.

one, if you were to name the maybe the top 5-10 inventions of human history, i'm not sure any of them would have come to be out of necessity. to the contrary, many of the most important things have come to be from divergent thinking, looking at things differently...necessity has a way of focusing/narrowing the mind that isn't always conducive to being open to new ideas...

if you don't think western style education encourages innovation, which does?

I don't see how you can support civil rights for Black people and be against homosexuals having the same rights without prejudice. It's extremely hypocritical. Regardless of what you believe, if you don't support equal rights for ALL, then I can't respect it. Especially when in a religion is brought into the discussion (in a nation founded on religious freedom). Yes, per the Bible, homosexuality is a sin, but the good Word also teaches us that let he that is without sin cast the first stone.

What does one have to do with the other? Blacks struggle against systematic white supremacy or "civil rights" that effects us in nearly every aspect of our lives (education, economics, public policy, healthcare, the judicial system, employment etc.) While gay people are banned from.... being legally married??? I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing the correlation.

That's like saying since I have terminal cancer I should be able to sympathize with someone who has a cold because I know what it's like to be sick. :rolleyes .

people's biases are showing, y'all are thinking about it waaay too hard, both are groups being denied rights, it's really that simple. it isn't the same & shouldn't be made to be, those that go out of their way to compare the two probably do a great disservice to being heard; but it is worrying that people can't see the parallels...

for the record, that analogy is some type of terrible, because that is exactly the point (it wouldn't surprise me if more people actually die of the common cold/flu, than cancer yearly) both things are illnesses, different in magnitude & seriousness but you would imagine people being able sympathize with each others affliction because while not experiencing the same specific thing each knows the feeling of being sick...and it is hypocritical to not want the same rights for others (be it gays, hispanics, immigrants, women, etc.) what you'd want for you & yours; i'm not religious but i generally for most civil situations (lituations, however are totally different) the golden rule is a good guide...
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Education does not inspire innovation imo.

The desire to make something better.

I think what you are getting at, is the environment for creation which would be the university or or science environment.

i def agree with the divergent idea.

Going to school, conforming and following rules is not divergent. behavior.

We don't have guilds and places where people get together for creative spaces.

It does seem like society is trying to react with the emergence of maker spaces, and open source collaboration.

How Stuart Scott taught ESPN that black culture matters
Education does not inspire innovation imo.

The desire to make something better.

I think what you are getting at, is the environment for creation which would be the university or or science environment.

i def agree with the divergent idea.

Going to school, conforming and following rules is not divergent. behavior.

We don't have guilds and places where people get together for creative spaces.

It does seem like society is trying to react with the emergence of maker spaces, and open source collaboration.

i don't know if i would say that education inspires innovation, especially as currently practiced, however ideally it would enable people with tools to be innovative, to the extent that any society can function conformity is going to exist...everyone out for self is anarchy, no?

generally environments that encourage creativity aren't necessarily ones where things are done out of necessity because in such in environment failure tends to have bigger consequences, and if you're afraid to fail you probably are less likely to try things...

the whole idea of apprenticeships/guilds/trades is to learn from experienced people, but in this era of automation & information technology it may be even less likely to be lucrative to spend time learning without pay. partly the issue is education especially high school & below was basically to impart a certain level of knowledge/preparedness for a certain type of society, now that knowledge is easily accessible and our society is probably changing quicker than people can keep up (there are a lot of people who spent so much time thinking about crime, race, & the gays, that they didn't notice or maybe didn't think important to their way of life; thats why you have coal miners in west virginia still talking about protecting coal mining jobs today-not that i know that west virginia in particular had those issues) and on the other end the cost of higher education (even in k-12 now) is becoming prohibitively expensive...
i don't know if i would say that education inspires innovation, especially as currently practiced, however ideally it would enable people with tools to be innovative, to the extent that any society can function conformity is going to exist...everyone out for self is anarchy, no?

generally environments that encourage creativity aren't necessarily ones where things are done out of necessity because in such in environment failure tends to have bigger consequences, and if you're afraid to fail you probably are less likely to try things...

the whole idea of apprenticeships/guilds/trades is to learn from experienced people, but in this era of automation & information technology it may be even less likely to be lucrative to spend time learning without pay. partly the issue is education especially high school & below was basically to impart a certain level of knowledge/preparedness for a certain type of society, now that knowledge is easily accessible and our society is probably changing quicker than people can keep up (there are a lot of people who spent so much time thinking about crime, race, & the gays, that they didn't notice or maybe didn't think important to their way of life; thats why you have coal miners in west virginia still talking about protecting coal mining jobs today-not that i know that west virginia in particular had those issues) and on the other end the cost of higher education (even in k-12 now) is becoming prohibitively expensive...

I agree with your points.

We live in a society where failure is shunned. American Exceptionalism. We say things like Failure is not an option etc. But it is through failing and trying that innovation occurs. Accidental discoveries.

But we live in such strict times that people are more concerned with cost effectiveness of experiments rather than creating something totally ground breaking.

I often hear these things referred to as disruptive innovation. Something that totally changes the market place and other industries around it.

Like what the microwave did to the kitchen.

I honestly think we all need to step back and have a real discussion about the changes we are dealing with and the ever increasing speed at which we are dealing with them.

You got folks holding up the economy to protect the detrimental business systems.

This is what I hinted on about the sacred nature of sex being forgotten.

Once it's drilled in your head that it's just a moment of pleasure shared between people...the idea of procreation and new life is lost.

Hell...all these ****** spending hours on ******* fapping all day have no clue of the negative effect it has on their psyche.

Sexual activity is NOT about getting your rocks off.
Hence why people are shocked about getting pregnant. Umm yeah that's what happens.

Sex is one of the biggest forms of market deception and is sold as pleasure only.

We've all been lied to about sex
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I agree with your points.

We live in a society where failure is shunned. American Exceptionalism. We say things like Failure is not an option etc. But it is through failing and trying that innovation occurs. Accidental discoveries.

But we live in such strict times that people are more concerned with cost effectiveness of experiments rather than creating something totally ground breaking.

I often hear these things referred to as disruptive innovation. Something that totally changes the market place and other industries around it.

Like what the microwave did to the kitchen.

I honestly think we all need to step back and have a real discussion about the changes we are dealing with and the ever increasing speed at which we are dealing with them.

You got folks holding up the economy to protect the detrimental business systems.

to some extent protectionism is understandable, think about share ride services like zipcar & uber both 'disruptive' but one is squarely within the rules of its business model of rental cars (zipcars are insured & require a driver's license) the other goes explicitly around the rules (for whatever background checks uber does, it allows people to circumvent limousine & taxi licenses) of its model. to me the zipcar model seems like a legit 'innovation' whereas the uber model is more like a clever workaround that effectively penalizes people who have to invested to meet regulations.

it may be that both these ways of doing business are disruptive, but one definitely seems more unfair than the other (if you needed any proof of how bad the economy is for some people, what would be a better example than uber & arbnb?) and sets a bad precedent for what is to come...
gays need to learn that comparing their struggle to the african american struggle will never get them any sort of support.
I just wanna know who dude really is...dude kept this acct on ice for a couple years  
Internet white supremacists are so insecure they make new accounts pretending to be black and agree with their real account. Imagine that.
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The topic of Moors is by far the most confusing aspect of history I've dealt with so far.
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